The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 180 - Before All Feeds are Gone

The mangled bodies didn't care about Hop. They just dashed to attack, and Qiao Shan retreated as Hop charged towards it. Her exorcism skills might not be as strong as Li Feng, but her poke attacks were enough to distract most ghosts. Hop was clearly not the match of this King, and that's why she needed to participate in the fight.

However, Mo Xingli started to laugh out. The mangled bodies… separated into eight pieces! The four bodies divided into halves, and they continued their assault on Hop while a pair of lower halves went after Qiao Shan. The feet turned into claws, and the area between the legs turned into a wide mouth. Eyes also began to open on the t.h.i.g.hs. Qiao Shan was shocked; no wonder it was so confident!

"Bring her severed head to me!" Mo Xingli laughed out as she stomped at the dead bodies. "Eat the body! Bring the head to me!"

"Hop!" Qiao Shan cried out as she was being overwhelmed by the two lower halves. However, she knew that Hop was also having a hard time fending off the six halves attacking her. Even if Hop could turn into a corrosive mist, the targets moved too fast for her to corrode in a short while.

Bang! Qiao was hit by the foot. She crashed to the floor and g.r.o.a.n.e.d at the pain of the blow. When she looked up, one of the lower halves jumped at her, the mouth spreading open to take a bite. Her mouth almost called out Li Feng's name when a rather huge shadow came from the side. A huge mouth chomped down at the landing lower half, and another bit the un-bitten side.

Mo Xingli twitched as one of the halves was caught by something—more when it was torn apart in their joint motion. Rip! The lower half tore at where the bigger ghost's teeth had sunk in. Those things were just greater ghosts! How could they harm one of the halves?! Mo Xingli growled like a monster. "Kill them!"

"What the—?" Qiao Shan saw the two entities that came out of nowhere. One was a huge black thing with a huge one eye, and the other was a big-headed humanoid one. The bigger ghost swallowed the half and gulped down while the big-head vomited blood on his share and corroded the flesh for him to feed on. "You can't be—"

'Greater ghosts had the audacity to attack a King?!' The princess was shocked. There's no way this could happen!

The halves ignored Hop and dashed towards Qiao Shan. The princess looked up at the swarming parts of the mangled King. However, from behind her came two huge arms that slammed down. The halves retreated when two of them were squashed flat. A breath blew from behind Qiao Shan, but she couldn't turn around because a pair of legs descended on her sides.

"You! You all wanted to get eaten!" Mo Xingli growled and ordered the halves, but she suddenly twitched at a feeling. She recalled the mangled King and reformed it to its incomplete parts. Hiding underneath the King, she then started to cry. "No! No! Don't kill me please!"

"Why all of a sudden?" Qiao Shan frowned, but she soon detected a very powerful King incoming. Hop flew to her side. The two greater ghosts finished their food quickly and hid behind the legs. It didn't take Qiao Shan a minute to see the emerging black flood… and the bodies along with it. "Abbadon?"

Within that black flood that blocked the whole corridor were eyes that glared at Qiao Shan. However, the woman had a feeling that the King was actually glaring past her body. The King then laughed out. "So… weren't you summoned as well? Take a look at this. One of the feeds is killing her kind. Such audacity… did you come to eat her up, too? Or are you after her companion… Xiaodan?"

Qiao Shan twitched and then turned behind her. The curled woman King was behind her, but the eyes were closed. It didn't feel like anything close to the child's power, but Qiao Shan had also heard of something important: Liu Xiaodan had killed this King named Asana before! Could it be that he could make use of the remains of the ghosts he had killed before?

"Nah, his target is someone else!" A voice echoed, and it was unfamiliar to everyone around. When Qiao Shan turned to the side, she saw a rather pretty purple-eyed male leaning on Asana's leg. He then continued: "But someone troublesome appeared. No one would say no to a King as a free meal, right? Even a King like you won't let it pass by—what more of us weaker things?"

"I don't care who you are, but since you're trying to snatch my food, I will fight you!" Abbadon laughed out. "Xiaodan, you won't escape me this time!"

The black flood surged, but the human-looking greater ghost just grabbed Qiao Shan away. Hop and the curled woman flew towards the black flood while Mo Xingli quickly rode her King and escaped.

That was the last they had seen. After that, cameras ended up getting destroyed by the surge of electric charges caused by the clash of Kings. Even if the readings continued to shoot up, they had no idea who was doing what. Song Qixi gritted his teeth as he found it vital to gauge the power of the spawned King against a real one. However, there was nothing to be done. They just needed to get better cameras.

Their deep thoughts were then interrupted by the director's laughter. Director Sun laughed out in satisfaction. "It's true! It's true! This batch is indeed worth my time. After this test, I might have to trouble Mr. Wu to find ways for our cameras to withstand them. I don't want to miss more amazing moments of this project." He then stroked at his beard. "Dr. Fan, proceed with three for Red Justice. I want that to finish before all the feeds are gone."

"Noted, director." She then took out her phone to send messages to her team. 

Tang Zhenluo only glanced at Fan Meiling before bringing his gaze back to Ruan Jin's spot. It also seemed that his companion was attracted by the showdown, but it didn't take Ruan Jin any closer to it. Moreover, the pulses of their clash had shaken everything else in the Treatment Hall. Multiple paddocks were getting activities as if they were afraid. The doctor's brows only furrowed.


Without getting to know the conclusion, the three-hour allotment had ended. The participants were receiving directions as to how they could exit the building. Ruan Jin and the sickly girl were able to kill their targets easily with Ye Ling, but the male wondered why Qiao Shan didn't come out by then. His hand balled into a fist and went to approach the supervisor.

"Ms. Qiao, you're collecting the dead later, right? I just want to know if my friend is one of them," Ruan Jin spoke, trying to get answers without causing trouble.

"Don't worry. We'll release a list after an hour." The supervisor could only smile down before attending to her tablet again.

Ruan Jin's eyes squinted. 'Why does this supervisor feel like she has dual personalities?'

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