The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 190 - Project Hades Phase 2


Li Feng narrowed his eyes. "Monster? I might have not seen Liu Xiaodan yet, but I've spoken to him a few times before even after he had been sent here. If your idea of a monster is someone who still had the heart to help those in need despite how society and his roots had failed him, then what should I call the people sending humans to a slaughter box filled with killer ghosts to feed on them? Tell me. I will listen to you.

"Liu Xiaodan did have terrifying abilities now, but he didn't get those all by himself. If he wasn't repeatedly pushed to depend on an ancient demon, he wouldn't even become half of what he is now." Li Feng hissed to exhale, but he didn't calm himself down as much. "Put him in a less violent and life-threatening scenery, and he wouldn't even dare to hurt anyone on his own volition.

"To answer your question, yes… I do have an idea what kind of monster Liu Xiaodan chose to become in a place where he could be killed at any moment. I know what kind of monster he chose to be so he wouldn't die and fail to protect people outside his physical reach." Li Feng paused before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I will take into account… the people that he could have killed, but those deaths were never on him…

"If only Cherry Medical didn't d.e.s.i.r.e to take control of him or the power of the ancient demon, your comrades wouldn't be in the position to fight against him, resulting in multiple deaths… just because he was protecting himself using a power that couldn't be less cruel." Li Feng narrowed his eyes at the soldier. 

Clapping. Li Feng twitched when he heard clapping coming from behind him. When he turned, Fan Meiling actually walked inside the room. She wore a smile on her lips, but the way her eyes curve was murderous. "I see. It seemed like, even if the Mian family regards Liu Xiaodan as an abomination, you still regard him as something a bit human. What an interesting point of view."

"...abomination…?" Li Feng only echoed.

She held out her hand even if he was cuffed behind him. "I'm Dr. Fan Meiling, supervisor of Project Red Justice and Project Hades phase 2. I'm one of those, well, questionable things that would send humans to a slaughter… you know what I mean." She then sat on the edge of the table nearby Mian Qingtao as if pressuring him by putting him in both their line of sight. "Welcome to Cherry Medical, Li Feng, prince of the Mian and Li families.

"I heard that you were busy asking around about the projects before you ended up exorcising the swaddled baby. It's funny because that entity isn't even supposed to be in the Lodging Hall." Fan Meiling crossed her legs and checked her tablet. "It was first reported latching on a patient named Chen Anna. In her entire stay, the swaddled baby haunted her and fed on her fear. She used to be an orderly in the NICU—guess her story.

"Then, Liu Xiaodan came along and challenged the ghost. Strangely, even if he was relatively weaker and less experienced, he managed to harm the swaddled baby into hiding." She then chuckled. "Now, it just waltzed towards you and almost got exorcised. How does it feel to almost finish what Liu Xiaodan started?"

Li Feng eyed the woman and couldn't help but get disappointed. Of course, he knew who Dr. Fan was. She was an A-grade visionary from the facility and one that was rather careful with her people. At least, that was how it appeared to be… by the way Liu Xiaodan framed her efforts for the Project Stimulus that was shown to a lot more scientists, enthusiasts, and film students.

For her to be like this? It was nothing but disappointing. 

However, Li Feng picked up himself and put up defenses. He refused to answer her question while just eyeing her viciously. "Why go through the effort of legitimatizing Red Scales if we're just going to be fed to those Kings?"

"Because the Ren family and the Li family took notice of my little asylum and forced a small-time blogger to choke up passes for them." Fan Meiling dropped her act and got off of the table. Even if she wanted to try out Qiao Yun's intimidation techniques, she couldn't bother pretending anymore. Besides, her test subject was not a normal man who would salivate at the view of an office lady's t.h.i.g.hs.

She then got to her feet and stood at the other side of the table, arms crossing under her bust. "You and your friends… especially Liu Xiaodan… are causing a lot of trouble. Lucky for me, the two girls were more considerate of their goals and wouldn't mind behaving. As for you, I'm still thinking about what to do with you. I don't believe that Li Heilong would spare me even if Cherry Medical falls apart under his feet."

Li Feng's eyes widened before gritting his teeth. "What did you do to Qiao Shan?"

Fan Meiling was shocked a little. This man was asking about Qiao Shan instead of his supposedly closer friends? No matter. "Don't worry about Qiao Shan. She had long agreed to the terms of Red Justice. She just didn't realize that she wouldn't be doing so with her chosen King. Hop had been eaten by that girl with a rather hideous King. Even Liu Xiaodan couldn't find her in the Treatment Hall that easily."

"Is that why you closed it down today? Because Liu Xiaodan is hunting this Mo Xingli?" Li Feng remembered that they indeed said that they needed to deal with Mo Xingli. However, it seemed that they were having a hard time with it. It's just that… thinking about it now and staring at Li Feng sparked an idea… in both of their heads.

Li Feng was the first to react. He pressed his lips in a thin line before Fan Meiling smiled. She then walked around the table and used a hand to stroke Li Feng's head. She whispered in a low voice, her lips not even curling in a smile: "I think you just gave me the answer as to what I can do to you. Since Liu Xiaodan's friends are all helping out in Project Hades phase 2, maybe you should join them..."

"Are we all feeds to the Kings, forcing Liu Xiaodan to fight them?" Li Feng growled, bothered by the fact that Chuan Nayi and Ruan Jin had been missing since last night probably. "Are they still alive?"

"The girlfriend is pretty healthy. Can't say much about that boy Sergeant Song tampered with." Fan Meiling slid her hand down to Li Feng's shoulder. "Try to outlive them."

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