The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 192 - Powerful People

"Chee!" Chu Youlan ended up sneezing as if something suddenly got to her nose. She then rubbed her nose and wondered if she should take anti-flu medicine by now. She had been working long hours and going from the prison and the facility without the time to sleep. Right now, she was removing her usual make-up to get into the Qiao Yun personality. She really had no idea why Song Qixi dragged her into this.

"Ahhh… my head is spinning." Chu Youlan then stared at her sickly reflection in the mirror. Her hair was tied in an ugly bun while the fringe was held down by a headband to keep her hair out. She had removed her shirt and her skirt as if freeing her skin from the clothes that she had been wearing for the last fifteen hours. More importantly, her foot… was it even ready to go around in five inches again during the 'Qiao Yun' shift?

Just thinking about it made her drop to the floor and sit with her ankles crossed. She then hunched down and stared at her stomach rolls. "Ah, I've been shoving food down my throat these days, and only that waist trimmer saves the integrity of Qiao Yun's s.e.xy figure. Sergeant Song, why am I even here?"

"Well, you did agree to help." Song Qixi actually entered the shared studio apartment quietly, but he grew a little worried when he saw Chu Youlan on the bathroom floor. Since she was conscious, he didn't really need to rush to her side. It's just that…

"Aiyah, Boss! Go out for a minute! This is very unflattering!" Chu Youlan wrapped her arms around her c.h.e.s.t as if hiding the fact that her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r was mismatched. 

Song Qixi only hid a smile behind his knuckle before looking away and facing a different direction. "Get ready, we're watching Phase 2 in a bit. It might get ugly… we're releasing the Kings one by one." 

Silence. Chu Youlan actually fell silent as she internally flared her nose at this overly-ins.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e immediate supervisor of hers. Not only did he not go out upon seeing that she needed the place to herself and straight out talked about work, but he was also even changing in front of her. She got it… that this man was a bachelor and one of those young masters who had too much money. However…

Couldn't he be more conscious of a poor woman's feelings?

"Boss, why are you changing where I can see you? Are you just rubbing it to my face that you're very hot while I'm just a dung ball of ugly?" Chu Youlan sobbed as she got up from the floor. There was no point in crying out to this no-heart man. However, she caught him clicked his tongue in a hiss. 

"What's wrong with liking the ugly? I'd rather die than romance those conniving bitches who only want more money. Moreover, you're not ugly, Youlan." Song Qixi glared at the woman. "You've already done so many fierce-woman looks for me, and you still think you're that ugly? You just don't take the time to fix yourself."

"Are you seriously saying 'I like you' and 'You suck' to my face like in the same five minutes?" Chu Youlan complained, but she was not even trying to compete against Song Qixi's glare. This man, he's very confusing.

Song Qixi realized what he just said before sighing and turning away again. "Nevermind. Let's just get to the facility as soon as possible."

The woman walked behind him and collected the make-up in a drawer almost next to his cabinet. "Boss, you're not really a bad person, right? I mean, why are you even forcing people to die? Those participants… they're not just numbers on a paper or faces in a report. They're all actual people..."

A glance came from Song Qixi. "Why are we talking about this now?"

"Because you're in a hurry to see Phase 2 like you can't wait for that Xiaodan guy to kill off things. It makes me wonder whether you're just a sadist who wants the show… or you're working on some big social reform plan… I don't know." Chu Youlan shrugged her shoulders. "I just thought all of this scheming is not out of nowhere..."

"Heh, I'm not a sadist. I find blood and violence disgusting, but I tend to ignore that for a few things." Song Qixi only chuckled, but he did so like he was a deranged man. "I'm just a very… vindictive man..."

He then turned to Chu Youlan's back, the woman shuddering at his gaze. His hand then reached out, trailed down her spine, and unclasped the bra clutch he could see. "Say, Youlan… you don't like me rushing to get to the facility? Why? Do you need something from me?"

The clock continued to tick, but Wu Qianqian was still sitting before Mian Bingbing's vanity table. She was using Mian Bingbing's room in the Mian Residence under the owner's insistence. Moreover, half of it was because of this sudden midday charity ball that the Li family decided to host. Perhaps Wu Qianqian didn't understand, but it was mainly because of the opposing families' attempts to destabilize the Li family businesses.

Perhaps it was Li Xin's efforts that could be blamed for the fanned flames of the rumor that Mian Bingbing and Li Heilong were officially divorcing. The companies under them were taking a hit, and it would have been too late if Mian Bingbing didn't act now. The PR department could barely hold the investors from running away, but they were appeased by the official statement of the couple.

There was no divorce, and it was a rather baseless accusation. Li Heilong, who was still suffering from his wound, would have to pretend that he was unhurt—which he was pretty used to. The wife would also have to hide her apprehension from the seeping news that Li Feng was actually missing… again.

Even if Li Yunru tried to control the situation, the Li and Mian families were still finding ways to attract Jiang Yanyu's attention and make her walk to her own kidnapping.

"I'm never used to this..." Wu Qianqian might be a family princess herself, but she was as evasive as Liu Li was to these kinds of activities. The only reason why she felt like going was that they were meeting Jiang Yanyu. It was practically a parent's meet but without their children. 

Moreover, Wu Qianqian didn't want the Qiao family to have her son so perhaps… she needed powerful people to see that the young master of the Wu family was not interested…

Not interested in high society, the Qiao family… or even the whole idea of recognizing the Wu family as his own…

"Xiao Qian, I'm going inside." Liu Li knocked and walked inside the room, soon seeing his wife in her attempt to look pretty through make-up.

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