The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 214 - Expendable Assets

"Hmph, try not to die. You haven't given me a reason to attend your funeral yet." Li Heilong's eyes, however, quivered at the thought of the news. That meant it would be very dangerous for his son, right? "Did you find Feng? He's supposed to be there as well. You last said he was in some kind of trouble."

"Haven't checked up on him again, but he's with Liu Xiaodan now so we should be relaxed for a while. Wish me luck in surviving this." Jiu Yuanli laughed out, but Li Heilong only hummed. 

The call ended, and the doctor actually sighed. The sirens were so loud that he was surprised Li Heilong could even hear him. He decided to stay in the Rooms Hall as well since he just put up protective formation against Kings. Moreover, wasn't this like the plan they decided to go with? Besides, the ambush group had probably started with damaging the formation since the sirens were blaring.

He just went back to the third floor where he was assigned to. Upon finding a vacant room to stay in, Jiu Yuanli twitched. "Hm. I forgot to ask him why he has a child operative. Isn't that against the law? Even if he's the greatest man alive, he should have a bottom line in recruiting people. A six-year-old of all people?"

Peet! Peet! The watch made strange noises, and Jiu Yuanli checked the screen of the pager hidden under the watch's face. It was from the ambush group, and the message looked so strange. The maze formation… collapsed on its own? They didn't have the chance to do anything. However, they're proceeding with the next phase.

"That's wrong… then who broke it?" Jiu Yuanli hummed before shrugging his shoulders. That wasn't important for now. The best thing to do was to proceed with utmost caution. Then, another message came in from one of their operatives. It seemed that Li Feng was safe, but he was currently unconscious. They also had eyes on Liu Xiaodan and Mian Qingtao. Only Mian Qingwei was unaccounted for.

Jiu Yuanli smiled at the good news. All they had to do now was to make sure they wouldn't lose sight of those three people. He then dropped it as he went to lean on the wall next to the bed. "Very well… I'm only missing Miss Chuan. Where could she be in this place?"

The hallways of the Treatment Hall were dark and long, but the soldiers were still walking with their eyes wide open. The most dangerous among the facility's assets was walking right in front of them. If they stay true to the rules laid out by the walking catastrophe, they wouldn't be hurt. Perhaps only the one who replaced Nine didn't know how to handle the situation pretty well.

It was because, once they got out of the facility, he would lose sight of Liu Xiaodan. Li Feng and Liu Xiaodan would separate ways. He needed to figure out which one he should follow. There was no way he could tear himself in half. Since he was walking at the rear, no one was there to see him fiddling with his watch. It's just that, when he opened it again, the black mirror showed him a cl.u.s.ter of multiple eyes behind him.

"Shit!" He quickly turned and aimed, but a huge mouth opened before him. He didn't even know if there were teeth in that thing as his vision was covered with the darkness of its mouth.

Bang! A huge palm showed to slap the multi-eyed King away from the soldier without getting him grazed by the teeth. Liu Xiaodan had actually stopped and summoned the student from his blood. The student's other long and big hand pushed off Nine and made him roll away from the scene. The multi-eyed King growled before retreating. However, thorns emerged from the walls, floor, and ceiling.

The multi-eyed King was trapped and started to wail as if feeling betrayed. It was rendered immobile by the thorns, and it knew that Guangru was behind this attack. How good was it to have remote powers? Then again, it grew angry as Old Doctor and Tang Mingming went to attack it. The acidic blood was slowly boring holes and chunks from the King that could not move.

"Do you want to watch?" Liu Xiaodan asked the soldiers that didn't manage to fire their rifles at all. It was because they were too scared. Seven went to pull up Nine who secretly closed the watch's secret panel. He only eyed Seven who could have seen it. Of course, he might have to kill Seven if he posed a problem to their operations. The group then started to move again… but Seven remained next to Nine.

"You don't want to snitch on Mr. Wu about this. You don't know what kind of things is possible with that Xiaodan," Seven whispered to Nine. He was scared to see Liu Xiaodan's stunts when he just witnessed the man kill off the acting captain in cold blood. Even if Hades had saved them and didn't stop them from salvaging their captain, this monster still didn't hesitate to harm those who harm him first.

Nine didn't answer. He wasn't working for Mr. Wu, but it was okay to have someone assume otherwise until his loyalty was being questioned. Moreover, he had no proof to show that he wasn't working directly for the man anyway. He was just an expendable asset of his boss. Whether he survived this mission or not, it would be all depended on his luck… and how on-point the plan was.

However, he didn't know if he should tell everyone that it was the demon that wrecked the formation from the inside. He actually wanted to share the burden and the fear, but with Seven next to him, there was nothing he could do but wait for an opportunity.

Soon after, the three other ghosts sped above them. They seemed to have finished eating the King just now. Nine gulped down a lump in his throat when they saw the student fly back behind them… behind him. He didn't know if Liu Xiaodan thought of the same, but he wished he was allowed to beg for mercy and for the truth.

The group didn't meet with anything else as the other Kings had become wary of this group. They wanted to eat the soldiers, but Liu Xiaodan was protecting them. Then again, the maze formation was really collapsing now. Just a few more minutes, even Abaddon would be very happy to move out.

"Wait..." Liu Xiaodan called out to Mian Qingtao as they almost reached a sealed door. He let Guangru down, and he recalled the spawned Kings. He stared at the exit door before standing in front of it, asking the rest to retreat a little. He could feel that people were outside… and they weren't ordinary people. 'God Raven, help me deal with them. If you feel in danger, just jump right back in.'

Liu Xiaodan stepped a meter back… and vanished in his spot, shocking the soldiers. Mian Qingtao's eyes widened, "Where did he go?"

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