The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 223 - Still Human in Thinking

A shadow was cast from outside, and it was Liu Xiaodan again. She opened the door and was surprised to find a person in kitchen uniform, and they were even carrying cans from the pantry. Actually, even if the people had no appetite, some of them felt so depleted. Even if they served gruel to the patients, the staff actually had more of a food to eat. They also brought canned fruits.

Liu Xiaodan didn't need to eat so he just left after dropping off the chef. The rest had opened canned food and tried to eat whatever was inside just so they could have something in their stomach. It was almost lunchtime by now after all. Perhaps Liu Xiaodan figured it out because the kitchen was smelling like they were preparing for the lunch of the patients.

"Who is that guy? How could he get here in an instant?" The chef didn't eat readily as his body was still warming up from the cold. He only had a blanket given to him by Nurse Miao. However, he still joined them in their little circle as they ate.

"He's very special." Li Feng snacked on the mushroom soup even if it wasn't warm. "Don't worry, as long as we're here, we will be safe. You can rest assured." However, it didn't really calm the fear and frustration in the chef's heart. He just lost his friends that he was working with for half a decade. To suddenly get separated from them…

"Can I ask why you guys didn't evacuate the Food and Leisure Hall?" Nurse Miao asked. She received the call to evacuate, but she chose to stay here because of her duties. Chefs like them didn't have patients to take care of so there was no way 'duty' bound them to stay, right?

The chef then eyed her because he frowned. "Evacuate? What are you talking about? We didn't even know anything about it until it's right at our faces. Evacuate? Why didn't you evacuate?" He soon realized that he was too rude, but Nurse Miao actually rubbed his back as if calming him down. "Sorry… I just didn't know what you mean. There was a call for evacuation?"

Du Zhizhuo didn't want to say it, but he had to. "Food and Leisure Hall did have a siren, but it didn't probably reach the kitchen. It's set in the hallways, and the kitchen is not accessible by any hallway unless you actually use the garbage disposal route… but that didn't have any siren. Unlike nurses and doctors, kitchen staff didn't have any pagers to receive calls."

The chef was shocked… as well as Nurse Miao. Even orderlies had pagers, but they didn't give anything to the kitchen staff? Then again, in a proper setting, the kitchen staff didn't have a need for those. It's just… very sad. The chef just hung his head down and secretly loathed the management.

"...don't worry. This facility is going down today or tomorrow. We just need to survive this one, and then you'll be free." Du Zhizhuo tried to comfort them, but it wasn't really that good. Losing employment was a bad phase in anyone's life, but if that would lead them to a better workplace, it might as well be the worse phase.

Liu Xiaodan finished rounding the Food and Leisure Hall, but he only saved the chef. The others could have run to the Rooms Hall. The place was protected, right? It might as well be the haven of some survivors. However, he didn't want to relive his experience on the first floor of the Rooms Hall. He didn't want to be eaten alive.

Ah, yes, that was one of Liu Xiaodan's fears… even after he had become transcendent, he would forever shudder at that experience.

"Baba, there are a lot of them waiting up ahead." Guangru frowned at the connecting bridge of the Food and Leisure Hall and the Rooms Hall. The entities that had ravaged this place had gathered there. Whether they would attack Liu Xiaodan or not, it would matter to them. The only thing Liu Xiaodan was responsible for was his speed of reaction. "Are we eating everyone?"

"I have no idea. Just eat if they attack us… or do you want to eat them regardless?" Liu Xiaodan looked up at the child, and Guangru hung his head down to smile deviously at his father. "You sure do have an appetite for other ghosts, don't you? Is that a given for a demon?"

Guangru straightened his back and hummed. "I don't think so. Humans are still the best food for any entity that grows stronger through blood and negative energy. I just felt like… I want to snack on those things more than on humans. Do you know, do you know, Baba? Every time I eat humans, I see their memories. It's annoying. Ghosts didn't have vivid memories so I prefer them over humans."

The father's brows lifted. "Yeah, I have a feeling that is indeed annoying. I mean, if I see the memories of every chicken I eat, I wouldn't like to eat chickens anymore as well."

"Heheh, Baba, aren't you supposed to be terrified? I eat humans… I ate a lot of them before I decided to sleep and got caught off-guard by those shamans." Guangru frowned. It wasn't something he should probably say with three more ears listening to their conversation.

" know, I would feel bad about it, but… I'm not vegetarian. I also eat those who had their lives before they got killed to feed me. Let's just take it as you having no choice but to consume them for your own health." Liu Xiaodan wanted to reject the conversation, and Guangru only nodded. Alright, there were still boundaries about what they could talk about… and this somewhat made Guangru happy.

His Baba was still partly human in thinking. This was good.

They finally arrived at the end of the bridge, but they didn't find any King nearby. It probably gave up already and went to look for other people to eat. However, several entities were still begging to come inside. When Liu Xiaodan grew closer, he actually saw someone on the other side of the open double doors. It was a shaman in white clothes, and he was barely holding onto the shield that kept the entities away.

"I will eat." Guangru jumped off of his father's shoulders and vanished. 

In the next second, wooden vines sprouted out of the floor and pulled down every entity that each could touch. The ghosts had gone into disarray and decided to start a stampede towards Liu Xiaodan. However, nothing had gotten past him. The vines had pulled down every entity in that bridge,

The shaman was shocked by what he saw. Then, he figured a man was standing at the other side of the bridge. Liu Xiaodan walked towards him and reached out to touch the shield he was putting up with his exhausted body. "It's okay now. Nothing's here anymore."

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