The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 235 - The Price of Letting a Demon Inside

"Untie him," Wu Zhong murmured to the soldier as he holstered his gun. He then tugged on his clothes, smoothed them, and walked out of the room. As he did, Chuan Nayi couldn't help but follow his movement with her glare, especially when he stepped over the dead bodies at that side of the room. 

Every person that Li Feng had spoken to lied on the floor with holes in their c.h.e.s.ts or heads. Perhaps only Tang Liang and Tang Zhenluo were absolved.

Tang Liang was set free, and he grabbed his t.h.i.g.h to stop it from bleeding. Tang Zhenluo came over, and they tried to patch the wound while Chuan Nayi watched from her seat. Her eyes flickered as she began to breathe with difficulty. A lot of people already died now that the facility was suddenly under attack. What's worse was that not only Guangru was the one causing trouble.

"Miss Chuan, don't be scared. If you get scared, he will make sure to push you and your hands to do stupid things," Tang Zhenluo spoke as he helped Tang Liang with his belt and used it to apply pressure on the wound. He even had removed his coat and tore it apart to use as a patch. "Listen to me, stay quiet and brave. If you really have faith in your friends, they will come to find you."

"What about you?" Chuan Nayi asked as she regarded Tang Zhenluo with her gaze.

The doctor glanced at the soldier behind his nephew before gazing at Chuan Nayi. "I'm long dead to the people outside this place. No need to think about me. At most, I might be one of the new spirits haunting this place."

Chuan Nayi frowned, and then she saw something at the corner of her eye. The soldier holding her suddenly swung his hand and shot the other soldier with a pistol with a silencer. The second soldier fell down, which Tang Zhenluo caught to not let him make a sound. 

Tang Liang was actually shocked, but Tang Zhenluo made a 'shhh' gesture at him. He then spoke, "It would take him a few minutes. You have to leave now."

"What about you?" Chuan Nayi sounded more concerned, but Tang Zhenluo only searched the second soldier for his gun and other things he could make use of. The doctor only chuckled as he glanced at Tang Liang. "This place is going down whichever side I take. I don't want to be torn away from my pursuits, but my nephew could live outside this hell. Please take him with you."

"Let's go." The soldier still looked so commanding, and so Chuan Nayi had no choice but to carry Tang Liang by the shoulder. They quickly got out of the room with the soldier before Tang Zhenluo walked to Wu Zhong's desk and saw all the kinds of safes and number locks for his files. "How troublesome."

Because the hostages looked like they were still being detained and with Tang Liang leaving blood tracks on the floor, the nurses on the floor felt so worried. However, they were so scared. The soldier with them had a rifle, and the aura around him was very cold. Without words, he led the two to a special room on the floor. When they entered, there were two nurses there, chatting. One then ran for medicine to help the wounded man.

"We can't leave with just us." The other nurse spoke as he quietly bolted the door. He then started pushing away some cabinets to reveal a secret door. "If we don't take Li Feng, we're still good as dead."

"The young master is in the Rooms Hall. Dr. Jiu is in charge of him now. Let's get these two out for now."

"Wait! I'm not leaving without Xiaodan!" Chuan Nayi called out, but Tang Liang himself grabbed her mouth. He then begged, "Miss Nayi, please. It's really not safe here in the Administrative Hall. Let's get out for now and see what we can do from outside. If anything, the Black March will be upon this place, and you wouldn't want to be stuck here. Please, let's go."

The woman gritted her teeth and just went with their idea. She was led through the path, and her only light was the flashlight of the soldier. The two nurses remained in the room and would only leave if they had to. However, the soldier quickly shut off his flashlight and pushed the two of them down gently but with haste. Clinking sounds came from the end of the path, and it was soon accompanied by laughter.

A lamp then showed from the front, and some soldiers actually pushed two people with their hands bound behind them. The leader of the newcomers lit his flashlight at Chuan Nayi's group. "Do you really think you can escape that easily? How much of a fool do you guys take us for, ah?"

"...what now…?" Chuan Nayi whispered, her eyes quivering in fear. 'Xiaodan, help me...'

A strange sting hit Liu Xiaodan as he felt something deep inside him. Chuan Nayi's face was the first he remembered, but he didn't know where to find her; even Guangru didn't know where she could be. None among the soldiers from Li Heilong's group knew where she was as well. However, he tried to always comfort himself that she was in a very safe place.

"Ahh!" Mo Xingli's childish cry echoed loudly as she crawled back in fear. Qiao Shan had decimated her King, and she was left to her own devices. She even started crying like a real ten-year-old. "Please don't hurt me! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it!"

"You killed so willingly… and even tried using a little girl's body to commit your crimes?!" Qiao Shan used her own hands to grab the girl's neck. She was becoming angry again, but she didn't need Hongfei to finish off this shrimp. She just needed to crush the girl's neck. Even if she was not brutish, she would use all of her strength for it. However, she didn't expect Liu Xiaodan to intervene.

With a pat on her shoulder, Qiao Shan was shocked. She let go of the girl who started choking as if she was already one with the body. Liu Xiaodan then spoke, "You're a shaman. Purify her."

Qiao Shan narrowed her eyes as she pulled back. "I can't… I lost my shaman abilities after accepting Hongfei. That was the price of letting a demon inside me." She then glared down at the girl who was trying to escape. "Xiaodan, if we don't kill her now..."

"Can you tell Feng that you killed a child?" Liu Xiaodan only watched the girl run away to the dark hallway before them. He could clearly see that the girl was not really a girl anymore, but a frail body possessed by an entity. "He told me he wanted to save the girl. Can you tell him she's dead because you strangled her?"

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