The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 237 - It might Get Ugly



Liu Xiaodan felt his body waking up to the voice calling out for his name. It was strange; it still sounded so innocent as if nothing bad had yet to happen. His eyes began to flutter open, and his vision was still dark. However, he felt like something cold was on his lips and chin while his back hurt from the arching. He slowly pulled back and realized that he was in class.

The theater classroom was in a semi-circle, with the stage and whiteboard in front of the students. The seats for the students were in curved rows, each row rising higher than the former. He was in his usual seat, and he could see people leaving and cleaning up the classroom.

"Xiaodan…" He turned and saw Chuan Nayi bent over and shaking his shoulder gently. Her eyes were still so bright and round, her lips peach and glossed. He could see a peek of her c.h.e.s.t from her almost dangling collar, but his attention was still on those eyes that seemed to have changed over the years.

"You slept throughout the class again." She giggled before handing him her notebook. "Here, I jot down everything important. The teacher had given up trying to wake you up. He had even thrown the eraser at you, and you're still…" She giggled again.

The tinkling bells echoed in his ears before she finally straightened her back and waved at him. "See you at the next class, Xiaodan." She then gracefully turned and walked down the steps. However, time seemed to slow down by then. Tak. Tak. Tak. The sound of her flat heels echoed in the hall at every step.

Liu Xiaodan tried to speak, but there was no voice coming out from his mouth. He tried to reach out, but his body was suddenly wrapped in black arms, with the hands clawing on his skin. He struggled to get out of his seat, but he couldn't fight the hold of those arms on him. His eyes only looked up at Chuan Nayi who seemed to have stopped walking. Then… she fell to the ground.

Thud. Liu Xiaodan blinked at the sound, but the place had drastically changed. Instead of a classroom, he found himself in a dark hallway in the hospital-like place. He could feel his whole body flattened on the floor, but he could barely move any of his limbs. On the far side, he could see Chuan Nayi on the ground. Her mouth had blood dripping from inside, and her eyes were clearly not responsive anymore.

Her body was wriggling behind what seemed to be a blanket of black, and he could only see her head. Whatever was touching her body was lifting her c.h.e.s.t from the ground from time to time, making her head move so lifelessly. It was undeniable. She was dead.

"…what…?" Liu Xiaodan whispered in his softest voice. However, his vision started to clear up. The woman… was not Chuan Nayi. Her hair was dark and long, and her eyes were both drenched in tears. As if whatever was moving her heard Liu Xiaodan, the movements stopped… and the black bird King turned its head to him. He could see the blood dripping from its beak. "…God Raven?"

"You woke up earlier than I thought you would…" The black bird spoke, but it turned back to what it's doing earlier. This time, the movement on the woman had grown rough and almost speedy.

Liu Xiaodan got up from the ground and felt the blood on his c.h.e.s.t and abdomen. Bullets seemed to have gone through him, and he was feeling rather paralyzed from it. Every little movement would cause pain to rattle Liu Xiaodan's body. He was not a fan of pain, but there was no choice.

When he moved his other hand, he realized that something else was next to him. He looked down and saw Mo Xingli, but her head had a big hole on it. Blood had also oozed from it and its exit wound on the back. The father moved to sit up and then saw that most of Mo Xingli's body… was already missing.

"You ate her?" Liu Xiaodan frowned.

"She was already dead. That sergeant shot her… just like how he shot you, it seems." The black bird stopped being picky and ate the remaining of the food he got for himself. It then used its feathery arms to clean the beak. "What are you going to do now?"

"…I want to find the rest." Liu Xiaodan got to his feet slowly. He then held onto his body… but he couldn't feel his allergy acting up again. 

The father soon found himself leaning against the wall, taking a good look at the previous hazy picture of the woman's face. His brows then furrowed. "...did he shoot her, too?"

God Raven didn't answer right away. Then, it figured it could risk not lying. "No."

Liu Xiaodan blinked. The King was probably hurt as well when they got shot. It's a good thing Yi Junhai wasn't inside his body when those bullets punched through. Else, he wouldn't know if the shadow would be dispersed. He then just walked over to the woman and saw that most of her had already been shred away. Even if he could feel his stomach tumbling for a throw, he held it in and looted the dead.

He retrieved a watch, a tablet, and an ID. The ID still had the name Qiao Yun on it, but Liu Xiaodan didn't know if it was really her name. He had never seen this woman as Qiao Yun until earlier. No matter what her name was, he could only reach out to close her eyes.

"Can you tell where they are right now?" Liu Xiaodan wore the watch and tried to fiddle with the tablet. As it was locked, he didn't care much about it. Tang Mingming was not around, as well as Guangru. God Raven didn't know how to hack into electronic devices.

"I can lead you to Guangru, but… it might get ugly..." God Raven heard that the child was busy with someone. Perhaps this someone was rather versed in dealing with ghosts. Moreover, the black bird could barely hear the sutra echoing from a place. Consequences might be dire if it got closer.

However, Liu Xiaodan only looked at God Raven. The bird had no choice but to lead him. God Raven jumped inside him again and passed the information from inside. The father then walked forward after spawning Cyclops. This particular King could sneak even behind Guangru so its stealth was reliable. Moreover, its hundred eyes could also freeze a weaker enemy. Whoever named this creature was probably on a hit or something.

"I probably won't miss anything with this one." Liu Xiaodan laughed out as he sent out the King that blended into the shadows.

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