The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 251 - Death will Never be Enough

Ruan Jin's eyes flickered. That was Jiu Yuanli saying no. How could a doctor say no to the wounded? However, Ruan Jin didn't want to fight him. Moreover, even if he wanted to, they might disturb Li Feng. It's just that before he could say something again, Liu Xiaodan was being pulled off of the bed. When they both looked over, a giant black teddy bear already had Liu Xiaodan in his arms. In an instant, they both vanished.

No, come back. How could Old Xiong take Liu Xiaodan away just like that?

"Shhh, everyone needed to rest. There's a battle up ahead." Jiu Yuanli's eyes narrowed as he moved to turn Ruan Jin over. "You might not be familiar with it, but the Black March is being mobilized. We couldn't leave the place because all the exits for us are blocked. Don't worry, as soon as everyone is ready to go, whether we endure the storm or manage to leave before it comes, we will be walking out of this place alive."

Chuan Nayi didn't enter or even show herself to the other man. She was only shocked when another person appeared behind her. Now that she was standing outside the open door, she peeked further. She didn't mind what the doctor was doing to Ruan Jin, but she was more concerned about what Li Feng was doing to Guangru.

Yes, even if she had never seen Guangru's real form, she knew that the wooden statue was no one else but the demon child. She heard from God Raven that Guangru was prem.a.t.u.r.ely sealed, and Li Feng was fixing it. However, that ritual circle seemed to be sealing the demon child for good.

"I should find where the bear took Xiaodan." Chuan Nayi pulled away and walked away. She cleared her face from her tears and put on a brave one as she walked around once more. However, there was a strange energy calling unto her… to another room on the floor. When she approached the door, it opened. Her eyes then glittered as she saw Liu Xiaodan on the bed.

"Watch over him. He needs you." The voice of an old man echoed, but Chuan Nayi didn't know who that was. Instead of an eerie feeling, it actually gave her the feeling of assurance. Perhaps it was that guardian spirit that Li Feng said was with Liu Xiaodan.

The woman didn't care much about details right now. She just walked over to the bed and went to lie down next to Liu Xiaodan as if they were sharing the bed in that hospital. Only that right now, they were a lot closer. Her dainty hand cupped on his face and felt the freezing skin. A strange prick came to her heart as she remembered that this was the same temperature as the dead body from earlier. Why was Liu Xiaodan very cold? Shouldn't he be warm?

Warm. Yes, warm. Chuan Nayi blushed a little as she looked down at herself. She pulled the blanket from underneath him and gathered it to her c.h.e.s.t. When she looked over the door, it moved to a close, and a red light glowed on top. Just like what she knew from their shared bedroom, that was a sign that the door was locked.

"Xiaodan..." Her hand reached out to his forehead again and then through his hair. Chuan Nayi then slid her hand down to his c.h.e.s.t. " wouldn't mind being a bit warmer, would you?"

Loud screaming woke him up. Liu Xiaodan felt the cold wrap his body, unlike the way he was so used to it. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was tied to a pole, blood dripping down the side of his face. It was night, and a lot of people gathered around them. They held onto torches, and the yellow glow was Liu Xiaodan's only source of light. It was like he was in a middle of a tribunal.

Screams pulled his attention to the side, and he felt like he couldn't breathe when he heard it. In a hazy look, he saw that a woman was screaming as she was dragged to another pole at the side. Her dark hair was behind her, and she was in loose clothing. She resembled Chuan Nayi a lot, but she was six months pregnant.

"No! Let her go!" As if his body was sent into a rage, Liu Xiaodan started to break out of the rope that they used to tie him to the pole. "Don't you dare touch her!"

"Silence! You have always thwarted our actions just protect this witch tree! Now, you and your cursed wife shall bear witness to the destruction of a curse!" The village elder yelled at him before taking a look at the other thing before them. "Witch tree! I will not have you affect our home anymore!"

It was a big tree with a lot of branches. Ropes were tied and hanging down from the edge of the branches while some branches were actually broken. It looked docile, but there was anger oozing from its visage.

"No, please! It's not its fault! You are the ones who had destroyed the village with your vile ambition!" The screaming woman started to yell louder now that a group of men carried axes to the tree as if chopping the tree down. "How dare you desecrate a holy tree!"

The village elder then turned to look at the woman. He then walked towards her and reached out to grab her around the belly. "The witch is with child? The witch is with child?! This is madness!"

Liu Xiaodan, who was busy trying to quietly work on his ropes, gasped as he saw the elder grabbing his wife and her pregnant belly. "No! Leave her alone, you devil!"

"The witch line shall end here." The village elder cared too little. He walked to the men trying to cut the tree down and grabbed an ax from one of them. He then held onto it decisively as he stalked towards the woman. The spectators holding their torches held onto their breaths. They didn't know what the village elder was going to do.

"No!" Liu Xiaodan could feel a heart-wrenching pain even if he was sure that this was only a dream. He felt his entire body rattle as the village elder swung the ax towards his defenseless wife. The wife that he had for decades, and one that finally had a miracle from the blessings of the holy tree.

Bang! Bang! Bang! At every hack, the spectators cried in terror. Blood spurted from the woman's body as the blade dove to cleave at her flesh, at her bones… at her unborn child. The husband couldn't even believe what he was seeing. How… how could humans do this? She was a pregnant woman… and yet they… they…

"Death… will never be enough to quell my loathing..."

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