The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 253 - I Still Love You [M]

Liu Xiaodan smiled at her, but his smile was nervous and apologetic. It wasn't because he had stopped thinking about her or that he had moved on. It was because he was still stuck despite the kind of promise that he had given her. Didn't he agree that he would never speak with her again? Yet… and yet, he was still sending Guangru her way just to make sure she was safe.

He was scared of a day that they would meet again, and all Chuan Nayi would give him was a glance as if they had always been strangers. She was the first one to kiss that night, but this time… tonight, there was no more mask on Liu Xiaodan's face. Their lips pressed onto each other's, and she was quick to suck on those lips on his.

When she pulled back, she could only show off a red face and stare into the faintly blushing man.

In a moment of weakness, it was fairly easy to flip their position. Her back met the bed, and the blanket was tossed to the side. Even if the wind in the room was cold, it only made her body heat up faster to keep up. Chuan Nayi's red cheeks started to subside as her shyness was translated into her gaze. Lying here underneath Liu Xiaodan… she never thought this would even happen.

"Nayi, can I touch you as much as I wanted?" Liu Xiaodan rubbed her cheek lovingly as his voice left his lips softly. With a faint consent, the man then leaned down to engage in a kiss with her again. However, his hands were quick to move around. As his head moved to the side to suck on her neck, his cold palms started to fondle her b.r.e.a.s.ts. From time to time, he would tease her t.i.t.s with his ice-cold fingers.

Perhaps she was easy to excite, perhaps she was excited by the fact that he wasn't oblivious about this kind of activity. After a few seconds of kissing and s.u.c.k.i.n.g on her neck, he started to explore more of her body. For some reason, she would often remember that thing that Ren Shanyue mentioned from before.

Would it really help Liu Xiaodan? Not that she believed in energies dislodged from one person to another…

"Ahh, wait… not there..." Chuan Nayi quickly broke out of her thinking trance when his tongue ventured below the waist. Even if his skin was particularly cold, his huffing breath was still warm. His tongue was even burning her skin as if it was on fire. His wet kisses were rather very hot on her inner t.h.i.g.hs.

P.l.e.a.s.u.r.e started to rattle through Chuan Nayi's body as she felt him attend to her needs next. With her knees held up by her hands and the lips kept spread by his, his tongue slithered unhindered into the crevices of her heating core. There were a lot of people on the floor, and nothing was making a sound outside. If she m.o.a.n.e.d too loud, wouldn't she be selling them out to the rest?

However, her mewling grew louder beyond her control as soon as she felt his fingers slipped into her cave. The movements they made were like tremors that quaked her entire body. Her eyes were kept shut as her body shook from p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. Soon enough, the two visitors had left… only to have another.

Maybe a patient's room in a mental institute was not the ideal place to deflower one's biggest crush, but Liu Xiaodan didn't think much about their setting. Even if his fantasies spoke of grand hotels and expensive vacation villas, he was now here having Chuan Nayi for himself. With her body ready, he couldn't help but slip in his hard organ and rock in a rhythm that he wanted.

"So tight..." Liu Xiaodan chuckled as he moved back and forth, barely saved by the fluids that kept her from gripping onto him into a lock. Chuan Nayi was wrapping around him so much that he was scared that it was hurting her. However, she was rather more focused on keeping herself from crying out too loud.

"Nayi..." He leaned down and reached out to cup her face with his hand. When she lowered her hand that was covering her mouth, he replaced it with his own lips. Sending a hot kiss to her was enough for her to wrap her arms around his neck. He then whispered softly, "I still love you, Nayi..."

The sound of slapping skin continued to come from the bed as Chuan Nayi bounced on Liu Xiaodan's l.a.p. Her face was red, but her lips were curled in a smile—just like her eyes filled with shyness and p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. The man only propped his legs up to support her and keep her from falling off. Their hands were even laced with each other's as if giving the woman somewhere to shift her weight and get power to proceed.

"Xiaodan… you have to marry me after all of this..." Chuan Nayi chuckled as she started to look back and think about what they were doing. With so much s.e.m.e.n inside her w.o.m.b, she was half sure that she could be pregnant from this encounter. Then again, her body was affected by the terror that could dampen its enthusiasm to hold a baby. No matter, she could always try to make a baby with him again in the future.

"I will do my best." Liu Xiaodan didn't make a direct promise. After all, he was yet to dispose of the people who dared to harm his family and friends. Actually, he felt a little guilty. Doing this while still planning revenge?

He squeezed on her hands again, and she stopped moving. There came another blast of thick white fluid inside her, and Chuan Nayi only mewled at the feeling of so much hot liquid inside her w.o.m.b. It even started trickling down his limping erection as she got off of him. Some even dripped from her, making her extremely embarrassed and red on the face again.

"Xiaodan..." Chuan Nayi lied next to him, but his arm was under her head. She also wrapped an arm around him. "We have to leave this place. A doctor that was looking after Ruan Jin said something about the Black March is mobilized. I don't know what we are waiting for, but if we can leave now… we should."

"The Black March, huh." Liu Xiaodan sighed as he stared at the dark ceiling above them. He then closed his eyes. "Nayi, do you mind if I sleep for a while? I still feel so exhausted from bleeding all over the place..."

"Then, sleep." Chuan Nayi moved to reach for the blanket on the floor. After dusting the fabric by flaying it in the wind, she laid the blanket on the two of them. Since their clothes were safe on the side, she only cared about not feeling very sticky after everything. Perhaps an hour's worth of nap would be good for the two of them.

He didn't know how long had passed, but Ruan Jin woke up after the second injection. On his right, he could still see Li Feng who looked like he hadn't even moved an inch. To his left, he saw a c.h.e.s.t of a girl in a white dress. His heart shook, and his eyes quickly crawled up to the face.

Ye Ling smiled down on him. "Shhh, don't get too loud, Ruan Lang. How are you feeling now?"

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