The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 255 - Live Long Enough to Pay

The black smoke coming from the burning Sick Hall was immediately covered up by the skillful men of the Wu family. They had managed to kill the fire in under three hours from its spread. Even if it was hard to extinguish chemical fires brought by the active electric wires in the area, the dry chemical was enough to make sure it wouldn't spread to the other halls.

Qiao Muwei glared as he also had to walk through the Administrative Hall, spreading his aura to kill the small-time ghosts that couldn't stand his presence. The two most expensive formation arrays that he had given to the facility had been destroyed no less than an hour apart.

Very capable! Qiao Muwei would have to praise Li Heilong for having very capable men!

"Master Qiao, you have finally arrived." Wu Zhong had a bitter smile on his face. All of these happened under his watch, and he was unable to do anything to control the breach. Right now, the entire facility was compromised even if the research papers and the investors were mostly sent away at first notice.

"How could this happen? There's no way Li Heilong could orc.h.e.s.trate something so smooth. I want to see the director." Qiao Muwei was furious, but he didn't resort to yelling. Not only was it a waste of breath and energy, but it wouldn't cause the saboteurs to stop whatever they were doing as well.

"Master, we have reasons to believe that an entity inside the facility had been helping them," one of the high-rank Qiao shamans spoke no matter how ridiculous that sounded. Still, they couldn't deny that everything went so smoothly under their noses because someone could move files and approve applications—even access the database—like he had the clearance to do everything.

Qiao Muwei didn't question the diagnosis they had done. He was fairly briefed that an ancient demon had entered their facility along with Liu Xiaodan, the very grandson of this Wu Zhong he trusted so much. Not only did he offer Project Hades for the Qiao family's consumption, but the kid was also showing off and proving the hypothetical results Wu Zhong spoke of. The only problem was that they had become its enemy.

The family head waved his hand. "Get me to the Control Room. I want to see the state of the facility."

The shaman from earlier cleared his throat. "Master, we're working on that. The saboteurs hijacked our Control Room and restricted our movements. The most we had done for now is to disable power and backup generators so they wouldn't be able to see your arrival. Let's go to a different place we have prepared."

" could you be this unguarded? Did you really think Li Heilong wouldn't take interest in the facility since his nephew has entered this place? Liu Xiaodan is not just Mian Lengleng's blood grandson, but he is also Wu Qianqian's son. Do you know how close Mian Bingbing and Wu Qianqian are?" Qiao Muwei grew angry, but he couldn't reverse time anymore. He would just punish them if they didn't die today.

The saboteurs were the enemy right now, and he should deal with them first. With the sun setting at the side and the night approaching, these insolent humans could only know fear from the shadows of his Black March. He then turned to Wu Zhong. "Gather all your important assets in a room. I'll build another array to protect them. After that, the demons will feast on the living."

Wu Zhong only hummed. He couldn't complain about it now that his contingencies failed one by one because of Li Heilong's foresight and Guangru's coordination with him. It was as if that demon child had a way to read the tycoon's mind. Could it be that Li Heilong was also affected by the demon's miasma? Anyway, that shouldn't be the case. There was no way that could be reversed now… only when he shoots that man down.

Even if he had men on the grounds to sweep the place and recover whoever could be recovered, he had no choice but to drop them and save the more important people. What was the use of his research notes if no one around could make sense of it?

"Master Qiao, Mr. Wu..." Director Sun greeted the two as they entered the new Control Room. However, the most light they've got were from battery-powered lamps on the floor. The night was almost here, and so it would be darker in the facility. Moreover, the ghosts would be taking advantage of the yin energy of the night.

"Director Sun, I hope you recognize the failure you have given me." Qiao Muwei snorted and looked around. "Where are Dr. Fan and Dr. Tang? They should be here by now."

"Dr. Fan is found deceased in the Treatment Hall, Master. As for Dr. Tang, he's in custody. He's actually working with the saboteurs," the high-rank shaman answered. However, Qiao Muwei only narrowed his eyes. "He has so much trust in those saboteurs enough to join them? Hmph, Weilun, find that orderly nephew of his."

Qiao Weilun, the high-rank shaman, didn't move or accept the order. He then spoke, "Tang Liang is with the saboteurs. Their last known location was at Sewer Exit B. He's currently being hunted by the soldiers as well."

"...and Qixi?" When Qiao Muwei heard soldiers, a person came to mind. That sergeant should be here, too. However, why didn't he show up? "Is he dead, too?"

"Sergeant Song is off-radar. He turned off his tracker after reporting hours ago. His last known location is the Treatment Hall. He was supposed to be with Dr. Fan and Qiao Ni, but his body was not recovered by the soldiers." Qiao Weilun had compiled everything as if he knew how his Master thought.

It's just that… "How about the Kings? Where are they? How many have they killed?"

Qiao Weilun then glanced at Director Sun and at Wu Zhong. "Only God Raven and Abbadon are alive, Master. Most of them had been killed by the shamans from our family. Some were eaten by Project Hades." He didn't have the exact tally, but with all the other Kings undetected, it was safe to assume that they were all gone.

A deathly gaze came from Qiao Muwei and descended on Wu Zhong. This consultant was the one in charge of contingency. Did he forget that most of those Kings were equivalent to the money that the facility would owe to their investors? Then again, he didn't speak anymore. 

There was a right time and place to seek payment for the damages both Director Sun and Wu Zhong caused. For now, Qiao Muwei wanted to know if they would live long enough to pay for them.

'Good, very good. I won't help you two anymore. After my Black March cleans after this place, you will both be liable for all the damage and humiliation you've given me.' 

By then, he could only hope the problems end there.

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