The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 262 - Rolling in Like the Breath of Death

A gasp came from Eight, but it was Sun Yinxie who roared in response. "You don't say! Those stupid deserters even listen to him! Shit, new Nine and that f.u.c.k.i.n.g Six actually dared to destroy the facility!" Actually, Sun Yinxie knew differently, but he was still pissed that he had to be detained like a mad dog.

"No, Six is not in it. He just came with Xiaodan and one of the real saboteurs." Captain seemed to be clear of some things. "Actually, it's more like they were moving under our noses, only looking for a chance to attack. Someone else must have destroyed whatever was keeping the Kings inside the Treatment Hall, and so they enacted their plan according to it. They are probably going to find a way to free Xiaodan."

"Why would they—?!" Sun Yinxie wanted to yell, but he lost his voice. Everyone turned in a direction… something was howling so loud. It came from a far place, but the long howling voice easily reached them. It was as if it was a song of Death, its fingers reaching out to stab at their souls. "What was that?"

Director Sun's eyes then quivered as he remembered that the Black March was being set up just outside the facility. If they unleashed those things out here, there was no telling where those things would go. They could head straight to Liu Xiaodan; they could come eat all these people, too. He then growled. "Untie everyone! If we can't move, no one will survive! The Black March must be headed inside now!"

The leader of the group tried contacting Control through his radio, but he was only getting interference. In that phase, Sun Yinxie actually bounced and charged the leader to whack the radio out of the leader's hands. The others had aimed their guns at Sun Yinxie, but the man only spat at the leader. His voice was even wheezing like he didn't want to be heard out loud. "Are you crazy?!

"Demons can detect radio signals and all comms device. They will haunt us, find us, and then eat us if you keep on turning your radio on." He then threw his sweeping glare at the other soldiers and detainees. "All of you guys, too, switch your devices off. Why do you think the elite squad keeps on using a special kind of comms device?"

"Listen to him. He's an insider in the operations of the top-secret cases. He knows a lot about these things." Captain had a feeling that Sun Yinxie was correct. Else, they wouldn't be given a different set of comms devices when they tried to neutralize Liu Xiaodan.

Director Sun gritted his teeth. He then turned to his employees and then to the nurse next to Eight. "Your uniform is from the employee infirmary. How many are still in there?"

The nurse twitched and answered, "Seven, three patients."

One of the operators in the Control Room then spoke, "Director, aren't you a VIP? Why aren't they getting you out of here? You should've left a long time ago, right? Are they going to fetch you?"

"I chose not to leave immediately." Director Sun's eye twitched. He then turned to the soldiers who brought him there. "They pretty much abandoned everyone outside that room. We should head back to that place. Maybe we still have time." He eyed the soldier who had been guarding him since the situation started. "Come on, all you have to do is to free us. We could only work with who we have right now."

"Sorry, Director, our orders are absolute." The leader of the soldiers spoke after he actually kicked Sun Yinxie away from him. "We are protected from those things. All we really have to do is watch you die."

"What?!" Director Sun couldn't help but yell. They didn't care about the people in the facility? Was this total cleansing? He then gritted his teeth, bearing the same ferocious expression that Sun Yinxie inherited from him. "Demons abounded my facility, and yet the cruelest ones are still the humans I welcomed."

The leader was about to say something, but the director's guard's gun move to shoot him. Not only the guard, but quite a few people in the group also took down the rest of the soldiers. The detainees gasped in terror as a dozen soldiers dropped like dead flies. More when the shooters actually kneeled down to start cutting the cable ties used to restrain them. The guard then pursed his lips in a line. "Director, we won't go back there."

Director Sun looked up at the man and frowned. "How many people did Li Heilong actually plant in my facility? How come there's so many of you?"

"That doesn't matter. The Administrative Hall is the worse place to be in. All locations known to them as a spot where people gather will be the first targets of the Black March. We're using the primary exit line at the bottom of the hall." The guard then looked at Director Sun. "I need you to cooperate fully, Director Sun. If you do and if we're not eaten by ghosts or bullets, we will guarantee your safety."

"Eaten by ghosts or bullets…" Director Sun's eyes darkened. He then turned to Sun Yinxie who was nursing a sore abdomen, cursing how he was kicked at the same spot—back and front—today. Actually, this son was the only thing he still had to take; everything else was already shipped out. Now that he's here… "I already have everything I need. Let's go. I just can't promise I still have whatever Li Heilong wants from me."

The black hallways continued to be shrouded in black. The ominous black fog that came with multiple shadows rolled in like the breath of death, cold and slow. At places where the emergency lights were active, the bulbs would crack as if the things in the dark would swat dead any source of light. Glowing red beads began to show as they seemed to split and raid every place that they found.

Kill all sources of life. That was the directive they were given. The ones leading the charge were the greater ghosts who were free to die in the traps they could spring. Next were the Kings that would fight anyone who could produce the bullets that stun them. At the back were the five demons that were the most terrifying.

Since they only knew one directive, they only moved around to pillage a concrete village that had seen so many deaths and accidents from the very time it first existed.

Screams echoed from the Lodging Hall. Those who thought they were safe started seeing entities around them. Some were stabbed, some were slashed. There were even some who lost a head or a whole arm. Blood spurted on the walls that were later cleaned by the tongues of the lowest.

"Holy shit… there's so many of them!" Seven ran off on his own. He was separated from the rest of his people, more like he provoked the spirits so they would go after him instead. However, just as he took a turn at a corner, he saw a woman standing in the middle. He would call out to her, but he watched her turn her head at him—without moving her shoulders… like an owl.

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