The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 267 - Liu Xiaodan will Die

"I'm scared..."

That what the man who claimed to be his father said. The wishing tree looked down at the man bathing in his own blood at his feet. As the light disappeared from Liu Xiaodan's eyes, something seemed to have snapped inside the wishing tree's heart. All of a sudden, cold erupted from his body as particular scenes flashed across his eyes. It was the face of this man… but they were inside a cramped space.

These were the same eyes that he stared at in horror, knowing that the person was already passing. It was also like this… he was incomplete, and he was as helpless as he could be. The wishing tree remembered riding on a rolling bed and crying at the misfortune he had caused.

Guangru's body stiffened. He was not a wishing tree in the eyes of the spirits in that city. To them, he was a dybbuk that was craving to be born. How many young men had failed to keep their promise, and how many had tried to get rid of him. No one wanted to be his father; no one wanted him as their child.

"Guangru, he's dying." Old Xiong's voice echoed as the wishing tree turned to the side where he had staked the black teddy bear. Right… this bear… this guardian was the one who came to his call to protect his father in the hospital. His big brother Heima was in the first gift that he had received from Liu Xiaodan.

He wasn't lying. This Liu Xiaodan… was indeed the only person who had accepted him as a child.

"No… I can't..." Guangru used his low howling voice as he moved down as if reaching out to pick up the body in front of him. However, his broken bark hands stopped. He looked at the very hand that killed this man. "I have no power to pull back the dead..."

Panic. Guangru began to panic. He wanted to save him just like the day in the hospital. However, what could he do? There was no reaper around. There was no one to beg for help. Just like that day when he was helplessly watching the witch doctor die in the flames that he created, he could only stare down at Liu Xiaodan.

The tree started to break down into pieces as Guangru managed to break his own forms to return to the beautiful child that he chose as his face. He kneeled in front of Liu Xiaodan and stroked at his father's face.

'Guangru, stay with me. I'm scared...' Guangru remembered these words. Those were the same words that made him decide to be with Liu Xiaodan no matter what happened to them in the future. Whether he succeeded or failed in his promise to give Guangru a mortal body, Guangru was already a son to this man. Even in his most vulnerable moment, he asked for Guangru's company… the company of a creature that no one wanted.

"Ahhh!" A heartbreaking scream came from the child as he fully realized what he had done. The scream echoed and reverberated along the hallways of the Treatment Hall, carrying the strongest waves of despair and regret, fury and resentment, loathing and vengeance.

Kaboom! The floor from above was broken, and an upside-down man fell head first from the higher floor. However, his descent was slow, and there were obvious extra limbs on his body. His face was riddled with red beads as his eyes, and it was one of the demons of the Black March. Multiple entities had also flowed out of the hole he created. Since he didn't have intelligence, he was only concerned about eating.

Bang! The door of the secret warded room opened widely, and everyone inside was stunned. It was because a pair of bodies were thrown in. The blood then pooled underneath the rather mangled shamans. Qiao Shan walked in, but her body was had a white mist coming from her skin. It was as if she was searing at the heat of the protective formation her father had built.

Her eyes then looked around, soon zeroing into the three figures that emerged from the thin crowd. Qiao Muwei was shocked to see his daughter. However, the reported stable synchronization to him… didn't seem to be true. Rather than being able to wield the demon inside her body, Qiao Shan was more like being possessed by Hongfei more and more. It was very bad.

Qiao Muwei walked out of the crowd and readied a soul attack at his fingers. He gauged the look in the eyes of the woman in front of him. "Shanshan, do you recognize me?"

"Father, they didn't believe me when I said I am your daughter. Have you already disowned me?" Qiao Shan's eyes looked directly into the eyes of the father. Her round eyes then glazed over with a red light. She continued, "Is it because I failed my promise to deliver the dybbuk to you? Is it because I keep on choosing Feng'er instead? Father, I don't want Xiaodan… I want Feng'er..."

"Shanshan, hush. No one disowned you." Qiao Muwei canceled his attack. His daughter was becoming delusional, but she was still in control of her mind. "It's okay, it's okay. Don't bother about the dybbuk now. You want Li Feng, then look for him. He isn't with you so he should be with another girl, is he?"

Qiao Shan's body shuddered. She suddenly remembered something. She lost track of that other woman who they came with. Her eyes then glowed strangely as if she was detecting something. Even Qiao Muwei responded to something. He then spoke to his daughter, "Shanshan, the dybbuk presented itself as an enemy to us. Don't bother about marrying Xiaodan. Bring me his head instead, and then I'll give Li Feng to you."

A chuckle came from her, and her head started to twitch as she c.o.c.ked her head left and right. "I can have Feng'er? I can have Feng'er?! Then, yes, Father… Liu Xiaodan will die…!"

A strong gust circulated around her, and the demon's aura exploded in the place. The ordinary people were knocked out while the shamans were sent to the ground. They felt like their hearts had been punched with the strength of ten horses. Even Wu Zhong reacted to the hit. Only Qiao Muwei was unaffected.

"Father, you promised!" Qiao Shan had vanished in the gust as she ended up phasing away through the shadows.

Qiao Muwei only had a strange expression on his face. He then turned to Qiao Weilun who was still wheezing on the floor, "Assemble a team. Pull everyone out. Tell the summoner unit to recall the Black March. We're leaving the facility now." Before anyone could speak, Qiao Muwei spoke again, "The ancient demon had completely recovered his strength. We already lost this fight."

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