The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 271 - Bulldog Ant

Even Guangru and Qiao Shan didn't feel that man move around—to the point of getting rather close. He was already standing in the middle of the room with a gun at hand. The muzzle was facing the direction where Mian Qingwei was earlier. He then quickly shifted his hand to face in Guangru's direction and fired as fast as he could, way before Guangru could react fully to his presence.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! There was an interval between the shots, but as soon as the first one made it through, he felt rather confident in making the shots count. He even started walking closer to the child that had been paralyzed by the first bullet.

"Arrrghhh!" Guangru g.r.o.a.n.e.d—screamed in pain as he felt the bullet burn through his body. It was a rather stronger kind of those bullets that the elite squad should have. The ancient demon then started to hiss, but the holes in his small body created a seal that didn't let him leave the mortal plane. His body had materialized, and he couldn't command the wooden vines. "I will kill you!"

"Say that again when you can move, little boy." Song Qixi snarled at the ancient demon before turning to Qiao Shan who was stunned by the appearance of the man. "Why are you attacking the dybbuk? Where's Liu Xiaodan?"

Qiao Shan didn't react that fast. She was actually a little uneasy from the aura he had. She knew that she was still staring at Song Qixi, but his overall stance was strange and wrong for the strict man. The lax and slouching posture was very far from the military man that she knew of him. She didn't know his real name, but Qiao Shan was pretty confident in knowing everything else.

She pulled the sides of her lips to produce a smile. "Sergeant… something's very new with you..."

"Very new?" Song Qixi lifted his brows, but he didn't show any conceited expression. Only when Qiao Shan saw black fog coming out of his back did she realize that he was possessed. The change in her countenance made Song Qixi push up his cracked glasses. He then smiled coldly at her. "Something is new."

"Master, do you value her?" Abbadon rolled out from Song Qixi's body. The red eyes showed from the black rolling fog and glared at Qiao Shan and the red dress behind her. This woman was the same one that chomped at Abbadon. If he didn't avenge himself, he would be grumpy his entire life. It's because the woman seemed to be important to Song Qixi that Abbadon didn't strike as fast as he could.

Song Qixi turned before him and then back at Qiao Shan. His gaze turned cold. "I don't."

Bang! Abbadon shot towards Qiao Shan with no further warning. The woman jumped back to evade and sent her red cloths to punch into the black fog. However, what horrified her was that the fog felt suffocating even for a demon like her Hongfei. Her eyes quivered as she figured that Abbadon had already broken through as well. In a fight between two demons, she seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Qiao Shan used her red cloth to slice the bodies, but there were so many of them. Abbadon was also fast enough to dodge and retract the bodies. The black fog circled around her in intimidation, making her despair by suffocating her so much more. 

However, Song Qixi only watched until he got annoyed. He lifted his gun and took aim. It was taking too much time. Abbadon sensed the sergeant's actions, and so he quickly withdrew. Qiao Shan wanted to give chase, but she saw Song Qixi in the corner of her eye.

Bang! Qiao Shan expected the burning pain of the etched bullets, but all she felt was a person colliding against her. When she opened her eyes, she actually saw Li Feng holding onto his hand. Blood trickled from his closed fist, and he was pushing the bullet out of his hand with his thumb. If only she could see the glare Li Feng was giving the sergeant, she would be trembling.

"Oh… I didn't know you're around." Song Qixi glanced at the husk where he shot Mian Qingwei. "So she was reaching for you. Abbadon, quit playing around and take what you need. This boy is just…"—he flicked the hammer down with his thumb—"a soft ant to me."

"This one's a bulldog…"

Song Qixi didn't care why Li Feng said that, but he still pulled the trigger. He was sitting before Qiao Shan, and the bullet went through him and hit Qiao Shan, that would be the best. However, just as the bullet reached inches before Li Feng's face, the blood from his hand moved up to catch it. The blood even boiled from the holy attribute of the bullet, but it had turned into acid as well.

The sergeant's eyes widened at the display. Actually, when he saw that, he felt his entire body shuddering. It was as if something very vile was staring at him from behind… from the coldest depths of cages past the burning flames of hell. When he turned to the husk, it was being melted by whatever was inside.

"Is this Queen?" Abbadon actually wanted to consume Mian Qingwei. That was why Song Qixi mercilessly shot her first so she wouldn't be able to get away. Moreover, this kind of aura and strange blood ability… this could only be given off by her.

"'s Liu Xiaodan..." Song Qixi had seen it, Liu Xiaodan's transformation. That was how he knew that moving blood could only mean him. He tried to aim at the husk to shoot again, but both he and Abbadon only saw a streak of white dash in front of them. Bang! It was even too late to scream as Song Qixi watched his forearm fly from his elbow. Even Abbadon suffered from a claw attack that he didn't see.

At the side, Guangru was only lying on the ground. The bullets had completely neutralized him, and he didn't have the will to even resist it. His eyes, despite being open, were not watching whatever unfolded, and so he was clueless. He only shuddered when a familiar pair of hands slipped under his knees and neck as he got carried. His head moved to see the very familiar face sporting a very familiar smile next to him.

"Guangru…" Liu Xiaodan called out his name very gently, "you're awake."

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