The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 273 - You Shouldn't Have Angered Me

"How about you? Are you willing to die for this?" The group didn't shudder as the Mother revealed herself. Qiao Muwei, especially, was not afraid of her. However, the smile on that beautiful face of hers didn't dampen. "You might not be afraid of me… or Guangru, but I was told that… someone named Queen is in the facility? That her blood is quite a good source of power for Xiaodan?"

"What do you mean?" Qiao Muwei was only asking even if he wouldn't believe the words of a demon. "Are you trying to buy time for the ancient demon?"

"Please. I'd rather let you see what kind of monster you have created." The Mother only chuckled before quickly summoning her wh.i.p.s to create a barrier to keep the mercenaries safe. That was because—at that every moment—blood sprouted all over the shamans and the soldiers.

Agonizing screams echoed all over as the soldiers and some shamans felt their backs and heads burn from the blood spit Tang Mingming just delivered at them. Qiao Muwei would form a hand seal, but his eyes quivered when he realized that a big mouth suddenly showed up next to him. He had to evade before sending a counterattack. The Mother pulled Old Doctor out of the way lest he would die from the counterattack.

The shamans made their counterattack, and the Mother was left to fend for everyone else. At this moment, the mercenaries moved quickly to flee the scene. Chuan Nayi looked back as if feeling strange about the Mother. That demon kept on saving her, and yet she couldn't do anything for it in return.


A loud soothing male voice echoed from afar, and the winds actually slapped against the other shamans, canceling their attacks on the Mother. Even if Qiao Muwei was not one of them, he stopped as he saw who came out of the shaking ground. Li Feng was actually using Mian spells to reverse their attacks? Moreover, Qiao Shan was there… not knowing what to do.

"Shanshan! Come here!" Qiao Muwei called out, but the daughter felt like something was amiss. She could pick a side even if she really wanted to run back to her father.

"Mr. Wu—" Song Qixi arrived as well and saw the stand-off. He was even confused about how Li Feng and Qiao Shan got there faster than he did. However, Abbadon didn't miss the chance to break through Li Feng's spell. The Mother—and God Raven—actually coordinated attacks to intercept him. They were technically weaker than this black fog, but they had to hold.

Qiao Shan ended up running in front of Li Feng and deploying Hongfei to counter Abbadon. "Don't you dare hurt my Feng'er!" She wielded what she could, but weren't they all suppressed by this demon from the very beginning? Abbadon only laughed at their efforts and slapped against them.

The black fog didn't speak to intimidate anymore. He knew very well that the big boss was there. His words had more weight if he could bring someone's head. Perhaps the Li Feng boy should be the best choice.

It's just before he could even reach Qiao Shan, a faint light glowed right in front of him. When his red eyes were directly touching the light it shone, a hand grabbed towards him. It wasn't even a ghost's; it was a living human's hand! Bam! The area he touched suddenly exploded!

"Tch! Even bullets won't work on him anymore!" Song Qixi got to stand next to Wu Zhong, not even bothering with his own gun. If Li Feng could stop bullets, why couldn't Liu Xiaodan do the same?

The light turned into three figures. Guangru was holding onto Liu Xiaodan's leg while he was holding onto Mian Qingwei with his other hand. The woman then growled as she saw the face of the man who kidnapped her and the man who shot her face. However, she fled Liu Xiaodan's hold as if she was asked not to do anything if she wanted to live.

Liu Xiaodan only stared at Wu Zhong. He didn't have to ask which one of them was the man; he could vaguely sense the blood ties the bastard had with him and his mother. Such a very bad grandfather. However, he actually smiled. "Hello, Grandpa, you didn't even bother to see me even once."

"Grandpa?" Some people echoed the word, even Song Qixi was unaware. However, Wu Zhong didn't even speak. On his behalf, Qiao Muwei gave the young man a once-over. "Such a shame. You could have been a rather good son-in-law. However, you must die now."

"I don't think I'll ever be your son-in-law." Liu Xiaodan shifted his eyes at the man. 

This was Qiao Shan's father? Hm, what a very pitiful situation. He really didn't want to harm anyone close to the people that he cared about… it's just that... "In account of Qiao Shan… I won't make you feel pain."

"What did you say?!" Qiao Muwei was insulted, of course. How dare such a person actually say that to him—a master shaman that had been defeating demons for a very long time?! Before the master could do anything, the ground underneath him actually fell, and a huge wooden vine shot up to impale him.

The master shaman retreated and readied a talisman, but he noticed how multiple wooden vines indeed shot up to surround everyone. Moreover, they continued to reach the sky as if caging the people inside. Qiao Muwei actually saw Liu Xiaodan including himself in the cage. "I can call back those planes and rain bombs in our location. Are you risking it?"

"Are you?" Liu Xiaodan smiled, but his smile didn't feel like it was coming from a live human.

"How dare you!" Qiao Muwei gripped his talisman tightly and actually threw it at Liu Xiaodan. It's just that when he did, Liu Xiaodan reached out his hands. All the four spawned Kings turned into blood mists that shrouded the place. The strong whirlwind they produced just deflected the talisman as if it was nothing, and Qiao Muwei's eyes widened as he saw that happened.

The whirlwind rose from the ground and then descended onto Qiao Muwei like a drill. Bang! In one swift motion, the human body exploded as if its inherent power couldn't even stand against the power of Project Hades!

Qiao Shan's eyes widened as she saw what happened to her father in a blink of the eye through the gaps of the wooden vines. When she stared at Liu Xiaodan back then, she had a feeling that mixing more than the normal dosage of Mian Qingwei's blood with his was going to do wonders to him. Moreover, this… this was Wu Zhong's experiment! When did he ever fail?

"Hmph. I guess I'll just die witnessing the peak of my life's work." Wu Zhong didn't bother escaping. He could underestimate the ancient demon, but he could never think less of his own project. Among everything, Project Hades was the one that he poured all his resources into. He actually even let Wu Qianqian escape him just to see if independence was needed. In the end, it was in his grandson.

"You shouldn't have angered me."

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