The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 282 - Enjoying the Bed

The ghost stared in the eyes of a human that seemed to morph into something else. Even if his face didn't change, the presence and aura around him turned him into something else. The ghost had seen dead bodies in this hospital before, but the one standing in front of her right now didn't seem to be docile. If anything, it had a big mouth that could pull on her and eat her up.

Deng! The elevator arrived on the fifth floor, and when the door opened, Chuan Nayi walked out first. Liu Xiaodan broke eye contact with the ghost, and he got off of the elevator. Even after the doors closed and the box remained on the fifth floor, the ghost stood without moving. If she was still human, she could have peed on the spot.

"In the future, you should shoo away things like that as soon as they make contact. Who knows when they will cause trouble to you?" Chuan Nayi only hummed as she held onto Liu Xiaodan's arm. Just earlier, his body temperature dipped again. She wasn't scared of him, but she had seen how troublesome spirits could be.

"I just thought she wasn't trying to harm anybody." Liu Xiaodan felt that the ghost was actually very weak that even Yi Junhai wasn't interested in eating her. It seemed that the pecking order was only reserved for severely infested places. In public, as long as there was a ghost, he should make them scram.

Well, if he was not alone. If he was, he wouldn't mind their interest.

Chuan Nayi only nodded as she led him to the room. When she opened the door, she saw the people's faces rather dark and heavy. Even if her primary concern was that Wen Taio and Xu Disung were invading the patient's bed. She then frowned, "What's wrong? Did someone rise from the dead?"

Li Feng was the first one to react to her. "I just told them about the experiments in Cherry. I needed them to understand what we had to destroy."

"If only they weren't too greedy, I figure things would have been good for them." Liu Xiaodan walked in, and the three hors.e.m.e.n actually rioted in calling for him. Actually, he also kicked off his shoes and joined his brothers on the bed as they made a sitting space for him behind Ruan Jin. Even if Ruan Jin had to use him as a pillow, the magic one didn't mind. Wasn't this a normal thing for them?

"Well, I'm glad you're alright." Ren Shanyue had never met Liu Xiaodan in person, but she was not disappointed. Even if he was not as handsome as Li Feng, there were parts of his profile that were enough to make girls reconsider if they were after the looks. Since Ren Shanyue wasn't, she received the offering fully.

Then again, Chuan Nayi was still there. The two were still heating up after seeing each other again. It wouldn't be a good time to strike.

Liu Xiaodan cast a gaze at Ren Shanyue as Li Feng introduced her. However, Tang Mingming was whispering things like how he didn't like the aura coming from this woman. Moreover, she was from the Ren family that was known to be looking for the top spot and had neo-brutal ways to dominate a family. If Liu Xiaodan wanted to be in the inner circle, he should be very wary of this woman.

Actually, that stifled smile that curled his lips as he returned the greeting was out of his dry laughter towards Tang Mingming. He was now beginning to wonder what kinds of things Tang Mingming actually did in Wangguan that warranted him to be killed and stuffed into the wall. If he could screw Cheng Hei so much despite the status the latter had, Tang Mingming must be very venomous.

"Xiaodan! Is it true?! That you can summon these so-called Kings and then command them?" Xu Disung nudged at the magic one, his eyes filled with excitement. Not because he really wanted to see these things, but because it meant more hands. No one really wanted to work with them so they're always on their own. If someone could help out, even starting a low-budget production would be alright.

"Heh, I know that look. Yes, but no, I can't show them to you. You won't be able to see them either." Liu Xiaodan laughed out and returned the nudge with a little more strength.

Xu Disung was then shocked. "Shit, did you work out? Why did it hurt me?!" He then started grabbing Liu Xiaodan's arm at different places as if feeling the forming hard muscles. Then again, Liu Xiaodan even got flabbier from oversleeping and lack of movements.

What made things more embarrassing for Liu Xiaodan was that the others even joined in. He could only move around like swatting flies all over his body. The magic one even hissed. "Stop harassing me in front of Nayi."

Actually, Chuan Nayi sat down next to Li Yunru on the couch, and they were only watching the four boys get wacky. Even if Li Feng was getting secondhand embarrassment for being associated with them, Ren Shanyue was getting entertained. Li Yunru didn't find it out of place for them while Qiao Shan continued to envy their closeness. Perhaps it was only Chuan Nayi who was secretly glaring at the three as if chiding them.

"Oh, my, what a very lively group!"

Everyone then turned to the door, and they saw Wang Yusheng entering the room. If he didn't have his doctor's coat on, he would be leaning on the frame of the door. "Hello, you seem to be enjoying your time… and the bed."

The three other boys scampered to get off the bed, and Ruan Jin forcefully pulled himself up as if nothing happened. They even smoothed the creases they created. It was bad to be caught getting on the bed with a patient that wasn't supposed to be moving. An apologetic smile was on Xu Disung's face when he even had to collect their shoes almost at Wang Yusheng's feet.

The doctor only smiled. It was no use getting angry now that they left at first notice. Still, he didn't come here to check up on Ruan Jin. "Someone else is actually enjoying his stay. Do you know that Director Sun is at a VIP recovery ward three floors above, Xiaodan?"

"He's here?" Li Feng had the fastest recovery speed among everyone.

"Yes, and since Heilong didn't need protection anymore, I figured the black horse could help Director Sun recover faster for some reason. However… I didn't expect a black teddy bear and a black-haired child to show up as well. Can you do something about them?" Wang Yusheng could only laugh dryly. "They're terrorizing the poor watch. He's already chained to the chair because he's a detainee, and yet he still had to sit through this."

"Black horse..." Liu Xiaodan twitched and smiled warmly. "I'll see them later." No wonder Guangru was happy.

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