The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 290 - Finishing the Job

The father heard Liu Xiaodan's voice and turned to him like he was a lunatic. Moreover, he was actually smiling strangely in the father's direction. This very image actually sparked the flame of rage inside the man's system. He had nothing to vent his frustrations on so punching a stranger who dared to touch his wife shouldn't be too much for a despairing father, right?

That was why the man attacked Liu Xiaodan before the magic one realized that an actual human was lunging at him. It's just that before the father's fist reached him, Liu Xiaodan was pulled to the side. The father missed and stumbled, but Liu Xiaodan and the other man went to catch him.

"Mister! Why did you attack me?" Liu Xiaodan asked with all innocence. What could he do? The gray-skinned woman was so opaque; Liu Xiaodan didn't see him turn while the magic one was taunting the entity.

"I saw you grinning like a maniac even from outside! I would punch you, too!" Li Feng barked in chiding. He then went to help the father that only slid to the floor. "Mister, are you okay? Sorry, my little brother really is weird and troublesome most of the time." Even if he could see the gray-skinned woman clinging to the man, he didn't show it as he kept on gazing directly at the man's eyes.

"Your little brother harassed my wife!" The father tried to attack Liu Xiaodan again.

Liu Xiaodan glanced at the wife who was questioning what she was feeling. "She had been in the company of those dirty things for a long time. She probably didn't know how it felt like to be normal again. I didn't harass her; she was even the one who tried to beat me."

A sigh came from Li Feng. "Xiaodan, we should talk later. For now, Mister, please. I'm pretty sure your wife is safe. You can go see her now." He gestured at the mother, and the man actually walked backward as if keeping his eyes on them. Li Feng only smiled and discreetly trying to get Liu Xiaodan outside the room. 

When the father got to his wife, Li Feng pulled the other outside the room. He then actually checked up on Liu Xiaodan. "You said she tried to beat you? Did she hit you anywhere?"

"Feng, there's a ghost in that room. You saw it, right?" Liu Xiaodan only raised his brows at the senior.

"I know, but you can't just tell people about them. Trust me, some people would never accept these things as real. The best we can do is to not discuss it with them unless they were willing to believe." Li Feng took out a talisman and waved it in front of the other. "The next time you want to help without getting noticed, you do it from a distance. Watch. Small things like that can be destroyed from afar as long as you're strong enough.

"Succ.u.mb!" Li Feng slapped the talisman in the air and channeled his power in the gust that came after. Even if the wind didn't go through the wall, Liu Xiaodan felt like that the entity was killed just from the energy that wafted. With a confident winning smile, Li Feng turned to Liu Xiaodan. "See? No need for a confrontation!"

Liu Xiaodan only nodded, but he did wear an unamused stare at Li Feng who looked so proud of his actions. Was this the first time Li Feng had a junior shaman to watch over? Liu Xiaodan was not even a shaman.

He then spoke, "What if those entities are important to the person? Are we still going to attack without them knowing?" Liu Xiaodan asked while Li Feng was stuffing the talisman back in his pocket.

"...we normally don't discriminate, but now that I have seen other things… actually, it's still not really much of a problem." Li Feng just stood proudly with his hands on his h.i.p.s. "It's easy to observe first. If the entity isn't trying to kill the human, we don't intervene. Sometimes, even those who could see things are reduced to watching alone. It's best to not make people fear what they cannot see."

"Got it." Liu Xiaodan nodded again, but he actually moved his head to see the mother peering from the door. When he did, Li Feng dropped his arms and turned around just the same.

The mother then walked towards them and clutched at her c.h.e.s.t. "… are you from that Mian family?" She heard Liu Xiaodan ask if they didn't want to ask for the Mian family. Whatever he did actually cleanse the heavy air in the room. She couldn't deny that something had happened…

Li Feng lifted his brows. He glanced at the other male behind him before smiling warmly at the mother. "We are. My junior was just starting so he might be quite obnoxious. I'm sorry that he had done things so abruptly. No matter, the room did reek of a negative aura. Did you feel lighter? I can cleanse the room some more if you wanted, erm… do you mind telling us how we can address you, Missus?"

"...Bai Yueji." The woman named Bai Yueji finally smiled, but it was still unsure albeit joyful.

"Ms. Bai, this might be hard to hear, but it seemed like entities had been disturbing you to the point of s.u.c.k.i.n.g out life from your family. My junior had cleared the entities, but the negativity continued to linger. I might have to finish his job." Li Feng tried to sound as considerate as he could. "Will you let me? It'll be quick."

Bai Yueji pressed her lips together before turning to the door of her daughter's room. She looked back at them. "Can I just approach you and ask you to take a look at my daughter? She… had been sleeping for days..."

Li Feng nodded and followed the woman back inside, gesturing at Liu Xiaodan to follow suit. They stood next to the bed, finding the father on the edge of the bed—also feeling strange. It was as if something heavy had been taken off of their shoulders, but they didn't know what was happening.

Since they were inside, Liu Xiaodan spoke, "The girl has marks. She's probably pestered by them for a long while. Her body is weak from the attachment of the entities. She will survive, but she might need more time."

"Alright, there shouldn't really be any trouble. I'm just going to cleanse the room for now to invite positive energy so her mind could respond to it." Li Feng spoke while he was preparing with a hand seal. In just one second, a strong energy pulse rippled through the room. The lingering negative energy vanished just like that. Actually, Li Feng missed being this cool. His power was too minuscule compared to the Kings of the facility.

"...Mom?" It wasn't even a minute after, and Fangfen woke up already!

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