The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 293 - He was Favored by the Gods

However, Liu Xiaodan was not interested in visiting Song Qixi's grave. He was there for the other two. While the Mian family went to do their business there, Li Feng walked Liu Xiaodan and the rest to another place. Most of those who died in Cherry Med whose families were not contacted were buried here. With money not being a shortage, their tombstones were reflective of an average family's. However, no one actually went to visit them.

Li Feng, Li Yunru, and Mian Bingbing were offering chants and prayers for them while the rest were putting the roundest oranges on the tombstones. They might not be family, but it did feel like they were the ones that brought death to these people.

Liu Xiaodan was only left to stand in front of one grave. It was Yun He's. Based on what he heard, Yun He didn't have any family. His parents had died when he was young, and he had been fending for himself for a long time. The only people that could be considered as his family were his friends in Cherry Med—the ones that Liu Xiaodan had picked up from the conference room in the Rooms Hall.

"You don't have to worry. I already sent them a message. They will come see you when they finally accept it. I'm sorry for taking your stuff." Liu Xiaodan then placed the clothes down and hid the phone inside the folds. Next to the orange was a pack of strawberries and a can of snow beer. "Jin said you mentioned you liked these, but you never had the chance to eat them when you were in the facility."

"Nurse Yun, you've been avenged." Guangru popped out behind Liu Xiaodan's leg and walked towards the tombstone. When his eyes looked at the plaque, he figured it was a little too small. Then again, it seemed that all tombstones were of the same size. The only difference was that Yun He's grave was separated from the others'.

Liu Xiaodan reached out to pet Guangru's head; he figured the child felt that modern tombstones are too small now. However, the child turned to him. "Baba, it's too small for Nurse Yun. I don't like it."

Without even caring about what Liu Xiaodan would say next, Guangru turned around again and flicked his hand up. The ground grumbled a little, and a small tree rose. The intricate swirl of the vines formed the bark while the branches extended just around the plot surface of the tombstone. However… it looked a little grotesque. 

Guangru frowned as the tree ended up looking like Death's hand hanging over the tombstone.

Soon, white flowers began to appear and bloom around the 'branches' of the tree. Some twigs also edged out from the body to grow more white flowers. It wasn't overly decorated, but it exuded elegance, loss, and a bit of worship. It seemed that the person owning the tombstone was favored by the gods.

"Thank you, Big Brother," Guangru spoke as he snuggled the black horse stuffed toy lightly. Before they left Director Sun that day, Liu Xiaodan had taken Heima and asked Old Xiong to follow them back home. That's why the two brothers were already together again.

"Thank you." Liu Xiaodan echoed as well. Then again, it looked rather strange if someone else would see it. The tombstones were only placed here yesterday, but a tree had already grown around one of them. Did they earthball a small tree just to fit it here?

Liu Xiaodan took out his new phone and video-called Ruan Jin to let him see the tombstone. If there's anyone else who had a good experience with Yun He, it was Ruan Jin. Liu Xiaodan didn't know if Li Feng would feel friendly towards the nurse. The video call connected despite the choppy signal.

Ruan Jin was actually playing a game by then, but since it was Liu Xiaodan, he answered quickly. When the camera connected, he instantly saw the tombstone. "Wow, did Guangru do that?"

"Guangru and Heima."

"...looks so nice. It fits Nurse Yun… but… it looks weird. Not weird-looking really, but… the grave wasn't even a day old yet." Ruan Jin noticed the problem, but then again, he quickly followed up. "Wait, no, no, it's perfect! Leave it like that! Leave it like that! Nurse Yun can't have a plain tombstone."

Actually, back then, Ruan Jin was really suspicious of Nurse Yun. However, after asking about him from Liu Xiaodan and even Li Feng, it seemed that Yun He was a victim of circ.u.mstances. The poor man was actually worried about everyone even if he could only make things easier for them and not save them completely.

Right now, he would like the poor soul to have what he deserved even if Ruan Jin couldn't fully comprehend how good the nurse was to Liu Xiaodan and Guangru.

"Hm? Is this Nurse Yun's?" The shamans felt the formation of the tree, and so Li Feng was sent to take a look.

"Big Brother Feng, does it look good?" Guangru flashed a smile, and Li Feng actually kicked dirt towards the child. The child squealed as he evaded and ran around. It didn't escape Li Feng's eyes that the black horse was with Guangru now.

He blinked. Should he return the foot?

Liu Xiaodan only chatted with Ruan Jin over the video call before letting him look around to see what the others were doing. He then spoke, "I still have one more grave to find. We'll go see you later."

"Tell Auntie Qianqian to bring me her homemade food!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Liu Xiaodan ended the call and turned to Li Feng who was admiring the small tree. "Feng, do you still have that map they gave you? I want to find another grave and recheck its place."

The newest model of the high-end phone appeared on Liu Xiaodan's view with the image of the map on its screen. He could only keep the material envy to himself and rechecked the names. Right, he remembered the place correctly… before bursting in a sprint to make off with Li Feng's phone.

Li Feng twitched and blinked. Damn, his phone was snatched. Instead of getting angry, he just massaged his forehead and growled as he tried to build his patience. He then turned to Yun He's tombstone. "How did you survive taking care of that brat? Did you see what he just did?"

Pocketing the phone that he took, Liu Xiaodan brought another orange to one of the graves. However, someone had already placed an orange there so Liu Xiaodan just placed them side by side. "Hello, Miss Chu."

Even if he came with a smile, he really didn't know what to say. They barely knew each other, and he was just acquainted with her because she was Song Qixi's… lover? Wife? Even Liu Xiaodan didn't know the label she had with Song Qixi. Either way, she was someone who tried to help others despite her situation.

"I wish I can say more things..." Liu Xiaodan was still squatting down when he said so, but he was surprised when someone called out from behind. "Liu Xiaodan?"

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