The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 302 - Ms. Bai

When they met Bai Yueji in the hospital, Li Feng already had the inkling that this family would never be left alone by entities. They only managed to awaken the daughter and cleared out the ones attached to them, but what about those who were not? What about their home which had become a nest for entities? Alas, what luck did they struck to be in the same neighborhood as Wu Zhong?

After the mothers slapped Bai Yueji again and spat at her face once, they had left in satisfaction. Bai Yueji wasn't the gentlest, and so she only wiped her face with a sleeve before glaring in the direction of the mothers. However, when she moved her eyes to close the door, she caught sight of the two males walking to her.

Her eyes then lit up a little. "It's you two… uhm..."

"Hello, Ms. Bai. Since we met again and might run into each other more, we have to introduce ourselves." Li Feng didn't want to bring it up as soon as they arrived at the doorway, and so he decided to speak like they didn't see it. "My name is Feng, and this is my cousin brother, Xiaodan. His family—"

"Stalkers!" A voice came from the stairs, and the teenage girl went to pull her mother behind her—eyes blazing in hostility. "You're stalkers! There's no way you will run into my mom again just like this! You followed us home, didn't you?!" Fangfen then actually whipped out a kitchen knife at them. "Leave her alone!"

Liu Xiaodan didn't even look shocked at all even if Li Feng flinched at the weapon. He even quickly grabbed the knife by the body without touching the blade. "Maybe, but we're stalking a human."

Fangfen twitched as she tried to pull back the knife, but the kind of pull she was doing was extremely dangerous, She might cut herself or someone else if she continued. Liu Xiaodan reached out his other hand and grabbed her wrist. She then froze at the frost coming from his skin. The knife was freed from her grip shortly before Liu Xiaodan released her hand.

He then said as he placed the knife on the shoe rack. "Don't aim knives at people. You might accidentally stab them. Ms. Bai, my grandfather recently passed away, and his mansion was given to my mother. We will live there now. Do you know that mansion just a few blocks away?"

"'re Mr. Wu's grandson?" Bai Yueji twitched. Everyone here knew Mr. Wu since he had a big mansion in the middle of their neighborhood. From time to time, parties were held there for seemingly no reason but for Mr. Wu to speak with the people around him. Though rumors said otherwise, Bai Yueji remained skeptical about the true nature of this Mr. Wu. "I mean, I only know him by name. I'm sorry for your loss..."

"Thank you." Liu Xiaodan only said that to stop the conversation there. He couldn't really tell people that Wu Zhong dying was actually a gain for him. Then again, he couldn't even say that in front of the maids in the house. "We didn't mean to see what happened earlier. Did they hurt you too much, Ms. Bai?"

Bai Yueji twitched before touching her face that was slapped twice. She could only lower her head in shame before inviting the two men to the living room. Fangfen was still wary of them, and so she didn't leave her mother alone with them. The mother served them juice and some biscuits.

She then smiled and hooked her hair behind an ear. "Thank you for saving Fangfen that day. I know that I behaved very badly and even harmed you, Mr. Xiaodan. May I know why you came to visit today? You can't be visiting just because you saw me, right?"

Seeing that the mother was very awkward about this, Li Feng actually cleared his throat. "We're actually hunting an entity that we spotted earlier. Sadly, it was attracted by the remnant negative energy in your house. Being surrounded by so much of them gave way for others to come and harm you." He then smiled at Fangfen. "Us coming here is coincidental, but since it's your house, for it to come here made sense."

"I—" Bai Yueji was supposed to speak when loud banging came from the door. Before she could attend to it, a big woman actually broke in. She rushed to attack the Bai Yueji. "You s.l.u.t! Bringing—!"

Bai Yueji collapsed behind her in an attempt to evade, but she didn't know how Liu Xiaodan got in front of her. He even had his hand held out as if warning the big woman from coming closer. It was as if her body was physically restrained by something she couldn't see. However, Liu Xiaodan and Li Feng didn't think that she came with four more women. They were all shocked and yet livid—even if it looked feigned to Liu Xiaodan.

Seeing that they had to intervene, Li Feng stood up as well and tried to calm down the women who barged inside the home. It was okay if they were not looking to hurt someone, but they were… so he decided to mediate. "I'm sorry, but what's going on here? Why are you all attacking Ms. Bai?"

"Tch, Ms. Bai?!" The big woman actually laughed out as she stepped back, feeling the restraints loosened on her body. "Very good! Very good! Keep on calling yourself Ms. Bai! You dare marry my brother and lead him to a bad life, and you had the audacity to entertain young men in the very house he built?! You and your itchy crotch! I will shred you to pieces! You s.l.u.t! Burn in Hell!"

She then waved her hand. "And you two! You're very handsome, and yet you sleep with married women?! In case you didn't know, that s.l.u.t is married! What Ms. Bai?! Her husband's family name is Chuan, and her daughter's name is Chuan! She's already Mrs. Chuan!"

Li Feng only frowned. So it's like that. "I know we're not really in the position to mediate with you all, but I don't think it's good for you to stay in the house. Please calm down and leave."

"Why are you making me leave, ah?! Who do you think you are?!" The big woman huffed and started pointing her finger. "You're just some gigolo! You think I'm afraid of you!"

"Big Sister! What are you doing here?!"

The voice of the husband that Li Feng and Liu Xiaodan were both familiar with echoed from the door. However, they were actually surprised to see him in a police officer uniform. He was glaring at the group of women in his house. He even had his junior following behind him as if they were responding to a call.

He glanced at Li Feng and Liu Xiaodan before addressing the current situation. "Fenfen called me and said that you're causing trouble in my house again."

The big sister then huffed as she pointed at them in the distance. "I just caught your good wife having an affair!"

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