The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 310 - Do You Want Me to Save Her?

Actually, even Guangru was feeling more or less the same amount of resentment towards this shaman. This man was the one who sealed him for twenty years. They even placed him in a very cold and dark place with no sounds of activity. That place… Guangru extremely hated that place! More when insolent crows would poke fun at him by attacking him despite the seal.

Then again, he had to be thankful. Those imbeciles were half-responsible for the broken seal. However, he still hated how he was reduced to a plain ghost after escaping that place. He was able to leave the premises because he was too weak to be detected or cause an alarm anymore.

If Liu Xiaodan didn't take him in, he wouldn't be able to rehabilitate himself slowly. Still, Mian Tianyu's Infinite Straw seal was nothing as fearful as the modified Mind-Boxing Seal of the Qiao family.

"If you continued staring at me like that, I will take it as you picking a fight with me, Mian Tianyu," Guangru spoke in a strange voice as if melding his childish one with the low howling that he could do in his tree form.

"Hmph, if you dare." Mian Tianyu could only back down right now. He had no power to even attack this demon anymore. After everything that happened, Guangru managed to get himself to his prime power—or just somewhere close to it. As for him, he could only grow more and more fragile every day.

This short exchange made Li Feng and Chuan Nayi feel innate fear. How could they even forget that a demon and a shaman would never mix? However, since Guangru had no more counts of harming civilians or other shamans, the Mian family could only keep their eyes on every action he did. 

Moreover, so what if he attacked humans again? Would they be able to kill something capable of wiping out the Qiao family's Black March?

It's good that Guangru decided to be obedient to his baba.

"Master Mian, could you do something about Shanhu and Lanlu?" Liu Xiaodan phased into sight again, but no one knew if he had heard the exchange or not. At these words, Li Feng distracted Mian Tianyu with the pair of Fu dogs. Someone of his caliber was enough to help them.

"What do you intend to do after this?" Mian Tianyu made checks and ascertained that he could heal the Fu dogs. However, he wanted to know what would happen next for them. "Their temple is already destroyed, and they will only be watching over ruins that reminded them of their failure. Are you surrendering them to the Mian family?"

Liu Xiaodan only shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea, actually. Let them decide after getting them back to their pure states."

Mian Tianyu only accepted the answer. It was possible that these two guardians would opt to vanish to serve in another place. He asked Li Feng to help him out, effectively teaching him how it was going to be done. 

At first, Lanlu was frowning at Li Feng since he didn't seem to be a strong shaman at all. Guangru said that the shamans called to help out were powerful ones. However, he couldn't help but be taken aback when Li Feng and Mian Tianyu started the purification. This man… didn't seem to be as weak as he appeared to be! Moreover, he was still a child in the eyes of the truly old!

Great potential! Lanlu's eyes continued to glitter.

"...why does it feel like Li Feng's growing a lot stronger now?" Chuan Nayi frowned. She had met him slightly earlier than Liu Xiaodan, and she was so sure that this kind of power wasn't coming from him when he was making those warding bracelets—heck, his bracelets were not even that strong. Moreover, should he be inferior to his cousin before? She remembered Huang Kun saying that Li Feng was not that high up their family ranks.

"Mama, how many times had he crossed the boundaries of life and death?" Guangru answered, "Spirit power often magnifies the moment a person would cross the boundary; that was why the most powerful spells require the shaman to be in a dying state to be cast. If he doesn't improve that way, he's more likely trash."

Chuan Nayi and Liu Xiaodan were actually surprised to know that. Actually, that was true. Chuan Nayi remembered Li Feng being in a dying state almost twice in that one week. Moreover, Guangru didn't tell them about the absolute purification that he went through after he was first marked by the child. All of those actually had a bearing on the increasing power Li Feng had now.

It also helped that he continued to practice and learn when he could. Li Feng seemed to know that he was growing stronger so he kept on pushing himself. Before, he only memorized the spells and learned them by heart.

These days, he could also cast them if he wished.

Under the two dogs and in between the two shamans was a shining purification array. However, no matter how much light it produced, it wasn't something normal people would see. The two shamans waved their hands in seals, moving with the same grace and timing as if they were both masters. Wavering light shone from the Fu dogs, and Lanlu's eyes would become bigger than normal.

This…! His power was returning!

"Shanhu! Shanhu! Can you feel it?!" Lanlu called out, but to his surprise, the black Pekingese was growling in pain as she tossed and turned from the burning light. Shanhu even started clawing out as she broke into a different shape. The Fu dog that was in the size double of a lion showed up in full black, and it roared in so much power that the two shamans flinched.

"The black one is too corrupted!" Mian Tianyu called out, and so he made a hand seal that caged her with the strokes in the purification array that rose to wrap around her. "Feng'er, concentrate with the white one! I'll handle the black one!" 

With a shift of hand seals, Mian Tianyu coated the black dog with the strokes rising from the array. "Restrain!"

Shanhu continued to cry in a mix of anger and pain. Somehow, there was also a hint of fear and loss. Liu Xiaodan watched the proceeding with his hands balling in fists. Then, he heard Old Xiong's voice in the depths of his mind: "Xiaodan, Shanhu had completely turned into a malevolent spirit to prevent herself from being consumed by the demon. This kind of purification will only kill her."

His eyes widened before lowering his gaze a little. 'Old Xiong, do you want me to save her?'

The bear's voice was rather somber after a few seconds of silence. "I pity them, Xiaodan. They had yet to take their pledges, and yet the humans of their time had failed them already. Right now, Shanhu refused to face their failure once again."

As if aware of their conversation, Guangru also spoke as he held onto Heima. "Is it bad to wish for a better life?"

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