The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 320 - A Real Demon

Surprisingly, Liu Xiaodan came with Tang Ernian. Not that they were friends already, but it's more of Tang Ernian not wanting to bother anyone else to guide him around the house. Besides, Liu Xiaodan was looking into stealing something from Li Feng. He probably wouldn't care if a designer shirt or shoes went missing. Not to mention that it would be strange if no one would notice how Liu Xiaodan had shoes tucked under his arms when he leaves.

"Don't mess anything. Fold everything after you check it. Else, I will fold you." Li Feng huffed as the two rummaged through his belongings. He didn't like people touching his stuff, but Liu Xiaodan was good with manipulating him into talking and showing off the designers he had. Why would he not talk about the clothes that he got from high-end brands for free after featuring them in his films?

Perhaps, he and Chuan Nayi shared this thing. They were both talkative when it came to the items, connections, and sponsorsh.i.p.s they gained from their films. Meanwhile, Liu Xiaodan could only shoot using civilians they managed to find in their school. His films were more like indie films compared to the mainstream quality of Chuan Nayi's and Li Feng's products.

If anything, if Cherry Medical didn't fund his 'Stimulus of Fear', he wondered if it would turn out the way it did. Tch, so good to have connections with the rich.

That day, Liu Xiaodan didn't actually go home to the Wu Family Estate. He stayed in the Mian Residence for two other things: making use of their wide space to practice driving and working on a strict review for the theory test for the driver's license. Even if they could speed up the process from favors, Liu Xiaodan still needed to score 90% and show that he could handle driving. Li Heilong refused to do everything all the way.

At this, Li Feng's head began to hurt. He was teaching Liu Xiaodan from the navigator's seat while Li Yunru and the ghosts were enjoying the ride with them. The cousin and Tang Mingming were basically backseat driving while Old Doctor and Yi Junhai were eating ch.i.p.s that the woman gave them. The inside of the car was chaotic. It didn't help that Qiao Shan was just at the porch, playing an online game with the hors.e.m.e.n.

As for Chuan Nayi, she was going around with Hao Chengyi to set up her company. For today, she was going to check the prime locations that she asked for. She didn't even know why Li Heilong was lending her one of his top-notch secretaries, but she figured it had something to do with what the company's purpose to him was.

"This place receives a lot of sunlight." That was the only thing Guangru said while he was holding onto Heima and walking next to his mother like a behaved child. "Uncle Hao, this is even better than Li Enterprise's location."

"Hm?" Hao Chengyi only thought of Guangru as a strange companion for Chuan Nayi. The child popped out of nowhere and so casually that the secretary had decided not to care anymore. As long as the child obeyed his instructions—'don't touch anything' or 'please don't go there', he wouldn't ask Chuan Nayi to get rid of the boy.

Then again, as for his comment, Hao Chengyi only pushed up his glasses. "I think it doesn't have a bearing whether there is good sunlight in Li Enterprise or not. It will still be filled with a depressing aura… especially the top floors." Li Enterprise might be a company with wealth and good standing, but it was still comparable to hell.

Guangru only chuckled as he jumped up and down. "I want to go back to Li Enterprise. Mama, let's head there when we have the time. I wasn't done eating everything."

" Still not enough?" Chuan Nayi was surprised. This child was said to have consumed a lot last night in the Tang Residence while eating the same amount back in the facility. Moreover, he also dedicated days to gobbling up entities in Wu Corporation. Right now, he still wanted more?

"I am a demon. I don't do anything else aside from eating and sleeping." Guangru pouted a little. "Besides, that demon from last night..."—a cold glare hinted within those hazel eyes—"she's too fast. I have to be faster. Also, I need to find Kings to feed Baba. Ming and the others couldn't even eat humans in the blink of an eye. I want to gift Baba with a King with a very big mouth… and help Old Doctor break through.

"Hm. To think of it, I do have a lot of things to do. Hunting in the city is hard as it is already. I can only rely on finding big companies since they became dens of negativity after a while." Guangru frowned his small brows. Eating and sleeping, he said? He more likely hunted way more than those two.

Perhaps Chuan Nayi was feeling just a little dizzy from the demon's words. However, she figured it was normal since they were going to clash against the Qiao family who had demons and a horde of entities. If they couldn't match the number, at least they should go for the quality. If Tang Mingming, Old Doctor, and Ye Ling could become Kings; then it would be better for Liu Xiaodan.

As for Hao Chengyi, he couldn't even help but stop in his steps and take a look at the child. Guangru was angrily glaring at the ground, but he got rid of it as he looked up at the secretary like an innocent child. Hao Chengyi visibly shuddered and just pushed up his glasses. "You… you are a demon? Like a real one?"

"Don't be too scared, Uncle Hao. It's not like Mr. Li can't compete with me." Guangru just ignored him and pranced ahead. Heh, he was even at a disadvantage against that man.

"...I was… going to compare..." Hao Chengyi only murmured before clearing his throat and gesturing for Chuan Nayi to continue after they both stopped.

They reached the caretaker's separate office from the huge building in front of them. Actually, Chuan Nayi liked the place as well, but she wondered why the building was covered. It looked new and unused, and yet it was covered with a net as if it was going to be demolished soon. Moreover, she caught Guangru staring at it as if he was confused by it as well.

Hao Chengyi patiently waited for the caretaker to respond to his buzzing until an old man opened the door with a bolt to keep the door from opening too widely. The caretaker looked at Hao Chengyi and grimaced, "Are you one of those guys looking to buy the building? Just go away. I don't want to be sued again by some monkey suit."

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