The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 327 - That Kid in Court

The child's eyes widened round and big all of a sudden. When he heard those words, he suddenly felt like he shouldn't be wreaking havoc. His eyes then landed on the figure that had stepped into the light cast by the moon. Guangru stared at him before looking very angry and yet aggrieved as if complaining to him.

Liu Xiaodan was reading things about the child when he felt the surge of the demon's emotions. Even Tang Mingming and the rest had felt it; even Qiao Shan reacted to it from afar. That was why the father had zeroed into the child's location and got there as fast as he could. Just now, Guangru was destroying a good place.

"Why are you trying to break the place? Didn't your mother like this one?" Liu Xiaodan spoke before reaching out his arms. "Come, let me deal with everything else."

"There are two other demons out here..." Guangru didn't fly to Liu Xiaodan, but he remained floating in midair. He then looked around to pull the two demons towards Liu Xiaodan. "Baba, here they are. One is still extremely dangerous. I might have to weaken it first before we could make use of it."

"That's very useful. Good boy." Liu Xiaodan only smiled before showing his palm to Guangru. His thumb ring was already on his hand, and he had drawn a cut across the palm. That only meant that the spawns had been deployed. It didn't take a while before the swamp creature jumped into view. It spat out two people, paralyzed from the poison saliva of the swamp creature.

The young man then looked down at the two people. "Are they from the Qiao family? Can you tell?"

The child only nodded. After so, as if they had a cue that was invisible to anyone else, the two launched attacks at the same time. The two humans received the clawed slam of the swamp creature while the wooden vines had crushed the two other demons. The shadow woman was technically dying, and so she was offered to be eaten by the swamp creature.

In the end, Guangru had to look around and feel a bit scared at the kind of destruction that he had done. He ran to his father and hugged the person's neck. He hid his face at the crook of the father's neck and hoped that he wouldn't be bringing any trouble to Liu Xiaodan. 

The Mian family might implicate him because of the child's actions tonight. Still, Liu Xiaodan couldn't care less and just find ways to navigate through their supposed sanctions. Besides, it would always come down to the situation. Guangru was attacked, and he had to retaliate based on the strength of the attacker—that's all.

Soon after, the police had responded to the area. There was no choice but to act like nothing bizarre had happened. Hao Chengyi had run to deal with the police through his skill set and had made no involvement with this young man who just taking a stroll at midnight—having him and the child with the team was harder to explain after all. 

No matter how strange it was, Liu Xiaodan still admitted to taking his driving license's theory test tomorrow so he wanted to do his college ritual to pass. It wasn't new for college students to be doing all sorts of rituals to pass especially if they tend to bomb tests. However, how unlucky could he be that things happened when he passed by?

"Fine, we'll get you home." The detective that came just pushed Liu Xiaodan to be taken home by one of the mobiles. Since the young man was not related to the company surveying the recurring hostile events in the missing building, he must be taken out of the scene as soon as possible. The detective then came to speak with Hao Chengyi and Mian Lunsen again.

Liu Xiaodan held onto Guangru tightly when he was sitting inside the police mobile. He was in the backseat this time, but he could still remember the awful accident he experienced before. At this sight, he wasn't able to relax. His eyes would go from one side to another, even glancing behind them from time to time.

The officer at the navigator's seat frowned at the discomfort of the man behind them. He then spoke, "Are you alright? Don't you feel a bit agitated? Still thinking about that theory test?"

"...not really. I just have… a bad experience in riding police mobiles. Not that I'm always detained..." Liu Xiaodan only chuckled before lowering his face again. He had forgotten that those two were police officers. What if they remembered him after taking a few looks at his face?

"Tch, who wouldn't be so agitated?" The driver only snorted, his eyes glancing and glaring at the young man in his backseat. "Are you sure you're not up to something, Liu Xiaodan?"

There it went. Liu Xiaodan sighed as he figured it would happen. If that junior officer could recognize him, of course, someone else would do the same. He then sighed. "I'm just really taking a stroll."

"I thought you're supposed to be in that other neighborhood. My friend had seen you during one of the calls he responded to. That place was even way far from here. What exactly are you doing there?" The officer didn't drive to the address Liu Xiaodan gave. Instead, he was driven to a police station. "I can't let you roam around freely."

"Liu Xiaodan? Aren't you supposed to be locked up for good?" The other officer gasped. Then again, he still dismissed his surprise before getting out of the vehicle. He then opened the backseat door. "I'm sorry, kid. We have to detain your big brother for now until someone from your family shows up to pick him up."

Guangru glared at the officer, but Liu Xiaodan moved to get out while still holding onto Guangru. "I'm sorry, officer. Can I have him with me in the detention room? He's a bit moody and doesn't really like other people. He might accidentally hurt someone if he doesn't see me watching over him."

The other officer was about to agree and still demand Liu Xiaodan to bring the child down and turn around to be cuffed. Then again, he froze as if he remembered something. His voice actually shook when he asked again. "Liu Xiaodan… that… shouldn't be the kid you talked about in court, right?"

"...?" Liu Xiaodan hummed in a twitch. Child he talked about in court? He actually had forgotten what happened in that court hearing in detail. Was there something important that he missed?

"And if I am, officer?" Guangru moved his face and smiled at the terrified officer, his hazel eyes getting dyed red right before the officer. "Are you still going to detain my baba?"

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