The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 334 - Circus of a Family

"Damn, there's a demon in the backseat. Eat it." Li Feng still felt so indignant about being called 'Big Brother' by entities. He didn't even want to be responsible for anyone before even if he wanted to save people. Killing entities and purifying places were very different from raising someone and teaching them what to do and what not to.

Too bad he was now a big brother to Liu Xiaodan and his friends. Yes, he was Liu Xiaodan's big brother; he would never call Liu Xiaodan 'Baba' like those that call him 'Big Brother'. Then again, he didn't know that not all friends call Liu Xiaodan their father… yet, he was still their big brother. Perhaps the only exception was Old Xiong who was a rather old spirit.

The woman actually twitched when her existence was mentioned. She felt that something was on Li Feng's l.a.p, but she couldn't feel any hostility from it. 

It was because Guangru actually pouted at the big brother. He clutched at the young master's shirt. "But Guangru wants meat. I want steak! Get me steak!"

"What on Earth? Sure, sure, we'll order steak for you later. Hang on, don't pull on my shirt." Li Feng could only glance at the child from time to time as his other hand tried to make Guangru behave. Did no one tell this child that he shouldn't be disturbing the driver?

Upon seeing this scene, Liu Xiaodan only contained his laughter. He didn't feel sulky because Guangru was acting cute with another person, but he was genuinely thinking that this child had really regarded Li Feng as a brother. Of course, a child could not only have a father and a mother; he also needed siblings and a few friends. Having a healthy relationship with other members of the family was good.

However, the woman demon didn't know what to say. Now that she had more time to process the presence on the driver's l.a.p, she figured it was a very dreadful existence. 

It was a demon, but its powers must not be compared to hers and to anyone that had only lived or had been sealed for decades. This ancient demon was probably alive for a millennium even—breaching into a realm that perhaps only gods on earth could rival.

Seeing that it was acting like a cute kid was very strange, but the woman demon dared not make a sound. She could be easily eaten without getting enough sustenance to recover her power. Without a host, she would only grow weaker day by day. Then, she took a look at the supposed empty seats of the backseat.

"You know, I can tell you're supposed to be very strong." Tang Mingming wasn't looking at the woman, but he was talking to her. "Take a look, this circus of a family needs every member that it can get. Consider this… you might be bound to someone as a moving seal, but you can get to eat tons and tons of entities every time they come attack Xiaodan. Sometimes, we're even allowed to kill humans."

He turned to the woman, his purple eyes twinkling. "Everyone just wants a meal, right? Tell me who released you and why you are sticking near Xiaodan, and I can hook you up with what we have. How about that?"

The woman then turned in Li Feng's direction. Her eyes were quivering as she kept on thinking about the words given by those who released her… and then the ones uttered by this beautiful man. 

Only one word escaped her lips: "Kill..."

At the restaurant, the two were eating in a private room. Li Feng had to do everything that he could to not make it look like a date. He kept on announcing himself as a good senior to his hardworking junior every time a waiter came to their room. This five-star restaurant was a really good place, but the things that had been spoken in private rooms were things Li Feng was aware of… as someone interested in the entertainment industry.

Moreover, they weren't really alone. Guangru was enjoying his steak next to Liu Xiaodan while Tang Mingming sat next to a human-shaped shadow. Yi Junhai had become a lesser ghost already, but he was not yet done with upgrading his ghost rank. Old Doctor was carefully eating the food given to him by Li Feng because he didn't have hands and would probably break plates if left alone.

At this sight, the woman's eyes continued to flicker. Why were these ghosts eating human food? They were not supposed to be able to taste any of these anymore. Then again, she was not held by Guangru; she wouldn't understand unless she was hooked to a ghost who could eat and feed memories. 

Still, she was given a plate of cheesecake by Liu Xiaodan. She was well-behaved, he said.

"Ah, yeah, Feng'er… that woman said the Qiao family is after you," Tang Mingming finally spoke up after they had more or less had eaten. He only continued as soon as Li Feng froze and looked up at him with the eyes alone. "They probably thought that Xiaodan is too big of a target and that entities wouldn't be drawn to his smell.

"As for you, you're nothing but the most delicious meat in a banquet. They will hunt you down as soon they catch a whiff of you. Then again, they will be wary of Xiaodan and that girl you're with. You better not go around on your own without protection."

Li Feng frowned. He was… being lured again? Wouldn't this mean that his parents were in trouble again? He then hummed as he figured it would be another series of terrible things.

Liu Xiaodan then commented, "Feng, do you know anything about the Shaman Association? How deep of a sanction can they give to a family whose using its assets in bringing harm to humans?"

"...? Why ask now?" Li Feng frowned as he thought that the topic as mercilessly shifted away from what Tang Mingming was saying. Then again, he couldn't be too sure about it either. "Uhm, the gravest sanction should be… severing ties from them? It would be hard for any shaman family to find clients if the Shaman Association was blocking them out from the people."

"Does that include… not saving them when calamity strikes?" Liu Xiaodan lifted his gaze from his food to the face of the frowning young master. With a hesitant nod from Li Feng, Liu Xiaodan only smiled before attending to his food again. He then said again, "Don't worry too much, Feng. They could only target you. They won't have enough people to watch over so many targets at once.

"The Mian family is building a case against the Qiao family. As long as that thing is proceeding, I just needed to feed everyone until they break through or recruit some more. When the time is ripe… whether I go back to prison or not…" His dark eyes glistened so coldly that even Li Feng was frightened. "I will decimate them."

"Let me join you..."

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