The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 346 - People from Your Family

"Xiaodan, it's becoming a greater ghost. What did you do to him? Is it you, even?" Li Feng said the obvious in case Liu Xiaodan didn't know what was happening. Perhaps the transcendent could help calm down the spirit. However, he didn't even move.

"I don't know, but I'm sure it wasn't me." Liu Xiaodan felt strange. The child ghost shouldn't be acting like this; however, it was already like that, and none of them knew what happened.

Cold winds began circulating the place. The grass rustled as the trees swayed so violently. It was almost nighttime, and so the yin energy from the surroundings was mixing with the power being unleashed by the ghost. A chill crawled up their spines and itched underneath their scalps as they watched the innocent-looking boy distort his face into a monstrous figure. It was as if his skin was paper that has been torn from the center. 

They didn't know the history of this place—more so the history of the child's death. However, one thing's for sure: the child was strong enough to break through the greater ghost rank. He only needed a bit of a push.

Outside everyone's line of sight, Guangru smiled maniacally as if he knew what exactly was happening. Of course, he knew why the child ghost was getting angry. The child ghost was furious about seeing the same person who told him to stay and that mommy would come. However, things had happened, and the mother never came. 

The child ghost was so devastated, and now that the person who left him behind was here, he would get his revenge. The child ghost stared at the man. He wanted to destroy—to rip him apart into multiples pieces… just like the day he was found.

However, he knew that he was still very weak. He could only do so much with his minuscule strength. Upon realizing that, he started praying to the other child who was in the vicinity. It was as if he knew that the demon would grant his wish. "Please help me. I want to kill."

It's just that he was just a piece of entertainment for the demon. Guangru knew that his father would be greatly inconvenienced if ever he did something crazy and appalling like enabling another ghost to kill a human being. That was why Guangru was just smiling at the child ghost that was reaching his limits. 

Next to him was the shaman who was so hesitant in drawing out his paper talismans. Li Feng didn't know why none of them were dealing with it. Even the man from the Qiao family was not doing anything. It was as if they were all waiting for someone else to act. 

Of course, this should be addressed as soon as possible, for they were not the only ones in the place. The driving center was still open for anyone to come in as long as they had business inside it. It didn't take too long for Li Feng to actually drop the hesitation and do something about it. If they didn't do anything, people might die.

Waves of purification blasted through the air and incapacitated the evolving ghost. The child ghost took a look at him as if the shaman was displeasing him. "That man is a bad big brother. Why are you helping him? Why are you stopping me? You should be helping me! I need to do something to avenge myself!" 

The child ghost was able to talk fluently as if his rage was the one giving him the ability to speak. 

Li Feng didn't know how to answer the child's questions, but he did know that things would never change even if one of them died today. He couldn't possibly tell the child ghost that justice would never be served that way because he knew that spirits thought of things differently now that they didn't have laws to abide by. 

The man from the Qiao family only looked at the evolving ghost. He could not recognize this child, and yet he felt like his heart was sinking. There was a kind of familiarity in the child's presence, but he could not put a finger on it. For some reason, a name was surfacing in his mind.

Jia Lang...

In the end, Li Feng just decided to purify the spirit without addressing its pain. The shaman wasn't happy with how things had devolved into this. The child ghost was so innocent; however, the cruel reality had shown him that not all spirits would be able to get what they wanted before they crossed over. He thought that with Liu Xiaodan's help, no spirits would be exorcised with their hearts filled with rage.

He then turned in the direction of the man. Seeing how this man was just standing there made Li Feng angry. He couldn't keep himself from saying his unnecessary opinion, "I think you should have talked to your little brother. Maybe, you could have resolved whatever happened years ago. Then again, I don't expect you to do it." 

"What do you mean by that? Do you even know who I am?" The man was stunned when he heard what he said. That was… his little brother? They couldn't have just guessed it. They must have known the name of the child from one of the receptionists or anyone from the building. 

Then again, he married into the Qiao family and had their blood transfused to him, so he could inherit some of their bloodline abilities. There was no way these two could have guessed just by taking a look at him either. They simply didn't even look the same—not to mention that he was thirty years older now.

However, he couldn't show his surprise on his face. He was still facing Project Hades after all. Who knew when the monster was going to take advantage of his fear? That was why he decided to ignore it and just pay attention to the bad words that the shaman had uttered.

"I don't, but people from your family don't really care about others." Li Feng with strangely angered by this. Perhaps it was because he was working so hard to be the big brother to a lot of them, and yet someone—who was a real big brother—decided to forget his little brother's face and even deny that the child was related to him.

As for his comment about the Qiao family, he was simply not including Qiao Shan—the girlfriend—in the list. He had long considered her as part of the Mian family, not the Qiao family.

The man didn't like what he heard from the other guy. He grew angry at the slander he received from someone who he didn't even know. His voice became louder as he yelled at them. "Who are you to say that?!" 

"We're just nobodies that your family wanted dead."

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