The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 348 - If They don't Know Fear, I will Make Them

Lights flash by their faces as they drove through the long highway leading to Jiang Yanyu's residence. The super black Aventador dashed across the streets like a black ghost chasing after its victims. It was already past ten in the evening, and yet there were still many cars on the other side of the street. The only one going in their direction was the black car that had no reflection.

Chuan Nayi was on the phone the entire time Liu Xiaodan was driving. She was hoping that Jiang Yanyu would pick it up and say things like she was in the bathroom… or that she was eating… or that—anything… as long as she picked up the phone herself. It'd been minutes and twenty missed calls, yet Jiang Yanyu still didn't answer. 

Her mother would call her every night, just to make sure that she's comfortable in that house where she lived with her boyfriend's family. However, tonight, the mother didn't. That pretty much scared the living shit out of Chuan Nayi who was used to hearing her mother's voice almost every night ever since she had moved into the Wu Family Estate.

Chuan Nayi felt like her heart was sinking every minute that passed by. She couldn't take it if she had to live by the fact that her mother was taken away in the middle of the night, by some people to whom she didn't have a face or a name to connect.

When they got to Jiang Yanyu's house, Chuan Nayi was stunned. The double-bolted door was unlocked from the inside, and the house was a mess… as if it was searched thoroughly and yet carelessly. Tables were overturned, chairs were destroyed, cabinets were toppled, and the carpet was torn.

The daughter was so scared. She didn't know who could have done this to her mother or why Jiang Yanyu would be targeted like this. Was there anything worth their time in this house?

"Mom?! It's Nayi! Are you here?!" She decided to call out while running around.

As for Liu Xiaodan, he had an idea of what could have happened here. Perhaps it wasn't the Black March that took Jiang Yanyu away, but there were no signs that didn't lead to the Qiao family. They must be trying to clear evidence from what happened in Cherry Medical.

Liu Xiaodan hadn't forgotten that Jiang Yanyu was part of Breakthrough, the very online journal that spread and catered to the written studies and doc.u.mentation of the projects held in Cherry Medical. These included the very projects that her daughter had participated in. For him, it was just something expected to happen; however, he didn't think that they would really do so. 

Jiang Yanyu was a harmless woman compared to their family. They didn't have to take her away like she could destroy them in a few blows. 

Then again, there was no scent of death or blood in the house. That could mean that she was probably still alive. That's why he had the confidence to turn to the shaking woman and say: "Don't worry, we will find her and get her back. You don't have to be so scared. I will find her; we will find her." 

He tried to assure the wife, but she couldn't sit still. She only had this one parent in her life now. Without Jiang Yanyu, Chuan Nayi could have been an orphan. Even if her father actually existed, he already had his own family… so she didn't count him. 

Of course, Liu Xiaodan wouldn't infringe on that. He already saw what kind of person the father was, and perhaps he wouldn't like it if he f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y mixed her with that man. For now, he just wanted to search the area to see if there were clues or messages hidden among the rubble of what was once a very neat and tidy home. 

Soon enough, Yi Junhai found a letter addressed to the mother, detailing the possible causes of the fire that killed a million-dollar investment plan. Breakthrough invested a few millions in their projects, only for it to burn to the ground. Even if they drain Sun Corporation dry, it wouldn't help with the lost interest.

Then again, Jiang Yanyu couldn't say that those projects were probably not good for public consumption at all as well, considering that they were human experimentation at the very core. Cherry Medical lied… and she knew it, she had seen it, and she had proof what they had done. 

Upon seeing this, Liu Xiaodan thought that perhaps, she was not the only one taken care of by the Qiao family. By now, he was wondering if Director Sun and his son were still alive. He has lost contact with them after the day Director Sun signed released his papers. After all, he wasn't really that close to the old man as well. 

Liu Xiaodan's gaze then grew cold as he glared at nothing in particular.

If these things happen even to Chuan Nayi's mother, he grew worried and alarmed that something like this could also happen to his best friend again. Ruan Jin has already lived through so many near-death experiences that Liu Xiaodan could only apologize to him as they all happened because of the magic one. 

Right now, Liu Xiaodan just wanted to know if the Li family had some eyes on the vehicles that belonged to the Qiao family. Maybe if they found one of those, they could find the rest and see if Jiang Yanyu was indeed in the Qiao family or if she was executed somewhere else. The thought of the latter was so scary that Liu Xiaodan forced it out of his head. No, she must be alive. 

"Can you just wait here for a moment? I'm just going to make a call outside. Don't worry, we will find her; we will find her." Liu Xiaodan was ready to cajole the girlfriend, but Chuan Nayi began to feel helpless at this time.

"Do you think Mom's gone?" Chuan Nayi dried her tears from her face. There's no way someone merciful would leave a place like this in this state. 

Liu Xiaodan actually paused. They shouldn't forget that such an ending could be out there. However, there was no use in scaring themselves. Liu Xiaodan tried to cajole her again. "Don't worry about it. If they know fear, she will be alive… and if they don't, I will make them." 

Standing outside while holding his phone, Liu Xiaodan dialed Li Heilong's number. "Hello. I know it's already late, but I need your help. Nayi's mother was taken from her house probably just hours ago. Can you help me?" 

Actually, Liu Xiaodan was not surprised when Li Heilong answered right away. It was as if he knew that the man would call at that hour. Perhaps it was a sign.

"I am watching footage of a green car headed somewhere. It has been spotted circling the neighborhood a couple of times. I'll tell you where it parks when it does." Li Heilong was ready; he knew this was going to happen.

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