The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 361 - Kill the Boy

The pain that Li Feng was experiencing right now was making him cry so badly inside. He just wanted to pass out and die, but it kept on jolting him awake as if Hongfei could tell the moment that he was starting to faint. The hits were not really painful, but his wounds were already too many to be counted by two hands alone. He was not bleeding, but his skin receptors were overloaded.

Li Feng would never sell out anything about Liu Xiaodan. Even if they cut his fingers one by one, he had been trained to handle a few things. Moreover, even if he talked, he wouldn't guarantee that he would live through it. At least, if he kept mum, there was this fallacy of loyalty.

One of the old men, Wu Zhen, only watched the man. He then turned to Qiao Dong who was getting impatient. "That is Li Heilong's son. I doubt he's any harder to crack than any of his men. Let's just kill the boy now."

"The moment he bleeds, Project Hades could still manifest. We have no way of ensuring that the seal could isolate him for a very long time. Once they realized that the boy is missing, they will be looking for him." Qiao Dong, however, had a smile on his lips. "Still, even if they could see it, they wouldn't be able to pinpoint the place's location. The maze formation here is even stronger."

"Hmph, so without blood, you are sure that Project Hades wouldn't be able to find us?" Wu Zhen spoke, but Qiao Dong shook his head still. The other old man snorted. "Who knew how shrewd Li Heilong really is? He might have other ways. Do you know? Hongfei had to pull out transmitters from the boy's body."

A slightly narrowed eyes came from Wu Zhen. It was as if he wondered why Qiao Dong was speaking of transmitters like they were a bad thing. He even had his children wore a pair underneath their skins as well. It was not surprising that Li Feng had one—not to mention that Li Heilong once lost this boy to the Xie family.

Yingxia at the side only waited in silence. She could feel the whispers of merciful death coming from Li Feng, but the other demon wouldn't even grant him a swift death. Even if this man was too young for Yingxia, she was still looking forward to holding the head around. It wouldn't be in the collection, but if she buried it, maybe it'll grow older. However, she had never made it work even once.

Then, she suddenly felt something was strange. Within those eyes, there was a different glint for a second. It was too strange that it took her attention. She then walked in front of him without warning, notwithstanding the hit that Hongfei had given in her direction. Yingxia reached out to lift his head up.

Her eye-mouth moved forcefully and narrowed at the eyes of the young man. She then used her other hand to carefully press her thumb against the inside corner of his eye.

"Don't make him bleed, Yingxia." Qiao Dong quickly ordered, and Yingxia didn't answer him. He continued to observe the demon as she tried to gouge out one of Li Feng's eyes.

This time, Li Feng felt very terrified. Not only did he not want to lose an eye, but without his eyes… Liu Xiaodan wouldn't know what was happening to him. He started to struggle, but the hold of the demon on his chin was so strong. Unlike earlier, he started to scream and tried to break out of the restraints. How strange… and suspicious.

Yingxia stared into his eyes that were leaking with tears. Using her abilities, she should be able to take out the eyes without letting the blood filling up the sockets. However, if the man was like this, she wouldn't be able to get it right. She glared at him, trying to freeze him through fear.

As if getting impatient with the other woman's interference, Hongfei grabbed Yingxia by the hair and threw her to the side. The demon wearing Li Feng's girlfriend's body stared coldly at the young man… before grabbing his face to burn off his eyes. The flames would cauterize the wounds in an instant, so he wouldn't bleed as well.

"I wouldn't do that… if I were you..."

A strange voice echoed in the room, and the entities looked in the direction where the voice came from. From the dark ceiling corner dangled a woman whose body was mounted on the wall like she would stick there. She carefully latched every step just so she could simply crawl on the ceiling and station herself on top of Li Feng.

Qiao Dong recognized this demon. It was one of those that they newly released. She was only known by the nickname Qihui. Qihui then rotated her head to cater to Hongfei's vision. "The wishing tree has roots everywhere. Do you not think he knew that we could just gouge this boy's eyes out?"

"Wishing tree?" Hongfei hummed as her hand left Li Feng's face. The man was suddenly reduced to quick breaths, but he didn't know if he was already safe—that made Hongfei snort.

"Yes, the ancient wishing tree. You should know him..." Qihui dropped to the floor behind the frame holding Li Feng in place. She then latched at his back like an insect. "He's taking the form of a child right now, but that ancient wishing tree is one of the most cunning ones. I also heard he had already achieved his peak power… also having a lot of servants and worshipers in tow."

"...Hongfei thinks you mean Guangru..." Upon a realization, Hongfei only snorted. "Why so scared of him? He wouldn't be able to get here and affect this man. Moreover, his so-called father wouldn't be able to help out without a drop of blood."

Qihui narrowed her eyes before smiling widely. There was nothing scary about her look, but the way she behaved and talked made the skins of the humans and the demons crawl. Perhaps, there was indeed something about her long fingers that clawed at Li Feng's reddened skin.

As if she could tell something everyone else couldn't see, Qihui answered, "You can always say that… but the wishing tree has a shadow. The miasma that he could produce would always be within the bodies of those who pray to him." Her long nail slid up Li Feng's neck. "Keep on calling for help, beautiful boy. Who knows how quickly they will get here? We both know that the ancient wishing tree had seeds inside you..."

"Qihui, should we just kill the boy?" Qiao Dong believed in the wisdom of these demons. It was most likely because they liked to live freely and kill creatures. As long as someone would give them that chance, they would serve the person… especially in this age where they could be easily suppressed by the shamans.

"Kill?" Qihui extended her neck in such a way that she could take a good look at Li Feng. As if seeing something in those eyes, she sniggered. "Isn't it already too late?"

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