The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 366 - Lay There Unmoving

Wu Shuang didn't pay attention to her surroundings when they were trying to escape the rest house. Little did she know that something like this would happen. Someone actually broke through the window after rappelling down from the roof and ended up hitting her. She promptly cried out in pain as she hit the ground. She rolled to get up, but her roll was interrupted when the man pinned her down, a hand on her shoulder.

Sensing the matter, Bihan moved to the back of the group in an instant. Song Wangyin and Song Lisa didn't run further and turned behind them. They didn't have the courage to continue without the demon leading the way. Same for everyone who was betrayed by the Qiao family.

However, when Bihan stopped steps away from the two on the ground, she didn't act to even help out Wu Shuang.

"Aw, why are you screaming so much? I haven't even done anything yet!" The man who held onto her had his face concealed by their black and red tactical gear. However, his voice was loud enough since they were not wearing gas masks. His eye was even twitching as he looked down at the woman.

"Shit, they're really here!" Another five people entered through the windows, and one commented as he landed close to the two on the ground. "Lock and load, Chief. We have bigger priorities than her."

The man pinning down Wu Shuang only glanced at the man and swiftly drew out a small bottle from under his sleeve. He then grabbed Wu Shuang's mouth and held it tight to keep it open. She felt imminent danger and began struggling. The young masters wanted to help, but the four men only raised their high-caliber guns at those who dared interfere.

A wide grin was under the mask, but the curve of his eyes showed it freely to her. "Do you know? I really hated geniuses who used their brains to cause more damage to people than fix them. You love poisoning people until they die? Here,"—he poured the green liquid in the bottle straight to her mouth—"try to survive until sunlight."

He didn't let go of Wu Shuang even as she tried to choke out. He even held her down and closed her mouth to force her to swallow the liquid that almost burned her throat. After a few seconds, he just released her. She rolled and tried to throw up the liquid, but it was quick to dissolve. It was poison, and she had to get it out of her fast.

"Bihan, let Saint and Crow lead you to the extraction point for these people. Please help them deal with other things should they fail to handle it." The one who only looked over his shoulder to watch Chief poison Wu Shuang then turned to face the possessed man. "The Black March is at the entrance, and Hades is keeping them busy. I can't guarantee they'll stay there, however."

"...Bihan understands." This was her mission: to move in without being detected and fetch the feeds to safety. No, they were not being rescued because they deserve to live; they were rescued because the enemies would get stronger if they were eaten.

"Let's proceed." The same man waved his hand at the others, and two of them automatically broke off from the group and ran to their destination. The two supposed to go with Bihan would take the rear, so they didn't move at all. The Ringleader only cast his gaze at Chief who moved to the front to get a quick peek if someone was injured. He didn't care about Wu Jiao as it was unnecessary to treat him right now.

Bihan just let the doctor pass by before eyeing the man who was calling the shots. She then spoke, "Big Brother Feng is three floors underneath. Bihan can't see beyond that, but Bihan can sense him vaguely."

The man raised his brows and only nodded. He then took a look at Chief who even took the time to squat down in front of the terrified granddaughter and give her a candy to calm her down. Some cajoling of how brave she was tonight also came before he quickly moved back to his initial spot. By then, Bihan had also gone back to the front. She continued to lead the group away, the two men following suit.

"Did she say where Feng'er is?" The doctor asked, and the leader nodded. The latter then cast a glance at Wu Shuang who was abandoned at the side. With a grunt, the doctor urged the man to leave. "The first to go is her locomotion. She can still crawl if she wanted, but her bones would ache so badly. We don't have time for her."

"..." The leader only stared as if thinking of something. Soon enough, he aimed his gun and shot Wu Shuang's foot. She cried out in extreme as her entire body was jolted. The doctor only held his laugh, and the leader walked past him. "Making sure."

In her mind, she cursed the man a million times. It was just now that she realized that those were Li Heilong's mercenaries. The man who gave her the poison should be that Dr. Wang. As for the man who shot her, that was undeniably… Li Heilong!

With Hades attacking, the Black March was focused on him. The other friends and mercenaries infiltrated under the noses of the guards and shamans purged into chaos. Who knew that even the Mian family had their own mercenaries under Mian Bingbing's command?

Actually, when Mian Tianni last spoke to Liu Xiaodan, she had relinquished all her jurisdiction over the matter. It was helpless to continue with a case when the Qiao family blatantly disobeyed the Shaman Association and still attacked after a few days of silence. She was supposed to not involve herself anymore…

However, Song Lisa called. 

Song Lisa was one of Song Qixi's loving aunties and the only one supporting his parents' decision to marry. This woman was considered a friend of Mian Tianni. When she heard about what the Qiao family had done, combined with Li Heilong's intel, Mian Tianni could not tolerate it any longer.

However, no matter how much they looked, they couldn't find Li Feng. He was supposed to be kept here as well, and even Li Heilong decided to move in personally. Right now, he was on his way down to the bas.e.m.e.nt floors. Hopefully, he could find Li Feng alive.

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