The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 1002: Secretly transfer, good deal

"Mei Qianxiao Jin Yiwei is in charge of this case, but we need to confront him?" Li Mengyao slapped the armrest of the chair hard, it seemed that this tragedy might be solved.

"No need. I helped Liu Jiazhuang destroy the family." Lu Jian'er stood up and admitted generously, "The fake second uncle, that is, the soul, he ordered me to use the medicine he gave to deceive Jiu Que Fang, and then instigate discord, Let Jiuquanfang sneak up on Lujiazhuang. That medicine is similar to what we took, but the effect is stronger, overdrawing life force in exchange for explosive power... When this inhuman explosive power is used up, people will irreversibly overdraft and die. Exactly, nine Only when the Quefang Square is completely dead can we better keep secrets, so let’s do it again.”

Everyone was horrified when they heard it. After they made up their minds, they must send orders after they go back. Don't touch these so-called secret medicines that can enhance talent from unknown sources, otherwise the whole family will die without knowing it!

"But you have missed a lot, and you missed a woman... She said it was the work of Nighthawk Castle?" Li Mengyao asked suspiciously as she tapped the handrail with her fingers.

"That's also the meaning of stealing the soul. He wants us to fake Nighthawk Castle. Anyway, Nighthawk Castle is notorious and bad street. It doesn't matter if there are too many lice, and it doesn't matter if there are more lice bites. It just happens to hide us." Lu Jianer said truthfully.

Gongliang Junyi and Li Mengyao looked at each other, and asked, "Are Duopo and Nighthawk Castle still friends or enemies?"

"No, there should be some contact between Deopo and Nighthawk Castle. In the previous case of Shi Prison, Nighthawk Castle entrusted us to help cover up their strategy of framing Shi prisoner. The tonic of the gods that Shi prisoner took was provided by Depo, and it couldn't be concealed. After the blood wolf general's discernment, Hou Jingtian led the order to silence Master Huifang. However, the specific relationship between them and their deeper purpose have not been revealed to us. From the beginning to the end, we are just doing the dirty work in his hands. Tired chess piece." Lu Jian sighed.

Oh my god, the Shi Prison case is also related to them? !

The six Qin kings who were present were stunned, and even the emperor was speechless with his mouth open... Not to mention the power of Nighthawk Fortress, even the unheard-of-death can control Lujiazhuang. It's raining, it's crazy!

"It seems that this Dao Po is a pharmacist who can conquer the world..." Lu Fujin frowned, although he was very insidious, he was also a talented person from the Qimen. With his lifeline, why was he killed today? What is your plan today?"

"Dao Po originally ordered us to grab the position of concubine. Although we have always obeyed silently, we were worried that the position of concubine would fall into the hands of Lu Jiazhuang as if it had fallen into his hands, and there would be disasters for Jiangshan, society and crops, so we have been trying to get rid of his control. Speaking of which, it was because of the Shenzsi Temple case that we became associated with General Blood Wolf, which gave us a chance to escape from the sea of ​​suffering." When Lu Jian took over, Lu Tingyi, who was forced to be placed under house arrest in the back mountain of Lujiazhuang, could not know the details, and it was the other way around. He took the question.

"General Xuelang didn't say that he solved the case, and did he help you get rid of the poison on your body?" Li Changrong looked at Xuelang with a face that didn't take it seriously and said in surprise. So many amazing things?

"That's right. General Blood Wolf brought an excellent Mr. Zuzuo by mistake, and asked him to examine Shi Prisoner's blood. We were worried that he would find out the secret of Shi Prison's special tonic, so we assisted Master Huifang to secretly Change it to Hou Jingtian's blood. Who would have thought that he would find out the problem as soon as he checked it. After we took the secret medicine, there were some toxins in the blood. Jin Yiwei..."

"What's the matter with Meijin Yiwei? What else did you conspire with General Blood Wolf?" Lu Fujin was a little dissatisfied, looking at Mei Qianxiao as if his wife had put a green hat on him.

In the bottom of Lu Fujin's heart, the eyebrows have been drawn by him and the aunt to give him advice, and recently they have been eating and drinking together every day. This should be his person, is it okay to be snatched by the blood wolf?

Hey, hey, Master Lu, what do you want to do when you look at Lao Tzu's body so sadly!

The blood wolf coughed a few times and grabbed his attention, and quickly explained: "I heard that Meijin Yiwei had investigated a case related to amputation grass before, and amputated grass was detected in this blood, so when he came back, let someone throw it to him. checked."

"Why didn't you tell us there was something wrong with Shi Prison's blood?!" Gong Bujue was surprised.

"It's not about the blood of the stone prisoner. There's no need to tell you... My dignified blood wolf can't have a little secret of his own?"

roll! This is Mao's own little secret!

"How do you know it's not Shi Prisoner's blood?" Gong Bujue asked even more incredible.

"Hehe..." The blood wolf sneered, for some reason Lu Fujin felt that it was a bit similar to the popularity of a certain villain, but it shouldn't be, this person is the four martial arts of the country, "Because I actually secretly took two tubes at that time. Blood, of course it was discovered immediately after the blood was exchanged."

Depend on!

Gong Bujue and the others gritted their teeth and kicked their legs, this blood wolf looked so carefree and thoughtful! Who would have thought that he would actually hide a tube of blood!

That is to say, at that time, he found out that he had been exchanged blood, and there might be something wrong with Shi Prison's case... No wonder he was so determined to overturn the case for Shi Prison!

Everyone didn't have time to be sullen, so they turned to look at Mei Qianxiao, and the blood had reached Mei Qianxiao.

Mei Qianxiao is a little low-key today, but everyone just thinks that there are too many big people here, and the emperor is there. This coward is a little bit cowardly in the face of the big scene, so it's not strange

Mei Qian smiled and said, "I don't know how to do it either. Later, I thought of someone who cares about this stuff..."

"Who?" Everyone asked in unison.

"The sect leader."

Everyone was surprised and stunned, why did they get involved with this demon king? !

"He, he was entrusted to mediate the conflict between Shangqingguan and the Beggar Gang, and the clues are all in this amputation. It is also rumored that he has compiled a generation of famous doctors from the previous dynasty to do big things. Maybe he has the blood. The way to find out the problem, I secretly handed it over to him."

The blood wolf rolled his eyes helplessly... Your brother Xiao is going to do something big! Can you save some words if you can, and don't cause trouble to your laughing brother!

"Do you have a way to contact the Demon Sect leader?!" Everyone was surprised, and Li Changrong was even more excited.

"Of course I can't get in touch directly. I also contacted his downline, who submitted it layer by layer...that's the one, um, you know..." Mei Qian stopped smiling.

Li Changrong immediately signaled him to stop talking...

Mei Qianxiao hinted that she understood, wasn't it Cao Ling, a spy who had been introduced to him by the Shadow Metropolis Government and arranged to go to the Demon Sect! Why didn't Cao Ling explain this to her!

Of course, Cao Ling didn't explain it to her, because Cao Ling had just received an order from the leader of the demon sect, asking her to admit it later. These remarks are just to distract from the identity relationship between Qianxiao, Yue and Xuelang.

"Later, through Hou Jingtian and Mei Qianxiao, we handed over the blood and even a newly obtained secret medicine to the demon sect master for research. Although he also said that he could not solve our poison, they successfully copied the formula, and have been in the Hou Jingtian's experiment was successful. This matter is very dangerous. If Duo Po finds out, he doesn't know what he can do, but this matter cannot be entrusted to others. So we secretly passed everything back to grandpa, and we wanted to succeed in one fell swoop. Destroy the soul!" Lu Jianyi said.

"The Lu family must have Lu Geer's confidants and eyeliners, so it's hard for me to be monitored, and I can come as quickly as possible. So I came immediately after receiving the secret letter from Lu Jianyi, and I won't give it any more. Lu Ge's second chance to make a strange move!" Lu Ting shouted coldly.

Only then did everyone understand the reason why Lu Ting appeared here...

"But why did you team up with the Blood Wolf? The Blood Wolf got the secret medicine formula to threaten you? But if you want to threaten it, it should be the leader of the demon sect threatening you!" Lu Fujin wondered.

Don't smear Laozi indiscriminately! I think retirement is not busy enough, so I need to add another Lujiazhuang, right? The blood wolf almost couldn't help throwing the tea in his hand to wake up Lu Fujin!

"Maybe the leader of the demon sect despised our intention to control Lujiazhuang, and generously handed the formula to Mei Qianxiao." Lu Jianyi explained with a self-deprecating laugh.

"I don't know what it is, but I just handed it over to General Blood Wolf." Mei Qianxiao shrugged, with a face that made people feel pure and dazed from the bottom of their hearts.

"Look at me... I've worked so hard to get this thing. It doesn't make sense to work in vain, right? So I made a deal with Lujiazhuang. They helped me select the concubine, and I gave them the formula to save their lives. This deal is a good deal, right?" The blood wolf spread his hands and said innocently.

You've worked so hard, you bastard!

From start to finish, you are only responsible for handing over things, what kind of hard work did you do? Roadside errands can do the job!

Unwilling to say: Mei Qianxiao's credit is better than you!

But the second half of the blood wolf is right... This deal is a good deal.

The blood wolf can clearly use the formula to become the next Lujiazhuang in power... If Lujiazhuang's lifeline is exchanged for the support of the consort selection, anyone who takes office from Lujiazhuang's point of view will agree. It's better than being a puppet!

"So you got the recipe?" Li Changrong asked worriedly.

"I got it, let me keep it. Although this party makes Lu Jianyi and the others seem to have improved their foundations, in fact, they have damaged their muscles and overdrawn their bodies, which restricts the future and makes it difficult to reach the top of martial arts in the future. It is definitely not the right way. This generation will be cut off, don't harm the rivers and lakes again." Lu Ting sighed with a frown.

Everyone heard that the recipe has been kept in the hands of Lu Tingyi, and they all dismissed the idea of ​​​​using it... Lu Tingyi, an outsider like this, who would dare to attack it instead of courting death?

"General Blood Wolf is loyal and faithful, and removes a tumor that was buried deep in the court and the rivers and lakes... I don't know how to start with a thousand words, but thank you General!" Li Changrong sighed when she heard the words, tears in her eyes. The blood wolf general bowed.

If it wasn't for General Blood Wolf to resolve this matter, who would know what kind of disaster it would bring to the court and the people of the world after Duo Po controlled Lujiazhuang to **** the concubine. Moreover, Lujiazhuang can be described as a duck to the mouth. He can replace Duopo to become the master behind Lujiazhuang in minutes, but Xuelang didn't do that!

This kind of openness and integrity is what Li Changrong admires as a child!

The emperor also stood up and surrendered to the blood wolf: "General Xie kills the evil!"

Seeing this, the others quickly got up and handed over: "General Xie kills the evil!"

"No... Should it be called the blood wolf general's concubine?" Gongliang Junyi was also impressed by the blood wolf's talent, and expressed his admiration. This person must be firmly locked in the royal family.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone smiled But seeing Li Changrong's ice cold fade away, she dared not look at the blood wolf again with a slight blush... That is the ice and snow beauty Li Changrong who is as cold as a snow mountain what! !

As for the fake show, don't tempt Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu can't stand temptation!

"Humph." A cold hum interrupted everyone's moment of relief, only to see Shen Ganba slapped the table hard, his expression not angry and arrogant, "The blood wolf and Lu Jiazhuang colluded in private to control the competition, this can also be put on the table. What was said on the table?"

Lu Ting was very angry when he saw Shen Ganba, and was about to explain more, when he saw Shen Ganba smashed the cup directly under Lu Ting's feet!

The splashed tea and debris landed on Lu Ting's trousers. Lu Ting didn't hide, and quickly surrendered to Shen Ganba. He was mentally prepared for Lu Jiazhuang to bear all the faults.

But he must fully support the blood wolf's consort for the formula, and cannot give up.

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