The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 1007: After 3 rounds of wine, bridal chamber candles

At the concubine's wedding banquet, the rare quietness...

Many of the military attachés were lying still on the table, but the banquet was not ready yet.

The other people who were awake lowered their heads to eat, and did not dare to put drinks on the table... A huge figure was like a bloodthirsty beast, shuttling between the banquets, and no one dared to look at him wherever he went.

The blood wolf swayed around, and no one dared to toast with him again, so he walked back with a smile...

Rather than play with them slowly, take the initiative. I'm sorry everyone, I'm in a hurry!

This night, the deeds of the bridegroom's wine table single-handedly singled out hundreds of people, which added a great deal to the prestige of the four martial arts in the blood wolf town.

"Your Majesty, I've almost finished eating, so I'll go back to the bridal chamber first." The blood wolf returned to the main table, and said quietly and the emperor raised their eyebrows.

"En..." The emperor was very happy tonight, and he drank a lot with several old courtiers, but his brain was still sensible. He squinted at the blood wolf, and pondered, "Did Brother Xian go back to the room so early..."

"Your Majesty..." The blood wolf understood what the emperor meant, his blushing face shook his head and whispered, "You also saw how much I drank just now, and everyone here has seen how much I drank... This time back in the room, I'm sure to fall asleep and get drunk..."

"I understand. Come, help the concubine back to the room!" The emperor nodded.

Since he believed in the blood wolf from the beginning, the cooperation has come to this point, and he can only continue to choose to trust him.

According to what he has observed so far, the Blood Wolf is indeed a trusted confidant. Even if you really get into trouble with Chang Rong, you can tell him the identity of Mei Qianxiao.

The two eunuchs hurried over and helped the heavy blood wolf to the inner room. While staggering, the blood wolf also knocked down a table on the road, which was eye-catching enough.

Coming to the door, the maid took the blood wolf. After a set of customs of entering the bridal chamber, the blood wolf finally stepped into the new house.

The house is full of red, the eyes are full of intoxication...

Even the blood wolf is a little drowsy after drinking this way, and when he enters the bridal chamber, how can he feel a little more hazy.

His eyes were quickly drawn to the figure sitting beside the bed. Her red and gorgeous wedding gown was luxuriously inlaid with gold and silver, but it fit perfectly. Sitting on the side seems to have nowhere to place the legs stretched like Ayala lightly placed, no need to confirm that there are a pair of long, straight, slender, and fat-free legs hidden inside.

This body proportion, but every man is full of blood.

"General Blood Wolf, are you drinking too much?"

Awakened by a sound, the blood wolf realized that he did not know when he had sat beside the bride, apparently a little confused by the atmosphere here.

"It's okay, I'm a reckless man, and the wine will definitely not run away. We can finish the procedure soon after we can get rid of the alcohol."

The blood wolf picked up Yu Ruyi and provoked the bride's red hijab perfunctorily... The rude and casual movements, with the finely crafted mouth and the crackable cheeks being revealed one by one, unconsciously became slow and slow. Stand up solemnly... Until Li Changrong's unsmiling face, which is far superior to porcelain doll's frost, fully appeared, and his big eyes looked at the blood wolf with concern.

Also in a daze, there was Li Changrong.

This slovenly chubby man is her husband from today... Li Changrong looked at the blood wolf, her thoughts drifted away.

She knew that she already had her own heart... but that person was a wicked man, and the two had no relationship, so they didn't force it.

After that, Mei Qianxiao's handsome appearance emerged from the layers of white fog again. That smug smile made people hate iron and steel, and it made people unable to look away... Suddenly she realized that this situation was not enough. It was when they happened to meet in the bathroom, the two met frankly, and they were ashamed and hated for a strange intersection... Then, why would they remember that guy on the wedding day? Probably, Li Changrong noticed a strange emotion buried in his heart at some point.

Up to now... The husband in front of him is a blood wolf who can't open the door. He is martial and able to secure the country, and Wen Neng takes care of the emperor.

When she first met, she didn't have the heartbeat when she met her ideal type... Maybe the blood wolf appeared too late, and she already had her heart.

But after getting along for a while, I helped Xuelang overcome all difficulties and unravel the emperor's knot, and the tacit understanding between husband and wife along the way made Li Changrong completely worship Xuelang.

Maybe marrying a blood wolf is not as uncomfortable as I imagined...

Suddenly Li Changrong woke up again, she was obviously just a secret guard, how could she have so many selfish feelings? Besides, three men?

It's so ridiculous that Li Changrong couldn't help but scold herself for being a prostitute!

When she came back to her senses, she didn't know how long she had been staring at the blood wolf like this, only to feel the man in front of her panting, one hand resting on the edge of the bed beside her head, heaving up and down almost against her chest. !

The man's breath came over her face, and the strange and familiar feeling of intoxication made her heart chaotic, and her mind became blank for a while.


There was an abrupt sound outside the window door, which woke up the two people who were addicted to their hearts and minds!

"Blood, blood wolf general! I, you, are you..." Li Changrong reached out and pushed the blood wolf away, and the blood wolf's hot chest almost melted her.

"I, I, I was a little dizzy just now, but it's all right now!" The blood wolf bounced away quickly and swallowed hard.

Oh my god, just now he was facing Li Changrong, who had been staring at him in a blur, and he almost couldn't control it!

As a blood wolf, he will run away sooner or later, so what if Li Changrong is innocent!

"It's inconvenient to be alone in the same room, I'll go out first!"

After all, the blood wolf panicked and came to the window that was rattling just now, and opened the window.

"Will... No, concubine, how did you get here?" Li Changrong hurriedly sorted out her wrinkled clothes, wiped off the aura that disturbed her mind, and asked with her head lowered.

"If you can't walk through the door, people will find out that we don't have the same room! I'll go out and find a place to rest for the night. I'll be back tomorrow morning, so you don't have to worry."

After the blood wolf finished speaking, he turned out like a thief with a guilty conscience.

Li Changrong stared at the window for a while, and smiled silently... The blood wolf is really a gentleman, and his confused appearance is a bit cute.


The blood wolf turned out of the window and rolled a few times in the dark like a gourd on the ground, before rolling into the nearby grass in an embarrassing manner, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Terrible... Peerless beauty is terrifying! It's scarier than 10 Zhang Sanjian dancing around him!

"Dangtang Zhenguo Fourth just 'get out' like this?"

A voice came out of surprise from the side, but the blood wolf was not surprised. He turned around and patted him on the shoulder: "Good boy Hong Qi! You throw the stone at the window well, otherwise I will be bad!"

"Stone? What kind of stone am I throwing?" Hong Qi, the head of the Nanjing branch of the Beggar Gang, who was squatting here, had just arrived, and the second monk was at a loss.

Hong Qihui came here also because of the blood wolf's appointment, staring at the pair of evil eyes that were born with small benevolence, and used his eyes to let the blood wolf explain what was going on.

"Didn't you throw it away? Forget it, wait a moment, my identity cannot be seen outside!"

After the blood wolf finished speaking, he took Hong Qi to an unattended hall. The blood wolf ran to change into a flying fish robe that he had prepared earlier, and then restored his appearance...

When the blood wolf stood in front of Hong Qi with a smile on his Hong Qi couldn't close his mouth, and finally believed that Mei Qianxiao didn't make a joke about him, the blood wolf was really an eyebrow. ...

But this fact hit him hard too!

The four warriors of the town and the leader of the demon sect, Yue, are the same person, but there is really no problem in handing over the throat of the north to this kind of lazy guy who depends on the guards every day!

It's been a long time since this product has returned to the northern land! ! If the Huns invaded, the daylilies would be cold!

"What are you doing, hurry up!" Mei Qianxiao had already walked out of the side hall. Looking back, Hong Qi was still in a daze, and couldn't help urging.

The four great joys in life: the long drought meets the sweet rain, the old knowledge meets in a foreign land, the wedding room flower candle night, when the golden list is inscribed... He put the wedding room flower candle night of the great joy in life and this son of a **** to make a foundation, ah bah, work with this son of a bitch, unexpectedly Dare to give Laozi a daze!

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