The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 1023: In the past, there is no need to meet the old love, why should we know each other bef

"Cough cough...Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been in a dilemma, fish and bear's paws are hard to cook together...The reason why I appear here is mainly because the boss strongly recommends it, not because I insist on taking this kind of heavy work..." The man with narrow eyes like a willow Sitting on the chair, fingers unconsciously stirred the hair hanging by the ears, whispering non-stop, as if to convince himself.

"What the **** is that insanity doing? It seems like I've been sitting there since last night..." "I don't know, I've been using the wine glass as a mirror to make a pose, very coquettish..."

The man patted the table lightly, and the guests who were resting and dining in the inn immediately stopped whispering, afraid that they would be heard gossiping behind their backs... After all, the man was wearing the brocade robe of the guard department, with an embroidered spring like an official seal hanging on his waist knife.

"Shopkeeper, pay the bill!" The man took out the broken silver, frowned and calculated for himself for a long time, and put down the broken silver, which was not at all commensurate with the heroic call.

One point is not much, one point is not much... I am afraid that I will give too much.

All of a sudden, everyone's attention was diverted from the eye-catching man, and a white figure walked in lightly at the door of the simple inn. A flash of light had already come to the center of the eyes, and then a faint fragrance dissipated.

Although the woman covered her face, she revealed bright eyes that were as bright as the moon and crystal clear, which were rarely seen in the world, and everyone present held their breath.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry, why don't you invite me to have a sip of hot tea?" The woman's voice was not loud, without any femininity and femininity, but with a bit of neat chivalry.

"Oh, how can I! I'm just afraid that you'll wait for a long time. I'll come out to find you immediately when I hear your voice! You must have had a hard time traveling. Come and sit! Boss, immediately serve me a pot of the best tea here, and warm it up. Yes!" The man was a little embarrassed, his face turned red, he didn't dare to look up and meet the woman's eyes, he bowed his head and was so experienced that he seemed to be a waiter in this kind of shop that had worked for ten years.

The woman was not at all surprised that he could hear her footsteps from a distance.

They had originally agreed to meet nearby, and she had come early, but her first reaction was to come to this inn when she didn't see anyone. Based on her understanding of the man, as long as he doesn't see her when he arrives, he will definitely come in to have a rest, and by the way, have some special snacks from Nanzhong to satisfy his hunger.

as expected…

The man hasn't changed at all.

"I'm joking... It's important to hurry. The dry food and water I brought are enough for us to reach the town. Let's go." The woman said hurriedly, almost flicking her tongue in anxiety, but fortunately she concealed it with her clever tongue.

Although the woman knew that she wanted to come into the inn to find someone, she was also frightened by the speed at which she rushed over unconsciously... as if she wanted to get together sooner, it was embarrassing.

"Okay! Let's go!" The man smirked and hurried forward to lead the way.

"Waiting for a long time?" The woman walked afterward, looking for something to break the embarrassment.

"No, I just arrived not long ago... Brother is also a busy person in the Gongwei Division, everyone is begging him to do something, and he arrived in a hurry, ahahaha..." The man flicked his bangs, looking like he was successful in his career road.

This guy sat here for a day and a night, and he didn't dare to move his butt... The shopkeeper really wanted to intervene like this, but when he saw that the other party was waiting for a masked beauty, forget it, don't let the dog lick again receive a blow.

The woman covered her mouth with a half-smile: "Indeed. Didn't I beg you to do something?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't tell me you're saying that..." The man said with a sad face, "Isn't what you're doing now my brother's business... I'm actually curious, Why are you suddenly curious about brother's old accounts..."

The woman is Lin Xiyu, the daughter of the martial arts leader. But at present, I am afraid that no one will know, she has temporarily shed this title.

The man who came to meet was naturally entrusted by Li Mengyao, Mei Qianxiao, who was very honest and came to meet early while complaining.

"Isn't this the account book you stuffed for me? It's all about your grievances..." Lin Xiyu's eyes widened as if innocent.

Oh my god... I almost knelt down because I called the injustice account book because it was too appropriate! Your naming ability is so outstanding, does your martial arts leader dad know that!

" didn't mean to ask you to help avenge your grievances." Mei Qianxiao smiled wryly.

"What does that mean?" Lin Xiyu looked up and asked.

At that time, we two were in a state where good and evil were incompatible. I took out the injustice account book, ah bah, a summary of the cases of the Sun Moon God Sect being wronged, what else could it mean? ?

It's Lao Tzu's intention to draw a clear line between you and me! And it was the old man you dumped first!

But Mei Qianxiao opened her mouth, facing Lin Xiyu's bright eyes, she was speechless for a while.

After holding back for a long time, he muttered indistinctly: "Just, just, I'll just show you how much grievance the Sun Moon God Sect has..."

How can she be unserious at a time like this...Lin Xiyu almost couldn't help laughing...but her beating heart finally relaxed...she was so worried that Mei Qianxiao would say some decisive words.

Although he was entitled to say those things to her, she didn't necessarily want to hear them.

"I'm just joking. You've already called me 'Lin Nvxia'. You should know that I can't turn a blind eye to injustice. Since there is a wrong to be done, I have no reason to just ignore it." Lin Xiyu's tone was cold, but Protesting against Mei Qianxiao's sudden but reasonable nickname in her own way.

Then laugh when you are joking! After chatting for a few words, I noticed that your mood is getting worse and worse!

Mei Qianxiao couldn't see through Lin Xiyu at all. For example, Lin Xiyu was able to hide his piercing eyes when she was not blind... She could always cover her heart as if nothing had happened. Tenderness and a little stubbornness.

Mei Qianxiao couldn't figure out whether she was being mischievous or stubborn when she felt depressed now... But the feeling of being unpredictable made him fascinated like a moth flying to a flame.

Depressed, now that Dr. Xue said that he didn't shake M, he doesn't even believe it, he is just a bitch!

"What are you talking to yourself? Who is guilty?" Lin Xiyu frowned and asked.

"I'm talking... this eucalyptus! It wiped out a whole village, how cheap the murderer is! Wow, scum!" Mei Qianxiao raised her head and said with a look of righteous indignation.

"That's right." Lin Xiyu took out an old dossier from the bag and handed it to Mei Qianxiao, "The commander of the dossier about this case has already lent it to me. With your level, you can read it while walking. Question?"

"Of course..." Mei Qianxiao took the file, but carefully put it away without reading it.

The purpose of his entry into the Arch Guard Division was to obtain information on these injustices from the Sun Moon God Sect.

There is very little information in the content is simple and unresolved, and it was later passed down by some villain in the martial arts world as the work of the Sun Moon God Sect.

This kind of eucalyptus has been going on for many years, there are no clues left, no murderer has come forward to claim it or witnesses have clarified it, this kind of black pot Mei Qianxiao has nothing to do with it. So at that time, I put it aside for the time being, and dealt with the eucalyptus that had the opportunity to get it first.

But Lin Xiyu stared back at her abruptly, and took out the dossier again with a trembling eyebrow... This, this, this, you still have to read Lin Nvxia once before you can rest assured, right?

"What are you waiting for? Still not taking off your clothes?" Lin Xiyu frowned but suddenly said something surprising.

"Undress? Here?!" Mei Qianxiao looked around with her eyes wide open. Although it was remote and desolate and uninhabited, she could be taller than a person by rolling weeds to the side, but she broke through without even a hand in a few words. The progress of the lead, will it be a little too fast... "Not good! The stimulation is too violent and I will be afraid... Why is this trouser belt so strong when it is off the chain at this time, wait a moment, I will tear it off!"

Lin Xiyu smiled emotionlessly, and pulled out the white feather with a Zeng bang, the white sword shadow Xu Linrutao said: "If you dare to take off your pants here, I will add an extra to your injustice book." account..."

Mei Qianxiao reined in her horse and tied her waistband, the woman turned her face faster than turning a book: "It's not that you told me to take it off right away, now it's my fault for rushing? I...then should I take it off or not?"

Lin Xiyu's cheeks flushed and she instantly realized that this guy was thinking wrong... The two sides were not speculative and were full of knots that had not been untied, and this guy was in a hurry to untie his belt immediately! What kind of person is she, Lin Xiyu, and what is she thinking!

"Hide and take it off!" Lin Xiyu untied her bag and took out a set of plain clothes and threw them to Mei Qianxiao, "If you don't change out of this flying fish robe, how can you go to the mountain to search for eucalyptus!"

Make it clear earlier, ma'am! Brother, this is not showing your true nature, ah bah, are you making a fool of yourself!

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