The parchment was the parchment on which Li Mengyao was on his way, and remembered what he said when he saw Queen Loulan.

Mei Qianxiao took a closer look, the handwriting on it was delicate and dignified, and the content of the wording was smooth and appropriate. I didn't expect that Li Mengyao's martial arts skills were outstanding, and his knowledge was also quite good. In addition, he has a natural disposition to be unruly and eager to win, and he has a natural arrogance. He is really Yao and Shun in the women's middle school. It doesn't depend entirely on the backstage for someone to be the boss in an important department like the Gongwei Division, they are really capable.

Li Mengyao's martial arts is something that he has to learn. Originally, Emperor Tiansheng adopted the daughter of his life-and-death brother as his own daughter. He treated it as his own daughter, and let someone teach him the same level of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. But Li Mengyao's heart is more than martial arts. A guy who only understands fur is much more knowledgeable than a guy like Mei Qianxiao who only reads gossip and martial arts magazines.

Originally, Mei Qianxiao wanted to bury a few words, but when she saw that the parchment was stained with bloodstains, it seemed that red plums had bloomed on the paper, and she immediately put away her complaints.

He knew that Li Mengyao had been writing this stuff along the way, but he didn't expect that at the moment when she and Wu Danzhuang were fighting for life and death, she still kept the parchment close to her body and kept it precious. There's not much to say, who asked him to meet a workaholic female boss.

"Okay, okay, I'll go, I'll start right away!" Mei Qianxiao put away the parchment and lost her temper.

After Li Mengyao finished speaking, she felt that it was too much. It was already dark outside. Originally, she planned to let Mei Qianxiao leave early in the morning. But knowing that this product is going to be served to Mi Ganxia tonight, I can't help but want to go crazy, and now that it has been sent, I can't take it back if I want to.

"You are going to find Queen Loulan, what's the matter?"

They had been talking all the time, forgetting that Milganxia was still there, and at this moment, Milganxia asked a question.

"It's nothing, Mei Qianxiao has always admired Queen Loulan. The main reason we came to the Western Regions this time is to meet Queen Loulan. My foot is injured and it is inconvenient to move, so let Mei Qianxiao go and return quickly." Li Mengyao quickly explained .

After the Wudan-like betrayal, she deeply understood that the Western Regions did not want to be as calm and peaceful as they seemed on the surface, and that this tribe did not know whether there was a power struggle involved. Li Mengyao decided to cover up the two of them with a smile on her face. identity and purpose so they are safe.

"Oh, so it is. Queen Loulan has an open day twice a month to open the area outside the front hall of the palace for civilians to enter. She will appear outside the main hall to accept everyone's respect. It turns out that you are going to participate in this open day. Because the open day The days are irregular, it is indeed better to go earlier, if you miss it, you may have to wait for more than half a month." Mi Ganxia expressed his understanding.

Li Mengyao was stunned for a while, but she didn't expect that she was talking nonsense, and there were actually activities that could be matched in the Western Regions. She was also worried that Milganxia would have doubts in her heart. Why would they, the Central Plains tourists, meet the Queen of Loulan and see Milganxia's accustomed face. I think she has seen many Central Plains people to participate in this open day event.

"That's right, so I'm going to participate in this 'Open Day' event day and night now. I'm so excited to think that I can participate in such an enjoyable event." Mei Qianxiao took the remark angrily, cast a glance at Li Mengyao, and said As he spoke, he got up and said, "May I ask if your tribe has a good horse? Let's rent one, and the price can be negotiated."

Camels are the means of transportation in the desert, but after leaving the desert, whether it is the prairie or the wasteland of the main road of the Silk Road, riding a horse is the most efficient. Of course, there are also horses in the Western Regions, and the horses cultivated on the prairie of the Western Regions are quite famous. The most famous is of course the Wusun BMW of Wusun Kingdom, but the horses cultivated in other countries are also good horses that are good at galloping on the prairie. There are many ordinary horses in the Central Plains.

"Of course, the horses that our tribe shepherds are all strong. But do you really want to leave overnight? Why don't you leave early tomorrow? If you travel at night, you may encounter wolves, and the prairie is not safe at night." Mi Ganxia said softly and softly, as if she felt a little regretful for missing the opportunity to have a night of spring supper.

"Let's go now, go and come back quickly, my 'beautiful wife' is waiting for me to come back." Mei Qianxiao did not forget to take advantage of the relationship between them to cover up their identities, and verbally took advantage of Li Mengyao.

After finishing speaking, Li Mengyao picked up a piece of mutton and ran away before Li Mengyao got angry. Li Mengyao could only frown at the back and bit her red lips lightly.

At this time, Loulan, the center of the political power of the Thirty-six Kingdoms in the Western Regions, may be in danger. This farewell, he went to Longtan Tiger's Den, couldn't he just say goodbye to her, you idiot.

Mei Qianxiao walked out of the tent, greedily breathing in the fresh air mixed with sheep and mutton, suppressing the irritability caused by Li Mengyao's exquisite curves just now.

After a while, Mi Ganxia also came out, came to Mei Qianxiao and whispered: "Your 'beautiful girl' seems to be a little worried about you, why don't you comfort her uneasiness before leaving, hehehe... (Loulan language)”

"You really don't think it's a big deal to watch a good show. She is my boss now, listen to her, I'll leave now. (Loulan language Mei Qianxiao rolled her eyes and said.

"Then I'm going to prepare the horse's dry food and water now. If my king knows that you are going to Loulan, I will be very happy." .

Hearing Mi Ganxia's words, Mei Qianxiao suddenly shuddered.

"Don't make a fuss, no one has seen me, no one knows where I'm going, and now standing in front of you is just an ordinary Central Plains tourist, do you hear me! (Loulan language Mei Qianxiao put a hand on her On Mi Ganxia's shoulders, she forced Mi Ganxia to look at herself, showing her a particularly serious look.

"Yes, my lord, hehe... (Loulan language

Mi Ganxia grabbed Mei Qianxiao's hand on his shoulder with both hands, a pair of soft weeds were as warm as water in that broad palm, and when he held up the broad palm, he let it slip over his muscular and bony shoulders, intentionally or unintentionally. , The exposed skin makes Mei Qianxiao fully feel the softness and tenderness, which stimulates the mind.

"Tsk, if I hadn't set off in a hurry now, I would have a good time with you tonight! (Loulan language Mei Qianxiao pulled out her hand, preventing this guy from teasing him.

But when he was about to leave, he came to pick on his lust. Isn't this torturing him on purpose?

"It's okay to make me feel uncomfortable when you come back, my lord... If you can come back, hehehe. (Loulan language A red glow appeared on Mi Ganxia's face again, and she put her hand on the smiling face. On his chest, he rubbed the firm muscles carefully, and said in a sullen voice.

"Fuck your crow's mouth! You can't come back! Why don't you go and prepare the horse! (Loulan language

"Yes, my lord. (Loulan language Seeing the helpless look of Mei Qianxiao, Mi Ganxia turned around with a sense of satisfaction and went to prepare something for Mei Qianxiao to walk.

But at this time he was stopped by Mei Qianxiao: "Wait. (Loulan language

"What's wrong, my lord? Do you still need my help? (Loulan language Mi Ganxia turned around and walked back gracefully, smiling.

"Can you stop thinking about dirty things in your head? Oh, my brother's head hurts because of you. (Loulan language Mei Qianxiao covered her head and had a headache for a while, and then she stuffed something in Chao Mi Gan Xia. "Help me deliver this thing to this person, and then tell him what I want to convey now. Remember, it is very important to send the most trusted person to do it. Don't delay. (Loulan

"Yes, my lord. (Loulan language Seeing that she was still a trivial matter with a smile on her face, Mi Ganxia made no secret of her disappointment, and immediately made preparations.

Mei Qianxiao couldn't see the tender and flirtatious eyes, and silently pinched her thigh to let herself not get into trouble. Since he promised Li Mengyao to set off, he will set off immediately, and he doesn't want to make trouble again.

Alas, if it weren't for the emergency situation at that time, Li Mengyao's life was hanging by a thread, he would never have come to this Karamay tribe to have a relationship with them.

This ancient Karamay tribe is the old owner of the now frightening "Devil City". Many years ago, the water sources near Devil City gradually dried up and became less and less suitable for survival. Later, they migrated here and became a nomadic tribe in this grassland. They are a nomadic tribe on the surface, and there is another unknown identity in the dark. They are also the secret men directly under the Queen of Loulan. While living as nomads in this prairie, they are responsible for monitoring the Wusun, Gumo and Shule countries for any special movements.

This kind of secret army directly under the Queen of Loulan is inconvenient for Li Mengyao, the imperial court, to know; and it is inconvenient for the minions of the Queen of Loulan to know that he and Li Mengyao are working for the imperial court. It's really annoying that he has to play various identities between the two women, both real and fake.

As far as Mei Qianxiao knows, there are still several groups of secret troops directly under Queen Loulan like this... Although Queen Loulan is the leader of the alliance and allows countries to govern themselves, they still quietly and secretly monitor other countries in the Western Regions.

Queen Loulan is actually not as innocent as she appears on the surface.

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