"The Huashan faction's swordsmanship is just that. Even the Kongtong swordsmanship can't be beaten. It's not as famous as the meeting. Dong is disappointed."

"How can the mere Kongtong swordsmanship be compared with my Huashan swordsmanship!"

Compared to someone like Dong Shengrui, Liu Yunlu was still too tender, and being provoked by Dong Shengrui with a smile on his face, he was so angry. Going upstream in the downwind, he forced himself to use a move of "You Feng Laiyi", the long sword in his hand drew a beautiful arc, and slashed Dong Shengrui's left shoulder.

The swordsmanship of Huashan School pays attention to thrill and danger, pursues victory in danger, and is extremely handsome. Her sword was thrilling enough, but she was in a hurry and made her move hastily. She didn't show Feng Laiyi's dignified and arrogant sword intent, and was broken by Dong Shengrui with two quick swords in a row.

The one who really underestimated the other party was actually Liu Yunlu.

Although the Kongtong faction has not had a good reputation in recent years, it does not mean that they have no background. On the contrary, Kongtong School has a lot of background. Kongtong School was founded earlier than Shaolin Wudang Emei. Before Shaolin became famous, the phrase "The world's martial arts came out of Shaolin" was originally called "The world's martial arts came out of Shaolin". Kongtong"! Precisely because there are too many backgrounds, not many people can refine and refine them in the Kongtong School and achieve positive results, because they will always be attracted by other martial arts unique weapons and weapons, and they are half-hearted.

And Dong Shengrui is a shrewd person, he understands that greed is not enough to chew, and he is not confused by various brilliant martial arts. He specializes in the second one. In addition, he is born with extraordinary talents. This is why he has become a super master of the Kongtong School to walk and jump on the rivers and lakes. .

Kongtong School's signature martial arts are all kinds of strange soldiers and swords, and the swords are drawn out separately, so the swordsmanship of Kongtong School is not as good as Huashan School, but too many signs of Kongtong cover up the light of Kongtong swordsmanship .

You Feng Laiyi made a hasty shot and failed to succeed. Dong Shengrui's quick sword slashed twice in a row, causing Liu Yunlu's long sword to be unable to save him.


With a bang, the wooden door beside Liu Yunlu, who was forced to the corner, smashed. One of them was faster than the broken wood. A cold blade stabbed straight out, and the narrow blade hit Dong Shengrui with precision. Embroidered spring swords and swords, the two swords are separated by a sound.

"What a handsome swordsman, who are you, how can you not be named in the rivers and lakes?" Dong Shengrui immediately retracted the sword and retreated, still with a faint smile on his face, standing with the sword.

Liu Yunlu escaped the catastrophe, her heart beating violently, just now she thought she would die here, and she was terrified. But even so, she was so amazed that she was speechless by this shocking sword, and she could only stare blankly at the slender and graceful figure and the cold mask.

It was Yixue who broke in.

Dong Shengrui guessed right, when he moved the latch of the window, he alerted Liu Jingyi and the others above, and the ambush he designed earlier was arranged in an orderly manner. If he went to the gap in the ceiling, Liu Quietly and Tingfeng had prepared a net to catch him early in the morning. Wanting to grab the door and get out, there is Yixue in ambush outside the door.

All of this had nothing to do with Liu Yunlu, but when he heard the news and heard that the thief had sneaked into Liu Quietly's room, he immediately came to join in the fun, showing his girlfriend's strength and taking care of his little lover.

Liu Yunlu's martial arts are good, and everyone would be happy to have strong support, and let her play the vanguard. But it was unexpected that the visitor turned out to be Dong Shengrui, causing Liu Yunlu to be in danger. Seeing that Liu Yunlu couldn't hold it anymore, Yixue had to break into the door, wasting this ambush opportunity to save Liu Yunlu.

Yixue had mixed feelings in her heart at this time. The thief who came here was Dong Shengrui, whom she had always trusted, but she was jokingly told that there was an inner ghost in the Dunhuang branch of the Weiwei Si. She originally thought that Mei Qianxiao was using the heart of a villain to protect the belly of a gentleman, but as a result, things in the world showed an ugly side, which made Yixue very disappointed in this arena.

"Dong Shengrui, we have seen through your treachery. At this time, you are like a turtle in a urn, and you still haven't surrendered!" Liu Yunlu shouted, and she is the most powerful among the people here.

"It's hard to say who is the turtle, why didn't you surrender?" Dong Shengrui's face remained unchanged, and he was chatting like wind.

Liu Yunlu really worshipped this smiling tiger general, and when he was found out for his adultery, and even when he was ambushed, he was still in chaos.

"Laughing Tiger General's steel gun is unparalleled, and it is difficult for thousands of people to get close. He is really a leader in the world's martial arts. But in this small room, you can't use your steel gun. Do you think you can beat us?" Liu Yunlu continued to look at us. pressure on the opponent.

The two steel pillars on the opponent's back have not been taken off and combined into a gun, indicating that he also understands that this narrow place cannot be used.

"I don't think I can match you, Dong Mou, so you can come and try." Dong Shengrui was still relaxed.

Liu Yunlu was provoked again and was about to kill with a sword. The handsome figure beside her was faster than her. She didn't see how she stepped, but she rushed to Dong Shengrui in an instant and silently.


Yixue stabbed out an embroidered spring knife and directly seized Dong Shengrui's facade. The move is direct and vicious, without any tricks, even the silver light of the sword edge seems to be swallowed by the darkness, leaving only the afterimage.

Dong Sheng had been prepared for a long time, but he was also amazed by Yixue's attack. Quiet as a virgin and astounded! Every move is full of viciousness, and he has never seen such a minimalist and concise martial arts while walking in the rivers and lakes! This girl is so talented at such a young age, and I am afraid that her strength is no longer under Li Mengyao. Who is this character?

With such a question, Dong Shengrui swept out his sword and stopped the sword in a thrilling way.


Then, with the strength of the knife, Yixue turned with one foot as the axis, and spun rapidly, and reflexively took up a sword.

Dong Shengrui stopped him again. Although this sword was more coincidental, it was much easier to deal with than the first sword.

After blocking this sword, Yixue actually kept spinning force, and took the Embroidered Spring Saber with her left hand. The weapon changed hands instantly, she bent down, and her lower limbs used inertia to exert force, as if a bull suddenly approached Dong Shengrui: "Han !"

There was no sign of this change, it was fast and ruthless, Dong Shengrui was unable to guard against it, and his sword posture was disrupted. If it wasn't for Dong Shengrui's use of the fast sword technique, this would have been a success.

Yixue's force was really like a mad bull, and the embroidered spring knife resisted Dong Shengrui's cutting edge and pushed forward two meters, leaving a deep pit on the ground where Yixue's legs stepped down, and Dong Shengrui's two feet plowed. Two deep scars came out.


Dong Shengrui wanted to calm down the blood boiled by the impact~www.readwn.com~ The aftertaste of Yixue's embroidered spring saber force had not yet dissipated, and immediately the blade turned and slashed towards his arm holding the saber. If he wants to rest for a while, the boiling blood energy in his body is not impossible, then leave this arm!

Dong Shengrui could see it clearly, Yixue's set of kung fu was a very streamlined routine, one move after another, they were all simple but direct and efficient moves. Don't think that just an ordinary hack has no power, when you practice a simple one to the extreme, you can also explode the power of splitting mountains and seas.

The opponent's tricks are coherent and coherent. When confronted, she found that her inner strength is also very strong. Dong Shengrui has already realized that this Yixue is not easy to deal with. If it goes on like this, Yixue alone may have to defeat him, and she must not let her suppress him like this any longer!

Dong Shengrui immediately stepped on the ground with great effort, breaking several floors at once, affecting the floor under his feet and unloading Yixue's center of gravity. At the same time, he slashed several knives in a row, and the chain of life-threatening swords in one hand was used to the extreme. Almost instantly, he swung thirty-six hands and knocked Yixue back. The strong sword energy still left several shallow lines on her shoulders. bloodstains.

After the two of them faced each other this time, they each took a few steps back and stopped. Dong Shengrui's face was red and white, and there was a faint sign of vomiting blood. Yixue's clothes were torn on the shoulders, overflowing with a hint of red.

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