The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 139: heartache, heartache

When they came to the Western Regions in a hurry, neither of their masters and students could speak Loulan, and they didn't learn much after playing here for a few days.

The young man was like a walking dead every day and every night. As long as the man did not bring it, he would sit on the side of the street, just like a lifeless beggar. From time to time, passers-by would throw some silver pieces at him. As for his master, his daily language can be solved by swiping the price of silver with his fingers, and he has not learned much Western languages.

When they came to an unfamiliar place, they didn't panic, and they were at ease when they came, because there was no problem that the strongest disciple in the world couldn't solve with one punch...except for broken love.

If the problem still can't be solved, then add a master who is unparalleled in the world...except for the lovelorn.

But the unexpected joy is that the people in the Devil City where they stumbled into actually also speak Chinese. The man got off the camel and started wandering in the Devil City as if he was familiar with each other. an unknown guy.

After two days, the man fell to the ground in a daze because he stole the good wine in a cellar, and was discovered by this group of people.

"Boss Qiu, that is, they drank all the wine that the boss treasured! After checking and checking, we don't have these two people at all in our gang!" Inside a big house, the interior is very empty, maybe it was the yamen of the ancient city or something. The place was neatly arranged, and a person stood in the lobby and said to the two people sitting in the high seat.

On the ground, a man was lying unconsciously, and a boy was sitting deadly.

"Ugly, ugly boss? Pfft hahaha... How can anyone name themselves like that!" The man lying down burped and said with a smile.

According to you, you have no right to despise others with the surname Mo!

Above the high seat, there was a scholar-like man on the side giggling, and the big man with a scruffy beard in the middle patted the chair angrily: "Damn it! Drag them out and chop!"

The young man raised his head slightly, his empty eyes looking at the big man on the high seat.

When the big man met those dead eyes, there was a sudden chill for no reason.

"This young man is a bit evil." The scholar-like man next to him leaned over and whispered.

"Those eyes are stagnant, as if they have seen through life and death... It's really evil, and if you get rid of it, there will be no future troubles!" The big man replied.

After the two finished speaking, they stretched out their hands to hold the swords around their waists, in case there would be a fierce battle in the future.

Several younger brothers in the lobby who had been eyeing them, listened to the boss's order and walked over together, intending to keep the two of them.

Suddenly, everyone felt a chill with goosebumps all over their bodies, as if the body instinctively produced the consciousness of resisting the brain, all of them were like frogs staring at the giant python, unable to move.

I saw the young man slowly stand up, and before standing up, he put his hands on the ground.

With a bang, everyone felt as if an earthquake shook, and some people even fell to the ground unsteadily. And the man lying down turned over and murmured something like "The old tree has strong roots" and "This bed is about to collapse", neither sober nor serious.

"I'm going out to relax." The young man dropped such a sentence and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Since the young man died that day, his mood has been very depressed and irritable, as if there is an anger in his heart that has nowhere to vent. After these people here showed their murderous aura, his hostility went out of control, but it turns out that he and his master accidentally entered this place and stole a lot of their good things. Morally speaking, these people are also innocent. Started the killing ring, and ran out before the violence broke out.

After the teenager disappeared, the indescribable sense of oppression in the whole room disappeared, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as if the drowning man had finally landed, gasping for breath, greedily breathing in the fresh air.

The two people on the high seat had already left their hands from their waists and wiped the cold sweat off their faces. Only then did they realize that their whole body was soaked, and their clothes could be twisted out of water.

The two looked at each other tacitly, and quickly ran out of the house with their subordinates. Looking back, the entire building of the house had sunk by ten centimeters! And it is very uniform, no one is high and one is low!

Just now when the young man pressed his palms on the ground, he actually sank the ground of the house! What's more terrifying is that the ground inside the house was not damaged at all! What a deep and precise palm it is!

Immediately afterwards, the houses in the distance of Devil City collapsed one by one. After a while, several gang members ran over: "Not good! There is a monster over there that smashed our houses!"

Hiss... The two gang leaders gasped and looked helpless. Although they also have some good martial arts, compared with monsters, they are still very self-aware.

"Hey... Where are all the people? Where's my apprentice? Pour a cup of hot water to give the master a hangover, you bastard!"

The drunk man's muttering sound came from the house, causing everyone outside the house to look at each other. After they reacted, they all rushed in to find hot water, so that they could find a cup and a pot, and they could quickly wash them with hot water. took a shower.

After a few hours, the boy was out of breath, feeling that the depression he had been feeling had eased a little, and then he returned to the room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his master sitting in a high position, with one person on the left pouring wine and one person on the right fanning.

The drunk master who just woke up patted the table and said inarticulately: "Have you all taken it? Who else is not satisfied, I beat him to take it... Look at Lao Tzu's transfer of flowers and palms, I will kill you all..."

"I've taken it! We've all taken it!" Everyone said this, but their eyes turned to the young man who entered the door, shaking Soso.

The teenagers are a little regretful, and they have given you a chance. Why didn't you cut them off? Then you know the scourge of drinking and soaking your feet to find girls, alas...

After everyone got along, the master and the teenager figured out that this group of people was the official Jingsha gang who smuggled salt, and because of the "hospitality" of the whales, they felt at home, and they stayed for a few more days.

His master was reluctant to leave until he had eaten all the good things and packed some souvenirs.

Gang Leader Qiu and Deputy Gang Leader Zhou were very enthusiastic and arranged a caravan to send them back to the Central Plains. And it seems that they are afraid that they will regret it and will not leave, and even help them clean up the salute.

The boy was sitting on the tallest building in Devil City as usual. This building looks like a Buddhist pagoda, which has been tilted slightly, but the young man sits on the palm-sized place on the edge of the spire, as if sitting on the ground.

The breeze mixed with fine sand slapped the boy's face. He closed his eyes tightly, feeling the circulation of true qi in his body, and experiencing the direction of the new martial arts.

It's been a long time, but as soon as he closed his eyes, his mind was filled with her frown, smile, and the last despairing indifference. Every time he thinks of this in his mind, he will be shocked, stop exercising, and dispel his depression.

"Let's go, silly apprentice!"

There was a shout from his master in the distance, and he gathered his qi and gathered his voice into a line: "Come here."

Just as he was about to disperse the exercises, a strong feeling of melancholy suddenly pervaded him. He couldn't help but pick up the wine bag in his arms, opened it and gave himself a sip. The rich aroma of wine suddenly overflowed: "Why? Solve your worries? Only Du Kang!"

It was clear that he was drinking wine, but the corners of his mouth overflowed with a bright red color... He finally realized that something was wrong, the beating of his heart was different from usual, it seemed to be particularly powerful, and each beating pumped out too much blood, He started from the blood vessels in his heart, which ruptured, and a steady stream of blood seeped from the corners of his mouth.

"It turned out to be really heartache. I'm used to the pain these days, and suddenly I don't even know it." The young man laughed bitterly, the wine bag slipped in his hand, and he wanted to send a message to the master, but he lost his strength and fell from the tower. "Master I...I've gone crazy again..."

When he woke up again, he found himself in a wagon full of cargo behind a wagon. There is a hole in the top of the carriage, and with the rhythm of the rhythm, you can see the trembling stars in the sky, like blinking eyes.

"Not dead again."

The young man seemed to be accustomed to going crazy, his meridians were torn apart, and he got up expressionlessly.

The pain in the body is no more than one tenth of the pain in the heart, so why is there any pain?

But after climbing, he found that his body had actually become smaller, turned into a child-like appearance, and the clothes on his body kept slipping off. The injury that had gone into trouble before seems to have recovered because of the shrinking of his body. Of course, there should be credit for Yijinjing, without Yijinjing's powerful consolidating effect, he might have ruptured and died long ago.

"It's shouting to kill the sky over there, let's take a detour!" "How to detour? This cargo is originally sent to Loulan!" "Then go to Loulan in a few days, and then wait until the fight is over!" "Okay, let's divert, first. Go to Wensu Country..." There was a heated conversation outside the carriage.

Afterwards, the caravan rerouted, but a figure floated out from the hole in the carriage, with overly long clothes hanging on his body, swinging freely in the air like a ghost.

In the distance, on the edge of the ancient city, the figure fell on the city wall and watched silently for a long time.

It was motionless, as if a statue had been built here in the first place. Finally, he moved, and the shadow disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Not far away the soldier who held the butcher's knife in the air fell to the ground.

In front of the teenager was a blond little girl wearing a small yellow armor made to measure. Her small body looked ridiculously swollen in the armor, and her fair face was splattered with the blood of others. The corpses on the ground were all golden-haired, and the young man instantly understood what was happening here.

The eyes of the little girl who were as disheartened as him met, and both of them trembled, as if the person they saw in their eyes was a reflection of their own reality.

"My name is Meiqianxiao. (Chinese The boy's face was covered with two lines of blood splattered from the severed head, which fell from his face, looking gloomy, and stretched out his even smaller hand towards the little girl.

At this time, his killing intent was endless, and the Yu Huo that had always existed in his heart finally found a place to vent.

The little girl's ethereal eyes finally refocused, her eyes fell on the little boy in front of her, and she put her hand on it: "If you are a devil, I would like to walk with the devil... (Loulan language

Although they do not understand the language, at this moment, the hearts of the two are closely intertwined, writing a new and brilliant chapter for the future of the Western Regions.

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