The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 178: Isn't this backstage hard enough?

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Are those rotten girls from the Emei faction crazy? ?

Absolutely crazy! What else can their brains dare not imagine!

Forget about letting go of his master in the previous book, and forget his master's acceptance. His master's arrogant and arrogant look was punched by Lin Fei and rode a horse on the grassland, so forget it! But Prime Minister Yang is already in his 80s, so please let him go!

Let them go, if you have any desires and dissatisfaction, come to Brother!

Jianghu said that the Sun Moon Sect is the No. 1 Demon Sect in the world, no, brother can confidently say that the Emei Sect is the No. 1 Demon Sect! When I saw the book just now, he brows a thousand smiles and such a straight man was almost bent over, what a wicked evildoer!

You should never read this book. If he gets a chance to meet Prime Minister Yang in the future, how will he face his old man? The image of his old man with red lips and white teeth lying on the table and gasping for breath lingered in his mind!

Oh, those are still funerals, just talking about this, he is also a little flustered in the face of the emperor. Mei Qianxiao hurriedly slapped herself a few times before letting herself erase the image of the emperor that had been imprinted in her mind just now, and the emperor in front of him changed back to the emperor wearing pants.

"The emperor is calling you, with a smile on your face, why don't you show the emperor what books you usually read? Why are you slapping yourself, you can call me for help!" Li Mengyao snickered and shouted again and again. Mei Qianxiao pulled back to the reality she had escaped from.

You deserve to be beaten! Are you a masochist? Brother owes X to call you for help, okay?

Mei Qianxiao didn't dare to stare at Li Mengyao, and only dared to stare fiercely at the two giant seams that were about to come out because of the trembling of laughter as revenge.

This Li Mengyao must not know that this rotten book happened to be written by the emperor. If the emperor read this book, even she could not save her own life! Still gloating over there, did you know that my brother was going to be killed by you! He has a reputation as a perverted and stinky brother who likes to read Xiao Huangshu. He would rather be recognized by the emperor and be hunted down to be handsome!

Well who is he?

He is handsome and invincible than Pan An's brows with pear blossoms and begonias!

If it were someone else, this might be a lifeless situation, but he could still save him!

At this time, he had no choice but to use the press box to save his life.

Well, it's not really a holy thing.

Mei Qianxiao took out an envelope from her bosom, hid it under the book, pretended to pull it out of the book, and shook it towards Li Mengyao and the others with her fingers between them.

"This book is just a guise, and what's really important to me is this letter."

Mei Qianxiao has been with his master for so many years, the only thing to thank his master is to learn one ten thousandth of his thick skin. When he tells lies, he does not write drafts, his face is not red and his heart is not beating. have to.

"Letters? How come there are letters in my book? Is it a love letter sent to me by the young lady of the Emei faction?" Liu Quietly's eyes widened, and the surprised little face was very cute.

"What, you still have love letters to collect! My brother has never even seen a love letter since he was born from his mother's womb! Ah bah, that's off topic. Anyway, this letter has nothing to do with the love letters that your brothers don't envy or hate at all!" Mei Qian smiled He hurriedly told Liu to shut up quietly, if she said one more sentence, he would have to go around ten more sentences, when would it be a head!

"Your Majesty, the commander, this letter was sent by Queen Loulan of the Western Regions."

"A letter from Queen Loulan?" The emperor and Li Mengyao frowned slightly when they heard the words.

Queen Loulan is a very important diplomatic alliance for them. In addition, there has just been a major incident in the Western Regions recently, so everyone's nerves are easily tense.

"What letter? Is it related to the recent incident in the Western Regions? Why was Queen Loulan's letter sent to you?" Li Mengyao was more aware of the inside story of the Western Regions travel, and quickly asked.

"My subordinate is estimated to be. At that time, the commander was injured, and he ordered his subordinate to go to Loulan alone to meet the Queen of Loulan, to inform him of the crisis in Wusun Kingdom, and to be careful. Although the Queen of Loulan had already known about it and set up a net of heaven and earth, the line of his subordinate did not She helped Queen Loulan very much, but Queen Loulan still thanked us for the enthusiasm of the Central Plains to help, and asked in detail the subordinate department and address. Now it seems that it should be a letter of thanks sent by Queen Loulan. Haha, Loulan The Queen is too kind."

It's a ghostly thank you letter. This is actually a diplomatic letter from Queen Loulan to her brother about the assistance of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions to the Central Plains. In addition to thanks, it also praised Mei Qianxiao. Queen Loulan's original intention was to ask Mei Qianxiao to return this letter to his immediate boss, to gain some merit for him, and to send an official messenger to visit the emperor in the Central Plains to formally communicate with each other again.

Mei Qianxiao felt that this thing was optional, but seeing Wei Chili's heart, he didn't want to show her kindness, so under his supervision, he put "I want Mei Qianxiao to be stationed in the Western Regions" and "I don't mind being with the Central Plains". Delete the words like "marrying and marrying a thousand smiles", and take this thing with you.

The belt was taken, but after much consideration, Mei Qianxiao did not give it to Li Mengyao.

At that time, it was because Mei Qianxiao already felt that she was in the limelight in the Western Regions, and she should have received a lot of rewards. This is not for modesty. Although my brother is very good, it is not good to be too showy. Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. More importantly, I was afraid that the official title would be too high, and it would not be fun if I was summoned by the emperor.

Who would have thought that he would be dismissed by a "secondary interpreter" after he came back! I didn't expect to see the emperor by accident that day! In this way, there is no need to keep this letter hidden, and it is the most appropriate time to take it out to fool people.

"You didn't submit such a crucial letter earlier!" The emperor frowned and said angrily.

Li Mengyao didn't have a good conversation. She knew that this book was sent by Emei to Liu Jingyi, not to Mei Qianxiao. She didn't know where this letter came from. Since he planned to use this trick to hide from the sky, Li Mengyao could not easily expose him, lest he end up deceiving the king and beheading him.

"I'm sorry, Queen Loulan has a lot of time to do, so I didn't expect to send a letter to Wei Chen, so I was a little stunned." Mei Qianxiao handed over the letter.

Mei Qianxiao ran to the window just now to wipe her tears, and then she slapped herself with two big slaps at the emperor.

Li Mengyao took the letter and carefully looked at the wax seal on the paper. It was indeed the imperial seal of Loulan. There was a faint scent of the Western Regions floating on the paper. Li Mengyao carefully opened the envelope, took out the letter from it, and took the initiative to go over to read it with the emperor.

Next to Concubine Shu, watching Li Mengyao and the emperor put their heads together, the slight wrinkle between her brows was very similar when she was serious. Both of them are workaholics, but it would be nice if the atmosphere at work had been this peaceful!

Concubine Shu couldn't help but re-evaluate her eyebrows and smile. This person's strange behavior, like a nonsense, has achieved such a friendly working atmosphere of the two uncles and nephews that she has not been able to promote for several years. It is really amazing.

What's the matter with Concubine Shu's eyes? Brother seems to have nothing to do with her, right? Are you fascinated by his handsome and straight temperament? No, no, there is a way of thieves. Brothers such as wives are determined not to touch them. This is a moral issue, not a problem of kidney deficiency and yang deficiency. Mei Qianxiao hurriedly lowered her head, not to have any intersection with Concubine Shu's line of sight.

"This letter is said to be a thank you letter to Mei Qianxiao, and it looks more like a letter that I want him to submit." The emperor concluded softly after reading it.

"Yes. The words in the letter revealed many appreciations to Mei Qianxiao. It felt like Queen Loulan wanted to hand over this letter to him on purpose, so that he could help him." Li Mengyao saw the purpose of the letter at a glance.

"The two new subordinates you have recruited are really not easy. One is so handsome that even Concubine Shu can't bear to like it; the other looks messy, but she is actually appreciated by Queen Loulan. You must know that Queen Loulan has a cold temperament, except for polite words. Don't praise others, let alone a mere Jinyiwei. This is obviously to give me some face and take care of this eyebrow, which shows how much Queen Loulan values ​​this eyebrow."

"Haha, don't look at that mess, but it's better than being slick, and it can make people laugh inadvertently. Maybe Queen Loulan has a unique vision, and she likes this kind of funny, fifty steps Hundred steps of laughter, don't I see you looking at him with joy? Seeing him is even more joyful than seeing your uncle and Concubine Shu!"

Li Mengyao didn't expect the emperor to suddenly eat such a piece of vinegar, and his face turned a little red, and he quickly squeezed a smile to the emperor.

Mei Qianxiao blinked ten times, seeing that there should be nothing for him here, so he quickly hugged Imperial Doctor Xue's shoulders and walked away. He was about to reach the door when suddenly the majestic voice of the emperor called to him again, and he almost blurted out swear words.

"Stop. Doctor Xue, please go back to the palace to pick up the medicine first. I will ask Mei Qianxiao to come to the palace tomorrow to talk to you about the snake. Mei Qianxiao, I have something to say to you."

"Huh? Can't you say something here, uncle?"

Although Li Mengyao threw Mei Qianxiao's blame for rotten books, it didn't mean that she really wanted something to happen to Mei Qianxiao. Seeing that the emperor was going to talk to Mei Qianxiao, he was very worried.

"You haven't seen Concubine Shu for a long time, and Concubine Shu likes this child very much. Please introduce her more. I have something I want to talk to him alone." After the emperor finished speaking, he took the lead out of the room, motioning Mei Qianxiao to follow.

What does this mean? Talk alone? ? Seems like we have nothing to talk about? ?

Mei Qianxiao walked with the emperor in a depressed mood in the commander's mansion. After walking through a long corridor, they came to an idle study.

The emperor himself found a place to sit first, and gestured to the chair on the other side, Mei Qianxiao had to go over and sit down tremblingly.

"Hmph, what a smile, do you really think I'm blind?" The emperor suddenly patted the handle of the chair and said impressively.

Mei Qianxiao heard the words, her eyes narrowed, and she washed her face with a flattering look. Unexpectedly, he was finally recognized. This kind of feeling is very strange. I have always been worried that my secret will be discovered. When it is discovered, it seems that the big stone in my heart has been removed, and it is extremely happy.

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