The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 210: I don't want to interfere, you want to do it

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How could Mei Qianxiao run away in fright when she saw the corpse, as Gongliang Junyi thought. He found all the bodies at once, and found their common cause of death - bitten by a poisonous snake. Moreover, the poison of the snake was extremely strong, and all of them could not be rescued within the time of a cup of tea, and died one by one on the way down the mountain.

With such a large mountain, even if there were poisonous snakes, it happened to be able to kill several of the Secretary of General Affairs who went to the mountain for inspection.

If there are really a large number of poisonous snakes, then the rat infestation in Chenjia Village can be explained... The rats sensed the danger of the mountains and plains, so they had to leave their hometowns to find another place to live, and happened to go to Chenjia Village.

The migration of mice is sudden, so the appearance of these poisonous snakes should also be sudden. When Mei Qianxiao went up the mountain, she didn't see a single poisonous snake. Mei Qianxiao guessed at the time that these snakes were brought by humans, because they found that someone from the General Secretary went up the mountain and found them and died among the poisonous snakes. They were afraid of being discovered. So they were temporarily transferred away by these people? This can suddenly appear and suddenly disappear.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was how it should be.

Originally, he planned to report this and close his case, but he hesitated again when he thought that the culprits who brought the snakes only moved the snakes, but did not bury the bodies.

Because the people from the General Secretary came here to investigate, the General Secretary must know that when the person is gone, an investigation will be necessary. However, life does not see people and death does not see corpses. It is easy to suspect that it is not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster. It's better to leave the corpse here as an accidental bite by a poisonous snake, and it's easier to fool the past.

In this way, if Mei Qianxiao reported the case, it would definitely fall on him again, making him annoyed half to death. So he simply invited the people from the East Factory to come up and let them follow up. Brother find time to deal with the rat infestation. It's a nerve-wracking and time-wasting thing, brother doesn't do it.

At this time, Mei Qianxiao didn't even have a clue what this group of people wanted to do or who they were. It wasn't until that night that he attended a demon gathering as the new leader, and when he took the score given to him by "Sheng" to see who was coming, he accidentally saw the name of the Viper Sect...

Immediately, there seemed to be an electric current running through his heart, unraveling many question marks on the side of the rat infestation, and making him realize something extraordinary.

The Viper Sect, isn't it the guy who is good at making vipers? In this arena, what other forces can raise more poisonous snakes than these guys? And these poisonous snakes are one of their martial arts tricks, and they must be taken wherever they go...

But why put it on the mountains?

Of course, because it is inconvenient to carry on the body.

Why is it inconvenient to carry on the body?

Of course because they were in a place where venomous snakes couldn't be found.

Didn't the Dongji Factory have recently recruited a group of powerful hunters into the Dongchang factory?

The land of Miaojiang is full of strange mountains and high mountains and poisonous swamp forests, but the people who live there are not good at hunting!

The Viper Sect seemed to have known in advance that the East Factory was going to recruit hunters, but they actually infiltrated the East Factory Factory. This was clearly going to make a big deal...

Mei Qianxiao held the sheet music, her heart was clear, she immediately ordered a few names of the evil sects that had not come, and also focused on taking care of the poisonous snake sect, and scolded it fiercely. One is to clear the way, and the other is to let the dark guard bring the news back. People who don't know may take it seriously, but Dongchang must have been investigating the cause of the death of the General Secretary. Hearing the words of the Viper Sect, he will definitely be able to think of the case he has sorted out now.

The Dongchang factory is not for dry rice, but it is a spy-type organization. What he can deduce with a smile, they still can't deduce it? If it was so mediocre, the East Factory would have closed down long ago, and they still want to compete with Gongweisi?

After leaving everything to Dongchang, Mei Qianxiao did not move. To be honest, he couldn't move.

As Jinyiwei Meiqianxiao, he should know very little about this case. If he suddenly ran to remind the people in Dongchang that your family was a thief, he would definitely be locked up in Dali Temple and tried again.

As the leader of the demon sect, he could go to the Dongchang dormitory and kill all these people. But before people tear their face, they still have the name of Dongchang on their body. You, a demon sect leader, go to Dongchang to kill people. Even if the slaughter is a group of evil sects who have sneaked in, the Dongchang face still can't be held. Dongchang can't hold his face, that is, the court and the emperor can't hold on to his face, and the emperor won't trouble you?

Therefore, Mei Qianxiao has always acted as a bystander, at most using the pile of mice to move a little bit, and nothing else.

He was actually very puzzled when he was pulled up early this morning. He thought that the East Factory was very efficient and would soon wipe out the group of Viper Sect guys. This hunting competition would not be able to continue, and had to be cancelled. The matter of the sage letting him entrap Li Mengyao is nothing to do with it!

In the end, I didn't expect that the hunting competition started today, and this group of people is still alive and kicking!

Could it be that the **** in the East Factory deliberately left this group of people to help them complete today's hunting for the sake of the leader of the three divisions sequence before bringing them to justice? Damn, don't you want to be so yin!

Just now, he secretly followed this group of people, and he didn't plan to make a move. The reason is still the same. Whether it is Mei Qianxiao or "Yue", he is not easy to make a move. And he didn't believe that Dongchang didn't arrest this group of people for great merit, he just wanted to see what tricks this group of people were playing.

But I didn't expect this guy to take the initiative to provoke him, so there's nothing to say. He can bear Li Mengyao's actions against him because he wants to eat royal rice and Li Mengyao is a great humiliating beauty... What kind of **** is this Viper Sect? I, Meow, are going to clear the portal for the Sun Moon God Cult today!

Ahem...of course I only quietly cleared this one, and I'll take the corpse a hundred miles away and throw it into the Yangtze River without knowing it, who knows it will be him. It is better not to provoke the court or not to provoke the court.

"There is a rumor in the rivers and lakes that the three guardians of the Sun Moon God Sect, the "Sun Moon God", are mysterious and strong in martial arts. Among them, "Yue" is low-key, ruthless, cunning and resourceful. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation! It's just that our Viper Sect doesn't know the leader again, and doesn't intend to offend Sect Master, please forgive me for being reckless just now, I am willing to break my arm to atone for my sins!"

"Oh, you didn't know I was here?" Mei Qianxiao said in surprise.

"Of course I don't know!" the man said quickly, "If he knew that the leader was here, he would definitely not dare to offend!"

Mei Qianxiao thought that he could have this kind of ability, but he was the Bo Hu who was the Qianlong Five Immortals. If Bo Hu did something, it was impossible not to know where he was and to make arrangements for him. Looking at this person, it seems that he really did not expect that he is "Yue", and the means to deal with him are a bit reckless, obviously he is regarded as an ordinary Jin Yiwei.

"Who are you entrusted with and what do you want to do? If you tell the truth, I will let you go."

It may be that brother's eyes revealed too soft eyes, and this guy noticed the warmth like spring, so he understood that brother was planning to lie to him and tell the truth, and then kill him.

So he closed his mouth tightly, didn't say a word, with a look of "you give me a good time".

"If you don't tell me, I don't know? You poisonous snake sect, you were very close to Tianshamen earlier, right? After all the heads of Tianshamen fell off the pit, you still work with the same gold master. Bar?"

Mei Qianxiao said indifferently, and the face of the man on the ground became more and more ugly.

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