The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 227: The essence of the rivers and lakes is indistinguishable

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Unconsciously, Hong Rakshasa retreated a few steps and fell into a disadvantage. He had previously shown the arrogance of underestimating his opponent, as if he had slapped himself in the face.

Taiji magic is indeed very restrained in his martial arts skills.

But nothing is absolute, it doesn't mean that the opponent's martial arts restrains his own martial arts, and this battle will definitely lose.

If this is the case, the rivers and lakes may become such a scene:

"What are you practicing! I learned to pinch dog's head and scissor legs!"

"Hahaha, you lost! I'm training a big hammer with a heart of stone!"

"Hey, I didn't expect you to practice a are losing..."

If the martial arts practice is restrained, the victory or defeat will be determined, and then there is a woolen thread! Everyone reported their martial arts names to each other. Wouldn't it be easy to see who wins and who loses at a glance? This martial arts will not have so many **** storms.

Martial arts, still this martial arts, cannot be so simple.

Hong Rakshasa took a few more moves, suddenly pinched his fingers into a tactic, and slammed into the front of Mei Qianxiao.

"Shaolin Diamond Fingers!"

Mei Qianxiao suddenly recognized the tricks of her own Shaolin King Kong master. Both the Vajra Finger and the Vajra Palm are specially researched by the Shaolin Pannuotang, with the same bold and fearless Buddha's meaning, the difference is that the attack is the point and the attack is the face.

The **** method condenses the strength in one point, and the power is greater; the palm method evens the air on the face, and it is easier to hit the target's acupoints. Fighting with fists and feet facing each other, the real power is not the attack of the flesh, but the internal force. Only by hitting the acupoints with the internal force can the opponent be severely damaged.

Compared with the fingers, the use of the palm is much more flexible, and it is easier to hit the acupoints. Therefore, more people in martial arts make good use of the palm rather than the fingers.

This vajra finger is displayed in the hands of the red rakshasa, adding a bit of domineering meaning, as if a finger will pierce the sky and the earth, and it will not look back when it breaks through the southern wall.

This is also the difference between the two of them. Mei Qianxiao can learn martial arts in any way, and it doesn't matter if the form of mastering its "intent" is different. Red Rakshasa is the other extreme, only practicing martial arts that suits his temperament, and taking Huo Lie masculinity to the extreme.

Mei Qianxiao, no matter how domineering the opponent's **** might be, when the softness was exhausted, both hands flicked out the inner qi in two circles, and swirled three times in succession with the diamond finger before turning the strong fingering.

But this is just the prelude for Hong Rakshasa to respond to Meiqianxiao's Tai Chi magic. The finger tricks that Hong Rakshasa strikes change rapidly and continuously, each blow is fiercer than the next, and it is not the time for Mei Qianxiao to soften and strengthen, the blood red is really The qi continued to create ripples on the infuriating qi in front of Mei Qianxiao.

Ting Feng and Yi Xue didn't know how to describe this scene, the real qi seemed to have turned into a real thing, which could be discerned by the naked eye. The infuriating energy of the "moon" is like a pot of water, and the infuriating energy of the Red Rakshasa is like a bunch of fire, and the water and fire cannot keep boiling! It turns out that the internal cultivation base has reached a certain level, and it can condense outside the body into such a shape!

"Dali Duan's Yang Finger!" Mei Qianxiao recognized the terrible fingerings that Hong Luosha used one after another.

Dali Duan's Yiyangzhi once was famous on the rivers and lakes for a period of time, but because it was too difficult to train, it fell and was lost. I don't know where the Red Rakshasa got this secret book of Yang Finger and let Dali Duan's Yang Finger return to the arena. Anyway, Mei Qianxiao didn't have time to celebrate it's regaining sight, and only knew that he was going to be bad.

One Yang Finger is like the other martial arts of Hong Rakshasa. It is the most yang and firm martial arts in the world. With the concentration of the fingers, the destructive power is the most amazing!

The eight-fold finger strength chain did not penetrate into the cyclone drawn by Qianxiao's hands, directly piercing the cyclone! Breaking the surface with a point, breaking the softness with a more powerful destructive force, this is the response given by the Red Rakshasa!

Just now, Mei Qianxiao tried her best to resolve it, but in the end, because her internal strength couldn't keep up, she was accused of breaking the Tai Chi magic. He groaned suddenly, his blood boiled, and he suffered a big loss.

This is not over yet, Hong Rakshasa is arrogant, and goes up close to the body, with his left fist and right palm plus a kick, to show everyone the martial arts of China's major tough ways, which is indescribable.

Yixue was thinking that "Yue"'s infuriating energy was disrupted at the moment when the building was empty. It was too bad. Who would have thought that the fiery red figure of the Red Rakshasa would go straight through "Yue"'s body, as if nothing was there. Mei Qianxiao's body gradually dissipated, and no one was seen.

"Mirror Flowers Water Moon??" Hong Rakshasa exclaimed in surprise.

Jinghuashuiyue is a martial art of a mysterious sect of Qingxing Xinggong in the middle of Shu. There are very few people who have seen this martial art. It is rumored that this martial art is very skillful, and it can make people turn into multiple figures that are difficult to distinguish between reality and reality.

However, Mei Qianxiao did not use a mirror, but the principle is similar. He used the infuriating ripples drawn by Tai Chi magic as a cover. It's just a refracted virtual image when the infuriating ripples are rippling.

Hong Rakshasa didn't have time to analyze where this virtual image came from, and only knew that he was going to be passive again. His breath dissipated, his six senses became more sensitive, he immediately caught the opponent's location, raised his head, and threw a punch into the sky with a ferocious momentum.

The fist burst into flames, like a fiery red raptor woke up from a deep sleep, suddenly accelerated, and penetrated the sky.

The Red Rakshasa is worthy of experience in hundreds of battles, and the reaction is extremely fast. When the fire fist flew out, Mei Qianxiao was already rushing from the sky, and if it was slow to deal with it, it would definitely suffer.

"Nail the soul leg!"

Mei Qianxiao shouted out his leg technique, but he clasped his hands together and slammed it down.

This powerful attack, coupled with the force of the downward thrust, actually smashed the fire dragon shot by the Red Rakshasa into pieces with a head-on collision. The red and white **** of true qi were torn and shattered in the air, causing the surrounding air to be restless and restless.

This is not over yet, before Mei Qianxiao fell to the ground, his body spun horizontally, and his feet flew agilely, like picking up a hammer and smashing it down, nailing a leg upside down.

Hong Rakshasa took a step backwards, so that he could dodge the falling nails, and he exerted force on his feet, causing a circle of plaster to shake on the ground. He jumped up a little, and turned around in the same posture as Mei Qianxiao. He was not as agile as Mei Qianxiao, but full of explosive power. He twisted his body with a flaming leg, and kicked his eyebrows with a smile. His posture was like an eagle attacking, and like a phoenix returning to its nest, majestic and majestic.

Mei Qianxiao's body has not yet landed and has nowhere to dodge, so she can only protect her chest with both hands and take the kick. Immediately, sand and rocks flew, and people flew out like cannonballs. They smashed two towering trees in a row before they stopped and disappeared into the dusty sky.

"'Yue'!" Yixue exclaimed in a low voice, even she could see that Hong Luosha's leg was extremely powerful, and she would be shattered by being kicked like this!

"The flaming phoenix and prairie legs of the Heartless Island, you have even mastered this worldly unique skill, it is really domineering."

The dust settled, and seeing the figure of "Yue" calmly walking out of the broken tree, Yixue's worries suddenly relaxed, and her eyes were filled with awe. This man is even more terrifying than legends, he has supernatural powers and ghosts!

But she didn't see that the hands of "Yue" behind his back were sagging and trembling constantly. His hand bones were broken and he could no longer fight. Internal strength is exhausted when confronting Hong Rakshasa head-on. At this time, he drags time to adjust his breath and try to recover as much as possible.

"I underestimate you."

The red Rakshasa put away the flame-like infuriating energy in his body, adjusted his breath with luck, and a line of bright red suddenly fell under the mask, like beads with a broken thread, scattered on the ground.

Seeing that Hong Rakshasa suddenly vomited blood, Tingfeng clenched his hands tightly, and bit his lip with his teeth, feeling sad and worried in his heart. If it wasn't for Yixue telling her "Yue" to save them, she would have gone up to help Hong Rakshasa.

"It's not too late to figure it out now... Let's go, I'll spare you once today." Mei Qianxiao said with a low smile.

Hearing Feng and Yixue both shook their Wasn't "Moon" being beaten all over the floor just now? Why was it that Hong Rakshasa vomited blood for a long time, and Mei Qianxiao still looked like he had the upper hand?

Ting Feng and Yi Xue's level didn't reach that level, so naturally they couldn't understand.

In the process of fighting between the two, their inner strength overflowed and the momentum was huge, and the two of them saw it as lively. Under the fighting, dark waves are surging and dangerous, but these things are incomprehensible at their level.

The most unfathomable part of the fight just now was when Mei Qianxiao used the ripples of her True Qi to cause a virtual image to fall from the sky.

He folded his hands together and slammed down with all his inner strength, breaking the fist of Hong Rakshasa's lack of strength and a little hasty, and then used a nailing leg. Everyone thought that Hong Rakshasa avoided the nailing leg, but it was not. Nail to the red Rakshasa. If the two women looked closely, they could see that the ground behind the Red Rakshasa was hit by a deep pit caused by the internal force passing through them.

The deep internal force passing through the body has already hurt Hong Rakshasa. Hong Rakshasa's character is like a move. But it didn't make Mei Qian laugh any better.

"It's not up to you to forgive anyone."

Hong Rakshasa didn't listen to Feng Yixue and his like, he had already seen that Mei Qianxiao's inner strength was exhausted and his hands were useless, and his bravado could not fool him. Even if he is seriously injured now, it is still easy to take down a "moon" that is at the end of the shot.

"Hahaha... Well said!" But at this moment, a few snow-white figures came from all around, "Whoever spares who, it's not up to you!"

The leader was wearing a white and pure Chinese dress, his face was as white as a crown, but he was a little older but had no beard on his face. Hearing Feng Yixue, he recognized Wei Xingchao, the Duke of Dongchang Factory at a glance!

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