The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 23: Kung Guard's face

At that time, the emperor said that if she were to be the commander of the Gongwei Division, the road ahead would be "extremely difficult", and there was a hint of embarrassment early on.

But Li Mengyao insisted on her belief and chose this path.

The emperor did not want Li Mengyao to be the boss of the first division of the Wutong court, not because of strength, but because of affection... Li Mengyao's father was the brother of the current sage who worshipped him in private. His younger brother launched a rebellion, the emperor and his personal soldiers were separated, and only Li Mengyao's father remained close to the saint. Later, besieged by heavy troops, Li Mengyao's father changed into Sheng Shang's clothes to lure away the rebels, which allowed Sheng Shang to find a chance to escape. Then Li Mengyao's father was arrested, beheaded and skinned by angry enemy generals and hung on the flag of generals. When she saw the dead body of Li Mengyao's father hanging on the flag, Li Mengyao's mother bled and died soon after.

Not long after, the Sage managed to get things right. The most lamented thing afterward was the sacrifice of Li Mengyao's father, and the second lament was the empress and prince who were killed by the rebels, which shows how deep his friendship with Li Mengyao's father was.

Li Mengyao, as the only descendant of the Sage's good brother, the Sage was very reluctant for her to show her face and assume the head of a military organization. She hoped that she would live in peace and live a carefree life, spread branches and leaves for her father, and preserve her bloodline. But Li Mengyao was not moved by the embarrassment of the Sage, and even used this request as the only request in this life... The Sage couldn't beat her, so he let her take charge of the Gongwei Division.

There is a reason why Li Mengyao is so stubborn. When Sheng Shang encountered a crisis at the beginning, it was precisely because Gong Weisi was the commander who was bribed by Sheng Shang's younger brother to assist the rebels, which caused Jiangshan to almost change hands, and also led to the death of Li Mengyao's father Huang Quan. Li Mengyao is a stubborn person. After learning the truth of the matter, she secretly made up her mind that she would inherit her father's loyal and steadfast legacy, and she would also be the leader of this Jinyiwei, so that this Jinyiwei would become the most loyal military organization to honor her father's spirit in the sky.

With this goal in mind, Li Mengyao has been concentrating on practicing martial arts, learning the art of court power, and has no distractions. In addition to his excellent talent, he has achieved martial arts success at the age of fourteen, and now Fang Twenty is one of the top ten masters in the country. one. But because he has always been concerned about work and the court, he missed the age of a girl to marry. Ordinary people have already started looking for a husband's family in 28 years, and twenty years old is considered a late marriage year.

Although this journey has been swaying with wind and rain, Li Mengyao has stabilized the prestige of the Gongwei Division, and did not let the emperor find a chance to dismiss her. In fact, later, the emperor was also moved by Li Mengyao's persistence and hard work. It was easy for a little girl to complete the first military division of the court. Afterwards, Li Mengyao didn't get embarrassed very much, but recently, she couldn't help but secretly help her settle a lot of troubles a few times. She didn't know that.

Until recently, there were some problems with the Gongwei Division, and the Dongchang factory seized the opportunity to bring up the "order of the three divisions".

Li Mengyao was also helpless about these things. It wasn't her fault, but some old subordinates who had gone through two dynasties.

These are the core personnel of Jinyiwei, and they are also important warriors of the imperial court. But since he was successful in saving the second prince during the rebellion, even the emperor gave them face, so he began to be arrogant. Several of them openly accepted bribes, and the East Factory has been waiting for Jin Yiwei to make trouble, watching carefully every day. Immediately discovered the problems of several Jin Yiwei, quickly collected evidence and reported it to the emperor. Taking bribes under the eyes of the emperor is a big taboo. After the emperor checked the evidence, Long Yan was furious and directly dismissed the professional hair and hair distribution of the few Jinyi guards to the frontier. As a result, the Gongwei Division lost a few big masters and suddenly lost his vitality.

Resignation is actually a trivial matter. The Gongwei Division has a lot of talent and a few experts will not go bankrupt. The emperor gave Li Mengyao a face for taking bribes, and the impact of the matter was minimized, and there was no major trouble in the Gongwei Division. But the matter of accepting bribes has not subsided. The last Jinyiwei veteran who has experienced two dynasties caused trouble, and it was not a small disaster.

This guy is not greedy for money, but he can't control his third leg.

At that time, he was tracking down a notorious flower-picking thief, and he traced that he was going to attack a famous talented girl in Nanjing recently. Now that he has checked it out, he naturally set up an ambush early. He is also excellent in martial arts. He caught the flower-picking thief by himself, and bundled it into a zongzi and prepared to pack it home. When the talented girl saw that the other party saved her innocence, she naturally wanted to express her gratitude. As a result, the talented girl looked elegant and refined, not like those coquettish goods outside, and she insulted others.

When the incident happened, he still shied away from the other party's repayment of his life-saving grace and voluntarily promised himself. I don't know if he has read too many Jianghu novels. This chivalrous man, what he promises by his body also depends on his appearance, okay? ! With your good looks, people will only say, "Great kindness, great virtue, and the little girl will report back in the next life"! Report again in the next life! Report again!

As a talented girl in the imperial capital of Nanjing, she is a well-known figure in the world. I don’t know how many literati admired, how many martial arts warriors respected, and even the emperor was impressed by the talent of the other party, so that his princesses sent more letters than the other party. Cultivate sentiment and literary talent. At that time, the emperor heard that Jinyiwei's office of flower-picking thieves turned out to be a talented girl. After the talented girl reported the other party, she hanged herself last night. scolded Li Mengyao and others.

This incident had a great impact on the Gongwei Division. In order to pacify the complaints of the people, led by literati, the Jinyiwei was sentenced to beheaded. On the day when a master who had made great achievements was pulled to the market and beheaded, no one dared to intercede for him.

The sinners have been executed, but the hatred of the people is hard to disappear. The reputation of Gongweisi has been greatly affected. It will take a long time for this matter to be pacified. It is this opportunity that Dongchang proposed to rearrange the "order of the three divisions". Gongweisi himself is not up to his expectations, this time it is too unfair to favor Gongweisi to the other two The emperor has nothing to say, so he agreed with Dongchang and asked Dongchang to declare the decree. Protecting the country with military force and governing the country with literature, the national literati are also an important talent pool for the country, and the hearts of the literati must not be cold. If the Gongwei Division loses this honor, it will be regarded as a small punishment and a big admonition, so that the talents of the country's literary talents will go well.

Don't think it's just a court order, but for Kung Guard, this honor is more important than life!

If Gongweisi loses her position in the first sequence of the three divisions in Li Mengyao's hands, how can she face his father's spirit card, and face the commanders before Gongweisi!

The struggle for power in the imperial court has a thousand smiles. Of course, a guy who follows his master to hide his debts does not know. He may have a better idea of ​​which head and which head tore a woman's face in private. So he saw that Li Mengyao's face was blushing, then blushing, and he didn't speak for a while. He turned his head and asked Yixue: If the order of the court is changed, it will be changed. So why did the commander make the adults so angry, why why?

Yixue's response to Mei Qian's smile was only a fierce stare, and she ignored him again. She is worrying about Li Mengyao, how can this person be so ignorant and annoying.

"It's like this, there's nothing to say. I'll go to the palace to face the Holy Spirit right away to see if we can count all the forces we recruit into the contestants."

The Gongwei Division's recruitment work here is open and transparent. Many knights know the results, and the East Factory also knows the results. Even if the details of today's recruitment have not been reported to the emperor, they cannot secretly tamper and change those forces into Jin Yiwei. If it was tampered with and then reported by the East Factory, the big hat of deceiving the king would be buckled immediately.

After Li Mengyao and Xiang Rilong explained their next work, they quickly ran out of the venue, leading a horse and galloping away.

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