The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 295: The humiliation of Zhenwei Escort

Mei Qianxiao's sudden question startled Tan Qianzhou and Jiang Hao.

They want to hide in the dark and win by surprise, but Mei Qianxiao suddenly brings up the topic of stealing handsome, doesn't it seem very strange!

Jiang Hao sat beside Mei Qianxiao, and couldn't help but leaned over and asked in a low voice, "What are you asking about thieves! How do you deal with such an abrupt topic?"

"Brother Xiao, according to your hurried introduction, I found that the robbery's modus operandi and his martial arts level are not described in detail in the records of our Gongwei Division. The thieves and robbers are the mortal enemies of the **** bureau. The thieves and gangsters have in-depth investigation and understanding, so they can take precautions. Knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle. Only when we came to us in a hurry did we know that we were going to be the opponent of the thief, and it was too late to do more investigation. It's good to be ignorant."

Jiang Hao frowned slightly, thinking that the commander often said that he should listen more to the advice of the trick, so she nodded at him. After all, he said what he said, and what he said was like a splash of water that could not be turned back. It is better to do what he said.

To be honest, Jiang Hao was at a loss when she saw the dossier record about stealing the handsome in the Gongwei Division. The content in it was too messy, and there were many contradictions in the testimonies of the parties, but they all proved that they did not lie. He was puzzled, and at this time, he was also a little curious if he could figure out the answer from Qi Desheng's side.

Surprisingly, Mei Qianxiao inexplicably mentioned the name of a robber, and all the guards present did not show surprise or strange expressions.

"What do you mean by suddenly mentioning the robber? Are you trying to ridicule us of the Vigilance Escort!"

Qi Desheng suddenly slapped the table hard, and the table let out a low sound, and the plate containing the peanuts and beef on the table burst. The cracks were neat and not a little bit of debris flew out. The table just scattered some wood chips, without any scars.

From this hand, it can be seen that Qi Desheng's inner strength is pure, and his control of palm strength is precise and delicate. He is an absolute master of the inner family!

Jiang Hao and Tan Qianzhou frowned, worried about the sudden situation in their hearts, but Mei Qianxiao was overjoyed!

Hey, Zhenwei Escort really knows the thief handsome, there is a show!

"No, that's definitely not what it means. I'm a fan of Thief Shuai, so I'm just curious!"

"Isn't this taunting us at the Quanwei Escort? You are a fan of the robber, so you are happy to see him leave us with a great shame, right! You bastard, even if you are Boss Tan's sister-in-law, I have to teach you a lesson!"

Wait a minute, wait a minute, sorry!

My brother guessed that the Zhenwei Escort knew the thief handsome, but I didn't expect the relationship to be so **** as the mortal enemy!

In the face of this situation of stepping on a landmine, Mei Qianxiao reacted quickly and was thick-skinned, and then changed the topic and said with a serious face: "Although I am a fan of Thief Shuai, I am also a die-hard fan of the chief dart of your **** agency! I don’t know that the Guidance Bureau and the robbers have hatred, if this is the case, of course I stand on the side of the Guidance Bureau and share the hatred!”

"Are you a big fan of our head dart?" Qi Desheng didn't care about being angry, he scratched his head in surprise, very surprised that the Mediterranean bald head of their head dart still had fans.

"That's right, I admire..." Mei Qianxiao turned her head and whispered to Jiang Hao what was the name of the head guard of the **** agency. Jiang Hao replied in a low voice, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Let me go, there is such a surname in the world? Ahem, I I have admired the head guard of the Zhenwei **** agency Fang Hao Cang Fang for a long time. I have grown up listening to his stories since I was a child, so I am so curious about your escort's story! Especially his superb swordsmanship in the Megatron Jianghu, every time I hear it It makes me so happy and yearning for…”

"Wait, our head dart uses an axe!"

"Cough, the chief dart is good at axes, but even the swordsmanship that he is not good at can shake the rivers and lakes, which makes me feel relaxed and yearning... Do you think I am obsessed?"

Qi Desheng looked at Qian Qian's smiling face for a long time, and then nodded in disbelief: "You and he are quite fascinated... It turns out that our chief dart can know how to use swordsmanship. "

"It's okay, I forgive you."

"Thanks... um? Why do I feel like something is wrong?"

"Let's talk about the robber who should kill Qiandao. How did he leave a humiliating shame on the Zhenwei Escort? Let's scold him, despise him and curse him together!" Mei Qianxiao didn't give Qi Desheng a chance to recover. , quickly brought the topic back.

"Hey, it's been a while, and it happened to have something to do with the head guard. Back then, the head guard was not the head guard, but the deputy head guard. The robber once again stayed in the house of a big official. The official family did not want to sit still and wait for the theft declaration, so they went to our Zhenwei Guard Agency and hired experts to help them with a lot of money. We sent a first-class defense chief with more than 20 good escorts. I went to sit and guard. As a result... I was tricked by the robber, and I fought with my own people for a long time, and then the official stole what was going to be stolen. "

"Wait, what the hell? Why did the officials stole things in the end!" Not to mention Jiang Hao, even her brows and smiles were covered in circles, she had no idea what Qi Desheng was talking about!

"It's a long story." Although Qi Desheng shattered all the dishes on the table, he wisely left the teapot and cup, and took a sip of the fragrant tea to moisten his throat before slowly saying, "The thief Shuai originally mixed into the official's family early in the morning, pretending to be his family minister to help him plan the defense of the mansion, and even going to the defense chief is a calculation!"

"He has already mixed in and pretended to be a retainer, and he has all the defenses under his control. Why should he ask for the chief defense officer?" Mei Qianxiao asked in confusion.

"Because there is a small flaw in the head of the defense chief, you can understand that the ears are easy to will know after listening to me." A little more tactfully, "After the Chief Defense Officer and the others arrived, the robbers pretended to be a young and beautiful concubine of the official, and frequently came into contact with the Chief Defense Officer..."

Well, this shortcoming does not need to be described in detail, brother will understand after hearing this. The head of the anti-dart is not easy to be soft, but easy to hard! It's lustful, it's lustful, does he need to say it so gently and carefully! When I scold my master for being lewd, I always go straight to the public, okay?

"Being able to be a dart head in the Zhenwei **** bureau shows that the chief dart head's concentration is still very good. He abides by the discipline, and did not have anything beyond friendship with that concubine. Xiang Guan's family asked her to go back, so that the two of them had lovers and finally got married... Well, I don't understand how he is so easy to deceive. Guess what!"

Hey, Dart Qi, you accidentally spoke your heart out! What's the matter with the other escorts nodding their heads, after all, they are the head darts of your family, so give me some face in front of outsiders! Didn't you describe it very tactfully just now, and suddenly started to complain about what happened!

"As a result, the wishful thinking of the chief guard has been tricked. The concubine pretending to be a **** thief also charmed the son of the high-ranking official, so that his son heard the promise of the chief guard and immediately became furious. They made a noise. The high official also knew, and he was also furious. The more the three quarreled, the more violent they became. At this time, the robber had already left. They didn't know anything, they cried and asked and they didn't know, and it drove them crazy, causing the three parties to gather to get out and set up defenses.

And the real thief had already pretended to be a high official and went to his eldest wife's room. It turned out that the things that the thief wanted to steal have never been found. After taking the opportunity to pretend to be a high-ranking official and put his wife to bed, the thief used the excuse of wanting to change the position by the pillow to figure out where the things were, and walked away from the gate with the things openly.

Later, his wife found out that his husband was fighting half to death for a concubine, a son, and a dartmaster, and in a fit of rage, handed over the evidence of corruption and bribery in his life to Dali Temple..."

This case made Mei Qianxiao and the three of them stunned, and their minds couldn't digest it for a while! It will become a concubine and a high-ranking official, what the hell? Thief handsome, he is a clay figurine, he can do whatever he wants! The difference between becoming a high-ranking official and becoming a concubine is too big. One sleeps and the other sleeps. How can it change!

"This matter has tarnished the reputation of the Zhenwei Escort Bureau and the official family, and it is difficult to spread it out, so everyone worked together to suppress this matter, and not many people knew that this happened. The head of the defense chief is also in the Zhenwei Escort Bureau. He was severely punished, not to mention his relegation, and he was fined for a year of salaries..."

"It's so miserable, it's so miserable... After such a big disaster, he can still be the chief dartmaster, which means that he must have made up his mind and became angry later, right? He is indeed the chief defense dart head I admire!" Mei Qianxiao interjected and complimented.

"It's almost like being angry and trying to be strong. In addition, the former head guard was old and wanted to retire and didn't want to be in charge, so he abdicated and succeeded his son, head guard..."

Hello! Working for a long time is the inheritance of the father's business! Almost an egg! It's just a fight for him to be the head dart!


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