The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 33: Embroidered spring knives are not used like this

"Brother Xiao took a bath very slowly, and quietly fell asleep first."

"Sorry, something happened, just go to sleep quietly..." Mei Qianxiao stretched, and only after realizing it did she realize, "You want to go back to your room to sleep, come to my room and make yarn! Someone found out. When you sleep in my room, wouldn't my notoriety shine brighter!"

"I can't sleep in a strange place. I can't sleep next to Brother Xiao."

The rooms they live in are also of the same size, square and square, the size of more than 20 bungalows, equipped with a large drapery bed, a mahogany locker that is half a person's height, a wood-grained wardrobe that is taller than a person, and a desk. a chair. This kind of equipment has been considered very good.

At this moment, Liu Quietly was lying on the big wooden bed, curled up like a sleepy kitten, with the quilt covering her body, exposing most of her white and tender ankles. His bright eyes were half-open, and his speech was dazed.

This is the rhythm to push! Push horizontally and vertically to overturn the rhythm of retweeting!

Nonsence! The younger sister wants to push it, but it is unreasonable and unreasonable!

Mei Qianxiao gave herself a slap, and she blamed herself for being so irritated when she saw Yixue's difficult posture and felt her soft body just now. Eyebrows and smiles secretly run the inner work of transferring flowers and connecting trees and Yijinjing. Feminine inner functions such as moving flowers and connecting trees make people calm, and stubborn inner functions such as Yi Jin Jing make Lingtai awake and pure.

"Quietly, I think you should understand that there is a difference between men and women. You are already a 16-year-old girl. What should you do if you can't marry after sleeping with Brother Xiao." Mei Qianxiao persuaded bitterly.

"Brother Xiao is talking nonsense again. Quietly, he is a pure man. What is there to avoid when a pure man loves to sleep together... Quietly is used to getting up early, and leaving Brother Xiao's room early won't cause trouble for Brother Xiao..."

"Ah..." Mei Qianxiao had no way to take this younger sister. Seeing her sly and confused attitude, would he still have the heart to throw her out?

Mei Qianxiao didn't dare to take off his clothes, so he was lying on the bed in that ragged cloth, and Liu Quietly slipped into his arms naturally. After sniffing the familiar smell on Mei Qianxiao's body, the slightly frowning face of desire and dissatisfaction, Finally showed satisfaction.

Speaking of which, before Liu quietly went down the mountain, they often slept together like this... She didn't have any awareness of the difference between men and women at all. Fortunately, if it was him, if it was another man, there would have been a problem long ago. For this matter, he almost pierced his mouth, but fortunately Liu Quietly was obedient, and he still kept his distance from other men outside. Pure man, do you want to play with women or be played by women! This principle has always been her motto!

But even so, it would be a lie to say that you are not worried: "Sooner or later, you will be single for the rest of your life!"

"Don't be afraid... If you are single for a lifetime, then you will be with Brother Xiao for the rest of your life. Anyway, Brother Xiao can't find a wife no matter how you look at it. We two brothers depend on each other..."

You are single all your life! No matter how you look, you can't find your wife! Did you curse your brother like that!

Mei Qianxiao hugged Liu Quietly, who was as soft as a liquid animal in her arms, and said with emotion: "Xingxingxing, brother admit defeat. As long as Quietly likes it, let alone be a man, even if you want the moon in the sky to give it to Brother Xiaoxiao. you pick."

"Brother Stupid Xiao, you won't make such a difficult request quietly... Huhu..."

Mei Qianxiao no longer disturbed the dozing face in her arms. She stretched out her hand and flicked her fingers. The candle on the desk was blown out by a strong wind. Holding Liu Jingquan in his arms, he seems to have returned to the life on Baimu Cliff. On the lonely mountain peak, the master and the senior brother are often absent, and only the two of them are left to depend on each other. comfort.

It seems that the friendship developed in the environment where only the two of them are left in the world, Mei Qianxiao cherishes it very much. If you want to say that the person he loves the most in this world is Liu Quietly.


"Brother Xiao, get up, I'm going to be late..."

"It's still early, let me sleep for a while... I didn't sleep well. I had a nightmare just now that Liu quietly took out a strange stick-shaped object and poked my ass, scaring people to death..."

"Quietly wouldn't do such a strange thing! Can't sleep anymore, the commanding officer called us to report, we're all here, you're the only one missing!"

Liu Quietly once again performed the face-slapping technique of "Brother Xiao is slapped stupidly", and slapped on Mei Qianxiao's face one after another very skillfully.

Mei Qianxiao was beaten to the point where she couldn't help but opened her eyes in a misty way.

Wow, in which heaven has a little angel fallen?

I saw a handsome and beautiful woman wearing a dark blue martial arts robe, with long hair curled into a bun on her head, and her thin body, against the well-fitting martial robe, did not look thin, but rather had a gentle temperament. . A half-length embroidered spring knife is pinned to her waist, which makes her more heroic. The only regrets are her prominent Adam's apple and a moustache under her chin, which would be great if it weren't for those things.

"You're late, Brother Xiao, hurry up! The people in our team are waiting for you in the Command Chamber."

Liu Qingqian opened his eyes when he saw Mei Qianxiao, afraid that he would still deceive the corpse, so he quickly pulled him up, and then picked up a pile of clothes and threw it on him.

"That group of unscrupulous guys, don't call me brother... They are all members of a small team. If you want to be late, let's be late!" Mei Qianxiao tried hard to make her head work, and began to find a way to understand the pile of hanging on her body. How to wear things.

"They're all afraid of you, and none of you are willing to come and wake you up." Liu Quietly said while helping Mei Qianxiao sort out the official robes and the things to wear first.

"Then why didn't you call me earlier? I was late for work on the first day. The beautiful boss must have an opinion on me. How can I marry Bai Fumei and climb to the top of my life?"

Liu Quietly arranged one piece and put it on. The efficiency was quite high.

"I came to call you half an hour ago. I stabbed you with this scabbard for a long time, and you still begged for I thought you were awake before I went back to change clothes." Liu quietly pointed He pointed to an embroidered spring knife of the same style on the table that matched with Mei Qianxiao's martial robe.

The embroidered spring knife is eighty centimeters in length, not too long. Its shape absorbs the advantages of countless famous knives. The handle is wrapped with precious pearl fish skin, the handle is made of pure copper with a peony gold ruddy pattern, the blade is made of fine patterned steel, and the scabbard is made of rosewood.

Embroidered Spring is a poem from "Embroidered clothes spring when the sky is high, and colorful clothes are trending toward the courtyard". It happened that there was also a garden in the imperial garden called Xiuchun Garden. This garden was the favorite of the Taizu, so Named "Embroidered Spring Knife" for the unified standard knife of Jinyiwei. It alludes to the unusual close relationship between Jinyiwei and the Emperor.

This knife is a contraband on the market, and only the elite can use it. If someone imitates the embroidered spring knife, it will be a capital offense if found out. This thing is a bit like a control weapon, which shows how strong its performance is.

Besides being useful, it is also a status symbol. Who recognizes Jin Yiwei, doesn't he first look at his flying fish robe and embroidered spring knife? Wupao embroidered with flying fish patterns is not something that any Jinyiwei can wear, but embroidered spring saber can be equipped by every Jinyiwei, so it is right to recognize Jinyiwei first of all to recognize his saber. However, although they are all called Xiuchun Dao, the people in the three divisions understand that the Xiu Chun Dao personally bestowed by the emperor is the Xiu Chun Dao that truly represents the supreme honor. Real nameless.

Mei Qianxiao squinted and looked at the size of the brand new spring embroidery knife on the table, and suddenly realized... He had a nightmare just now that Liu quietly violated the chrysanthemum, and his feelings were stabbed by this thing!

Liu Quietly, next time you ask brother to get up, don't use round objects to knock you out laughing brother. I thought Liu Quietly suddenly turned into a real man, scaring my brother to death!

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