"The Wusun country in the Western Regions is a nomadic people. They are good at cultivating horses and hunting. Every ethnic group is a natural hunter. If you go to the Western Regions on this trip, if you can learn some special hunting from the people of Wusun country. The technique will definitely benefit a lot." Li Mengyao said.

Eh... that sounds like a good job! Just go to the land of the Western Regions to chat with Wusun Kingdom and exchange hunting experience, easy and simple! Isn't it like traveling at a public expense with a little meeting to learn! It is indeed a public meal, but the benefits are good!

"Okay! I've long wanted to go to the Western Regions to see the prairie where the sky is blue and the wild wind blows the grass and the cows and sheep are low, and the desert scenery where the desert is solitary, the smoke is straight and the sun is set! If it weren't for my father... my father never allowed it. , I've already gone!" Ting Yu clapped her hands happily.

"Father doesn't allow you to go because he is worried about your safety. The Western Regions are no better than the Central Plains." Yixue said quickly, seeing that Tingyu seemed to have many complaints against her father.

"I know I know, so this time we're going as Jin Yiwei, it's definitely no problem!"

Ting Yu leaned against Yi Xue, as if she was coquettish, and her voice became a little more delicate. But no matter how delicately the two girls over there are intertwined, Mei Qianxiao is determined not to look there... If Yixue sees him and dares to look at her, she will definitely explode again!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I have never been to the Western Regions. If I could go to the Western Regions with Brother Xiao, I would be very happy!" Liu quietly tugged at Qianxiao's sleeves and whispered with a smile, his eyes full of anticipation. brilliance.

If there were no outsiders around, Mei Qianxiao would have patted Liu Quietly's head long ago and told her, if you wanted to go to the Western Regions so much, tell Brother Xiao earlier that Brother Xiao would find time to take you to play before that! But not now, so Mei Qianxiao stretched out her fingers and secretly scratched the palm of the delicate and smooth little hand of Tiara Liu, expressing that she was also very happy.

Liu Qingquan has a delicate skin and tender flesh. When the palm of his hand is scratched, he feels a strange electric shock, which tugs at his heart. Unconsciously, he blushed and waved his hand away.

"Don't get too excited, you have other tasks besides going to the Western Regions to find out about Wusun's hunting experience."

Li Mengyao looked at the group of people in front of them, ready to travel, and had to knock on the table with the bricks in her hands.

"Is there still a task? Our task is not to exchange hunting experience with Wusunguo, by the way, try their steamed goat milk, roasted whole lamb, large plate chicken, hand-grabbed cumin lamb chops, goat milk wine, goat milk mash trough, sweet embryo. …”

"Stop, stop!" Li Mengyao shook her head before wiping the saliva from the corners of her mouth, and hurriedly interrupted Mei Qianxiao's words, "You know the food of the Western Regions very well, did you read the travel guide in advance?"

"No, no, I just know a little bit." Mei Qianxiao rubbed her head and said modestly.

As a demon sect leader who is determined to retire and eat and wait to die, how can he know nothing about eating, drinking, and having fun!

"Do you really think you are traveling? Believe it or not, I will kill you with a brick!"

"Trust, I really believe, you don't need to demonstrate!" Mei Qianxiao took two steps back in silence, keeping a safe distance.

Li Mengyao was sure that the others had also woken up from the temptation to report the dishes with a smile on their face, and then continued: "Listen, you are only going to the Western Regions. This time, you will mainly go to Dunhuang to check that a tribute to the royal family was robbed. ' case."

Tribute stolen? What kind of thief is so bold, dare to rob tribute?

Mei Qianxiao's heart is clear. They went to Dunhuang to investigate the robbery of the tribute, which means that the tribute was robbed in their own country. Today, under the rule of Emperor Tiansheng, the country is prosperous, and the strength of the court is unprecedentedly strong. Even the unruly people in the arena, no one dared to underestimate the government agencies such as Gongweisi, Dongchang, and Yingdufu, and they were extremely jealous of the imperial court.

If the tribute was robbed in the Western Regions, it would be normal. It was not within the jurisdiction of Emperor Tiansheng, and the area was vast and crowded, so it was not surprising that bandits who were not afraid of death would rob the tribute. But those who dare to rob tribute in the domestic area are really daring and fat.

Haven't you seen how those demon sects who offended the imperial court were uprooted? Aren't you afraid of sneak attack tactics in the toilet?

"This case is of great importance. It is related to the diplomatic issues between the two countries. You must deal with it seriously. If there is anything that cannot be handled, the flying pigeon will pass it on to me." Li Mengyao took out a scroll from the drawer of the desk, which contained the mission. details.

With a serious expression, she waved at Mei Qianxiao. Mei Qianxiao had only warned herself before that this beautiful boss would definitely not come forward when she waved her hand, and hurriedly shook her head in acknowledgement.

"I'll let you come over!"

"But! Unless you put down the bricks in your hand!"

"I counted three times and you still haven't come. This month's rations will be confiscated."

"Boss, you have something to say! Talking about money hurts feelings, do subordinates become Jinyiwei for the sake of money? Of course, they come to be Jinyiwei to be covered in bricks by the boss!"

Mei Qianxiao hurriedly rushed to the table, her flattering appearance made several other people roll their eyes, who would come to be a Jinyi Guard just to be covered with bricks by the boss! Apologize to all Jinyiwei!

In ancient times, there was Tao Yuanming who did not bow down for five buckets of rice, but now there are eyebrows and a thousand smiles, only kneeling and licking for fifty taels. People are really better than dead people.

"Who wants to cover your face, I'm talking about business!" Li Mengyao said so, but she still covered her eyebrows. She had to say that Mei Qianxiao seemed to have a unique magic power that attracted the bricks in her hands. Running towards his head, he couldn't hold it back even if he wanted to.

"You can't hide my face again!"

"Take it." Li Mengyao shoved the scroll to Mei Qianxiao.

Mei Qianxiao held the scroll, her expression a little confused.

What does this thing do for him? Although the case data file and everyone in the team have to read it, shouldn't this thing be handed over to the captain first?

"Master Commander, this..." Yixue understood the meaning, and looked at Jiang Hao, worried that their captain would have an opinion.

"Jiang Hao! Yixue! Listen to the wind! Liu Quietly! Eyebrows smile! Listen to orders!" Li Mengyao suddenly shouted, exuding a domineering aura, not angry but powerful.

This is the true imposing manner of being the commander of the Gong Guard Division. At this time, Li Mengyao was not a beautiful girl, but a king of Jin Yiwei who was revered by all people in the world!

"My subordinates are here!" The five put away their relaxed expressions~www.readwn.com~ and stood up straight and bowed their hands in response.

"This official ordered the five of you to leave for Dunhuang immediately tomorrow to thoroughly investigate the case of the robbery of the tribute! If there are thieves who obstruct the investigation or resist, this official allows you to kill first and then file! Jiang Hao is the captain and leads the team; Mei Qian Xiaoxiao, as the vice-captain, make suggestions! Before Jiang Hao takes action, please read more about the opinions of the vice-captain. Jiang Hao must remember that your investigation is mainly based on 'investigation'. The team you lead is all newcomers. Risk, you should take care of the safety of the team members."

"Jiang Hao takes the lead!" Jiang Hao took a step forward and lowered her head.

He is a straightforward person who doesn't have much pursuit of fame and fortune. Even if the commander-in-chief deprives him of the title of captain here, he will not have any complaints. At the moment, it seemed that Li Mengyao suddenly assigned him a vice-captain as if he was hampering his rights, but he just took orders seriously, and turned his head and winked with a smile.

Mei Qianxiao only reacted when she received Jiang Hao's wink. He had already stood very forward, so he didn't need to stand any further, he lowered his head and said, "Mei Qianxiao leads the way!"

"On the first day I went to work, I became the vice-captain, as expected of Brother Xiao!" Liu Quietly whispered towards Mei Qian with an envious look on his face.

"You want me to give it to you!" Mei Qianxiao took two steps back with an ugly face and roared quietly at Liu.

what the hell! He has acted so badly, why let him be the vice-captain! He doesn't want to do anything, he just wants to make soy sauce on the side!

Mei Qianxiao's heart collapsed.

Like him, there is also Yixue who has a mental breakdown.

"Lord Commander, this subordinate thinks that Mei Qianxiao's martial arts and character are all subordinates, and it's a bit inappropriate to be the deputy captain." Yixue took a step forward and spoke righteously.

I mean, do these women speak so straight?

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