The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 413: Quick knife on duty, found something strange

"Damn it, how many years hasn't there been such a big fire in Nanjing?" Outside the flaming Shao Xingxiang mansion, a black and thin man in a brocade robe and two men dressed in uniform ran over, panting and laughing. After a while, he was stunned for a while, and then the man in Jinyi started patrolling around and said loudly, "What are you still doing, put out the fire quickly! Are the people nearby evacuated? There are many wealthy businessmen living nearby. Senior officials, if they have an accident, don't even think about it in your head!"

"The people have already been evacuated, and we are already fighting the fire, so I didn't dare to delay, Lord Shen Jin Yiwei!" One of the men put two buckets of water on the side of the fence, and while speaking, he used a special wooden water pressure gun to spray water inside. .

That's right, this one is Jin Yiwei, and he's also an old acquaintance who has recently made a splash in the arena - Shen Anxiang from "Eighteen Ways of Quick Knife".

Because not long ago, he participated in the martial arts competition organized by the concubine. In this contest, people died, and the concubine was beaten up by the mysterious new demon leader Yue, who was unknown to most people. The big news has led to the special attention of this tournament.

Shen Anxiang is involved, even if he doesn't have a particularly dazzling performance, he will be briefly mentioned in "Knowledge of All Things", not to mention that he came to power to fight against the super-beautiful teenager Liu Quietly, who is a blockbuster and is now known in the streets, so "Knowing Everything" will naturally focus on writing. .

That's how he rubbed off the popularity of the contest and the super beautiful boy. People who follow these news will probably remember that Jin Yiwei has a newcomer, Shen Anxiang, who has made a name for himself.

As for the reason why a low-level Jinyiwei who is still unknown has not been reused, it is because this person has a little reputation, but his level is still not good.

"Eighteen Ways of Quick Knife" is good-looking and good-looking, and it is so gorgeous that it can hang a street to bury his father, but everyone who knows the goods understands that it is not useful. So he was still in his original position, assisting Yingtianfu in maintaining public order in Nanjing, and he was able to intervene in any problems big or small within the jurisdiction of Yingtianfu. It is a bit similar to the branch of the Gongwei Division in other stations, except for special affairs, the main purpose is to maintain local law and order. Generally, this kind of position is arranged by the lowest-ranking No. 1 middle school in Jinyiwei.

The Gongwei Division is such an agency with a variety of tasks. To catch thieves, investigate cases, **** them to drive a guard of honor, fight a security guard, and count on Jinyiwei for everything.

It happened that Shen Anxiang was on duty today. Hearing the commotion here, he immediately came with the two forces who were on duty together. Seeing that the house of Shao Xingxiang, the director of the East Factory, was on fire, it was more lively than the bonfire meeting. The first reaction was to laugh and scold him.

After thinking about it later, this is not right, the court minister's house is on fire and it is necessary to put out the fire quickly! Although Shao Xingxiang deserves a beating, he is always a minister of the imperial court!

So I thought it was important to do the right thing.

He looked around and saw that the faces of these beaters were pitch-black. Shen Anxiang suddenly felt that they had worked hard enough, and their faces were so smoked that they looked like the black faces of singing operas.

Shao Xingxiang's main job is the supervisor of the East Factory, and his sideline business is smuggling black coal. The smoke from the fire at home is thicker than ink!

"Has anyone from Governor Shao's family come out?" Shen Anxiang asked.

"No one came out!" One of them didn't reply.

Nobody came out? Shouldn't Shao Xingxiang fall asleep? !

Shen Anxiang was full of sense of justice, stretched out his hand, and greeted the two forces to go in and save people.

The gate of the mansion was unlocked, and they rushed in easily.

From the outside, the fire was burning inside, but when I entered the gate, I found that the fire was smaller than it looked, and the burning part was more like the place above the eaves. A closer look reveals that there are piles of hay on the eaves, which are burning vigorously.

Because the fire was in the sky, the smoke was running into the sky, so the air in the yard was circulated. Shen Anxiang immediately took off the wet handkerchief that had covered his mouth beforehand: "I'm going, this is obviously a malicious arson!"

After he finished speaking, he quickened his pace and ran to the yard.

Just as he was about to cross the corridor, suddenly a force behind him screamed loudly, startling Shen Anxiang.

"Suddenly shouting so loudly, what the **** are you? If you don't act quickly, the arsonist will run away!" Shen Anxiang turned back and scolded.

"No, Xiang, Brother Xiang, it seemed like a ghost had really floated over your head just now!" Na Litong said in a trembling voice.

"Ghost? Where's the ghost!"

As soon as Shen Anxiang finished speaking, another Li Tong also roared, drew his knife and stared at Shen Anxiang with wide eyes: "There's a ghost!"

Shen Anxiang turned back quickly, but didn't even see the fart.

"The flickering light of the fire and the thick smoke are all hallucinations, where is the ghost! If there is a ghost, let him come out to see me, and see if I don't give it to me with a quick knife..."

"Young man, are you talking about me? I can come out to see you, but unfortunately I'm not a ghost."

A mature and prudent voice suddenly came from the top down, which shocked the three of them. Looking up together, a bloodless and grotesque man stepped on the edge of the beam and reclined in the air.

No one can do this weird pose without hanging a few ropes!

Since ancient times, things that are scary are things that you can't see or touch. Seeing that someone is here, the two forces became more courageous, and Hengdao said angrily: "Who! Dare to pretend to be a ghost in the East Factory Governor's Mansion!"

"No name, no need to know my name."

The man turned over and fell down, and then they saw that the other party was not bloodless, but painted the pale and heavy makeup of an old man in a singing opera! The abrupt makeup looks scarier than a ghost in this dark corridor!

"Pretend to be a ghost, you must be a bandit! You also set the fire here, I am Jin Yiwei, you can quickly capture it!"

As if everyone should surrender after saying "I'm Jin Yiwei", Shen Anxiang shouted a nonsense with confidence that he didn't know where he came from, pulled out two short knives, and threw a few silver babbling babbles as fast as lightning before rushing towards the opponent.

The man moved backwards in the face of the seemingly ferocious Yinguang, making people feel that Yinguang was only a short distance away from chasing after him. Shen Anxiang hurriedly stepped forward to chase, who would have thought that the other party just leaned back and did not move his footsteps. Instead, he put himself into the other party's arms before stepping forward.

The opponent's hands were sharp, and they reached out to each other, but they accurately grabbed Shen Anxiang and slashed the back of the knife.


The man's fingers gripping his wrist seemed to have a thousand jins of force, Shen Anxiang's wrist hurt like a broken bone, and he couldn't hold the two knives and let go. In fact, it's not that the opponent's fingers are really powerful, but that they pinched the acupuncture points on the wrist precisely with their fingers.

Immediately after the man pressed down with both hands, Shen Anxiang couldn't control his body and rolled on the ground. He was pinned to the ground, and the acupuncture point was sealed.

The two forces saw that Shen Anxiang, the most capable of them, couldn't even make a move from the other, and immediately knew that the other was not someone they could deal with, and hurried back. Keeping the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood, it is the best policy to go back and ask for help!

They just walked in not far, and they could see the gate within two steps. Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a strange man with a three-faced face suddenly fell from the top beam. It was both weird and terrifying. Under the high tension, the two of them were scared and shouted loudly.

Seeing that the two of them were frightened and screamed, Sanhuamian smiled with satisfaction and rolled over to the ground. With a wave of the long sleeves of both hands, the two long knives in Litong's hands were shot down, and a sonorous sound of metal collision was faintly heard. Liang Litong immediately understood that there must be something strange in the sleeves of the three-flowered face.

It's a pity that the strength of the two sides is not on the same level. They didn't let them see what was hidden in the long sleeves, so they were quickly blocked by the three-flowered face and captured them.

"Killed?" Sanhuamian asked, rubbing his hands in front of the old-fashioned eccentric person with two immobile forces.

"The sect leader said to kill?" The old man asked in shock, the sect leader didn't explain the murder.

"I didn't say no to kill."

"That's right... It's easy to kill." That's right, the sect master didn't explain not to kill, the old man was persuaded without a second's face.

"Stop it!" Fortunately, when the two started, a tall and slender beauty with golden phoenix and peach cheeks appeared within the sight of Shen Anxiang and the three who were starting to sweat coldly.

Obviously they are all wearing heavy makeup for singing, but the appearance of this beauty gives people a completely different feeling! He is heroic and sassy, ​​with an indescribable charm.

"Don't kill people in the court, I will take them to see the leader."

The beauty's voice was cold, but it fell into the ears of Shen Anxiang and the three like a spring breeze and rain, and she was reborn!

No matter who you see, at least save your life!

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