The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 419: Cunning rabbit 3 caves, hard to beat 1 tiger

"Why wait for the future? How can I have so much time to play with you, today's work is over, brother is very busy, okay?"

A voice that seemed to respond to him sounded, causing Shen Anxiang to get goosebumps all over!

Several boulders roared, and Shen Anxiang's already dark face suddenly became even darker, his face as gray as death. Just listening to the sound, he knew that he couldn't hide a single piece of this boulder!

He thought that his life would be over, but who would have thought that the boulder didn't touch the edge of his clothes, whizzed past him, and smashed into the exit where he was about to escape, blocking the exit firmly.

Shen Anxiang looked back and saw that the originally collapsed tunnel boulders were all broken, and a man wearing a delusional mask walked out of it in a hurry. His body was covered in mud from falling rocks, his body was cut in many places, and blood was flowing. In Shen Anxiang's eyes, he is not a human being, but more like an evil spirit crawling out of the Yellow Spring!

At this moment, the surroundings were silent. Shen Anxiang couldn't take his eyes away from the man who was walking like a Chinese evil. In his ears, he could only hear the uncontrollable acceleration of his heart, thump, thump!

He is angry, he is afraid, he is excited! His mood at the moment is extremely complicated!

Looking at the appearance of the other party, it is obvious that he was in the tunnel when the tunnel collapsed! Although he had never pressed the treasure in the collapse of the ten-meter-deep tunnel in this area to kill Yue, he never thought that he would be able to get out of it so quickly!

This person can no longer be called a person, he is more like a monster than the monsters he has seen!

To be able to fight against such a monster, to get so much cheapness from such a monster, he couldn't help trembling with excitement!

This sense of achievement is so touching!

Some people may think that he is a lunatic, but he does not deny it... If he is not lunatic, how can he be so obsessed with his secret actions!

"Is there nothing to say, such as something that you think can change your dog's life." Yue glanced at the corpse on the ground that could be seen as real.

The power of the explosion and landslide was comparable to natural and man-made disasters. Even he couldn't escape, and was injured by the ferocious flying boulders. Fortunately, he was not persuaded to retreat by the landslide and Shen Anxiang's realistic dying roar, otherwise he would have to escape by fake death if he came later.

He admitted that he never thought that Shen Anxiang would have Jin Chan escape from his shell in the tunnel, and it was a little unbelievable to see through the trick now.

Bo Hu's ability to save his life is unparalleled!

"What else is there to say? I have no regrets in losing to you!"

Before Shen Anxiang finished speaking, he smirked and ignited the hidden gunpowder with a fire stick.

Yue charged over when Shen Anxiang made a move, but he still took a beat and let him ignite the explosive hidden in the cave wall.

Only had time to capture Shen Anxiang in his arms and retreated back to the tunnel when he came back. Not far back, the violent explosion brought a new wave of collapse, and the earth shook like the end of the world! The bursting fire cloud blew the moon out, bouncing back and forth on the tunnel wall when he came!

The explosives at the core of the underground are obviously buried more. If Yue didn't have time to back away just now, even if he used Astral Qi to protect his body, he would not be able to survive in the center of the exploding vortex!

The "sheng" people in the backyard couldn't understand what the leader and Shen Anxiang were like. Anyway, the ground shook again and again, and those who didn't know it must think that there was an earthquake in Nanjing. Just by listening to the movement, they knew that people of their level were not able to participate. They could only stay where they were, worried and dare not intervene in disobedience.

After the second, bigger earthquake, not long after, their sect leader finally pushed aside the broken tiles and crumbled from the wing that had collapsed into rubble.

His clothes were already in tatters, his naked body was purple and black, and there were many scars that could be seen deep in the bone, and blood was dripping.

And the culprit who pushed their leader to such a situation is being held by their leader softly, like a dead chicken just waiting to be slaughtered.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that the leader had returned triumphantly, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"This evil thief's martial arts is so profound that it can hurt the leader of the sect so far?" "Jing" stepped forward to greet him, intending to take over Shen Anxiang from Yue's hands.

There is no need to trouble the sect leader for the heavy work of torture, they can do these small things.

"His martial arts is slightly higher than yours, but it won't make it difficult for me. This guy escaped into the underground tunnel, and there are actually similar-looking corpses underground for him to play dead to steal his life. After I found out, the secret tunnel was blown up, and these were collapsed. The skin trauma is not in the way."

Hiss... Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. It turned out that the earth was shaking the mountain just now, it was really shaking the mountain! And it was bombed with explosives! Even the tunnel has collapsed, and their sect leader is still alive and kicking, is this still a human being!

"This person is useless, he's dead." Yue Rang "Jing" didn't have to pick up the person, he threw it away, and Shen Anxiang fell to the ground like a wisp of fluff.

By this time his dark complexion had become coal-like, and his lips were purple.

When Shen Anxiang triggered the underground explosives just now, it was too late to stop him, so he could only take Shen Anxiang away, trying to catch him alive. Unexpectedly, after knowing that the man could not escape, he committed suicide by biting the poison sac hidden in the back tooth socket immediately after triggering the explosive.

Obviously, Shen Anxiang didn't want to be tortured, and he didn't want to be found out, so he chose to commit suicide.

What is he going to cover up? Without a leader, he still thinks his group can do something big?

"Have you found any traces of others?" Yue looked up and asked.

"I didn't find it. But there are disciples reporting that Yingtianfu has organized manpower to rescue the fire, and it will be there soon." "Mo", who was standing by the yard wall, responded.

At the beginning of the month, he didn't take down Shen Anxiang immediately, and he was trying to lead the snake out of the hole. When his comrades came to rescue, even if he couldn't wipe out all of them, he would be able to catch one by one.

As a result, this villain has been tossing around here for so long, and half of the people who came to save him have not come. Bo Hu has been operating in the dark for so I don't believe it if there are no accomplices. It means that this product either did not send out a signal for help, or was abandoned by his accomplices.

He didn't have the patience to play with Bo Hu slowly. This was a slightly rough plan, and the success rate of catching it all at once was really limited.

He wanted to know why Bo Hu had worked so hard for many years to ask the designer for once, wanted to know why he wanted to kill Chitu, wanted to know what the Liquan gang had to do with him, wanted to know that he got tea from the Western Regions to design the killing of the second prince Is the eldest prince because he is the power gathered by the second prince... The second prince is dead, what is he still secretly planning?

There were still many doubts, which made Yueshen want to get rid of the clouds and find the truth, but his head suddenly buzzed... A white-clothed figure fluttered away from the top of Mount Tai, and the two have never seen each other so far, so it is still possible to make him feel in love. Can restrain oneself. But the day after tomorrow, she will come to a courtyard of the Lin family in Nanjing City to settle down to be married... In the same city, how far can the Guards be apart from each other? Maybe he couldn't resist taking a peek?

This Nanjing was like boiling hot water to him, it was hot and uncomfortable, and he didn't want to stay any longer!

In his attack today, he had already thought that the clues of Bo Hu's party would be interrupted. Compared with the torment of him wanting to leave, this was acceptable, and he would be satisfied if Bo Hu could get rid of him. Li Mengyao returned to the palace safely as a princess, and Tingfeng Yixue also returned to the palace, and there was no more worries in Nanjing.

However, the anxiety still persisted. He thought that killing Bo Hu would restore peace to the irritability in his heart. Now he thinks clearly, that irritability has nothing to do with Bo Hu, it is more and more intense with the arrival of the fifteenth day of the first month.

Perhaps only after being far away from Nanjing can it slowly subside over time.

"Today, I have Lao Qingyi to teach everyone to help you, so feel free to ask if you want anything." Yue looked back from the confusion, and the figures in his eyes with different facial makeup gradually became clear under the firelight, which was a complete recovery.

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