The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 421: People are dead and cold, warm tea is new

The headquarters of the East Factory in Nanjing City is about the same size as that of the Gongwei Division, but the number of people in the East Factory is much smaller, which is larger in comparison.

The interior houses are built in a patchwork manner, with finely crafted embellishments, the landscape of Jiangnan gardens, carved beams and painted buildings, green tiles and Zhuyan, which combine luxury and elegance in a harmonious and bright, unique atmosphere.

Just from the style of the headquarters, you can see the difference between the East Factory and the Gongwei Division. The layout of Gongweisi Zongxian is simple and pragmatic, without too many elegant decorations and green embellishments. Dongchang, on the other hand, is very ambitious and assertive about the quality and edification of the environment.

This is because the East Factory was originally established for the eunuchs who lived in the palace. Before, he had been exposed to the highest level of garden design and elegant hobbies in the palace all the year round, which led to a lot of exquisiteness in his own values. In addition, they deal more with officials, and they must not be lacking in etiquette and style. Therefore, people from Dongchang always exude a noble and elegant atmosphere.

The two styles are different. Even today, the people of Dongchang still feel that the people of the Gongwei Division are fierce and rough, and they have no calmness and pleasing style.

Of course, Gong Weisi, in turn, also feels that Dongji Factory loves to pretend to be a bitch.

Values ​​are not the same, this contradiction is unresolved.

Gongliang is handsome and striding, but he still has a decent demeanor. The ancients said that "a talent with a single appearance" is most appropriately reflected in him.

He came to the door of the study and knocked gently on the door.

"My subordinate Gongliang Junyi asks to see you."

"Please come in."

The factory's study room is also exquisite, and it is ingenious to watch carefully everywhere. Gongliang Junyi pushed open the door and entered. As one of the twenty-four supervisors and supervisors of the backbone of the Dongji Office, he has also been to the factory's study room countless times. Enter the inner hall of the huge study.

Wei Xingchao sat in the elegant seat in front of the window, poured two cups of hot tea on the table beside him, and in the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, the white smoke that made people feel warm.

"Come on, sit down. After a busy day and night, warm up first."

"Thank you, Mr. Chang." Gongliang Junyi and Wei Xingchao have worked together for many years, and they have not been seen outside. He took off his robe and put it aside and sat next to Wei Xingchao, drinking tea and smiling, "It is true that Mr. Chang rushed to the palace early in the morning to discuss matters. It's been hard work, but it seems that the emperor is in a much better mood today."

Wei Xingchao was slightly surprised and asked, "There is no need for a morning court today. How do you know that I have been to the palace in the early morning? How do you know that the emperor is in a much better mood?"

"Go back to the factory. You are wearing a splendid robe instead of plain clothes, which means you have got up to work. And your golden robe is a gift from the emperor, and you are reluctant to wear it in your spare time. You must be a saint in the palace." Liang Jun Yi finished tasting the tea and put down the cup, and continued, "Look at you taking off your official hat, your hair is loose, and you are not sitting at the desk to make tea and come to the elegant seat to watch the snow tea, which means that you have temporarily put aside business for a short break. It was an eventful autumn, and even the emperor Longyan was angry and issued three edicts in one day, and the urgent case was urgent. The lord of the factory only hated having no time to separate, how could he still have such a leisurely and chic mood. It means that the emperor is much more comfortable today, which makes you breathless Time for breath."

Wei Xingchao clapped his palms with satisfaction, sighed with tut tut, frowned, and stretched out his orchid finger to count Gongliang Junyi: "It's not a shame that he is the head of the twenty-four prisoners in my East Factory, he is as careful as dust, and he solves the case. Countless, they are the pillars of the country! I used to talk about Gongliang to Governor Shao, and Governor Shao always praised him. But now the Governor Shao is... alas."

"The factory's condolences. This case is investigated by the four supervisors. The elites will do their best. I will do my best to solve the supervisor's case. The factory can relax a little." Gongliang Junyi said sternly, "I also want to go to the factory when I come back. The public will report the results of the day and night investigation..."

"Did you find any problems? Who did evil?" Wei Xingchao interrupted.

"Not yet... but Governor Shao was burned to death on the bed like this. With his martial arts and vigilance, it is unlikely that he would be burned to death in his sleep. His subordinates think..."

"So is there any evidence of Ecstasy, or evidence of someone's invasion?" Wei Xingchao interrupted Gongliang Junyi again.

"No." Gongliang Junyi bowed his head.

Shao Xingxiang's mansion was so badly burned, and the body was like charcoal. It is speculated that the weather was cold and wrapped in layers of cotton quilts to sleep in such a fast-dissolving ashes. Even the head was burned off. Being drugged is also difficult to detect.

"You can't stop a case just by guessing without evidence. Isn't that what you said?" Wei Xingchao teased with a soft face.

"That's right, if there is no evidence, it's all subordinates' inferences. Judging from the current evidence, Governor Shao was indeed burned to death in his sleep."

"That is death by fire, no matter how unbelievable the cause of death, the fact is the fact." Wei Xing filled the tea for Gongliang Junyi with vigor and vigor, "I have reported to the emperor the investigation results of our East Factory this morning, this is an accident , did not find any villains set fire to kill before the prince's wedding, provoking the authority of the imperial court. The emperor is quite satisfied with the result, or he is relieved. "

"Wait, Mr. Chang, although there is no clue to the murder, but there are many suspicious points in the case, is it too arbitrary to close the case like this?" Gongliang Junyi hurriedly said.

"Any doubts?"

"During the fire at night, people in the distance could feel the shaking of several positions. The mansion of Governor Shao also found a subsidence somewhere, and the cause has not yet been found out..."

"The Secretary of General Affairs has reported that this is an unpredictable earthquake. The Ministry of Rites in the palace has inquired into the catalogue, and this is an auspicious omen of 'panlong ascending to the sky'. It shows that the prince's destiny is extremely prosperous, and the prince's destiny has been sublimated when he is about to arrive in Nanjing. Auspicious!"

"Chang Gong, this is clearly a false letter from the Ministry of Rites to comfort the emperor, how to do it!" Gongliang Junyi said helplessly.

"Whether it's a lie or not, in short, the emperor is happy. Haven't you been sure that the land collapse here has nothing to do with Governor Shao? Does it have nothing to do with the body of Gong Weisi found at the scene?"

" Their bodies have no trace of being injured by the collapse..."

"That means that the earthquake and the collapse of the earth had nothing to do with the death of Governor Shao, it just happened by chance, and there was no special connection. I have reported the case to close the case. Governor Shao was afraid of the cold, and the fire caused a huge fire. The fire was out of control. Jin Yiwei and Litong were admitted to the hospital to fight the fire, trapped in it, and the fire burned mercilessly and innocently."

Judging from the current clues and investigation results, this is indeed the conclusion. However, Gongliang Junyi planned to check again, but he always felt that things were not that simple.

"My lord, an ordinary Jin Yiwei is still investigating the death of an ordinary Jinyiwei from the Gongwei Division. What we are waiting for is the Governor, how can it be so hasty?"

"The Secretary of Gongwei wants to check that it's their family's business, what does it have to do with us?" Seeing Gongliang Junyi's anger, Wei Xingchao didn't get angry at all, but said deeply, "Just know that the most important thing for us at the moment is to ensure that the crown prince is the most important. The marriage went smoothly and on schedule. Until then, there is no need to waste any energy. Remember, we can allow any sacrifice in order to ensure the marriage of the prince."

Gongliang Junyi was stunned, Director Shao worked for the East Factory for many years, and he worked hard without credit. How could it be known that before an extraordinary wedding, the death case of Governor Shao had to stand aside. It was more like a road block that had to be kicked aside and the case hastily closed.

"Our East Factory is slowly withdrawing from this matter, and we don't need to discuss it again. Come, drink tea." Wei Xingchao reached out and brushed the tea surface, feeling that the temperature of the tea was still warm, and signaled to please, "Drink it while it's hot. The next thing is The main thing to find you here."

"What else is there to do?" Gongliang Junyi was a little cold, unable to warm himself up with warm tea, so he asked lonely.

"I have applied to the emperor to promote you as the new superintendent."

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