The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 443: Habits discreet, perfect arrangement

After Cao Ling left in a hurry, Du Ming sneered, his eyes were fierce.

"Master Mingchen really expected things like God! This double-edged sword has come to the time to let go. When it is broken, it will be broken, so as not to change."

Just now, when Cao Ling answered the real body of the Demon Sect leader, he hesitated for a moment, and it fell into his eyes. Cao Ling has always been loyal, and there is never a momentary flicker of reporting tasks. In addition, this person hates evil and hates evil. At first, he was most angry that Yue wanted to kill the court officials.

This made him have to dike. It would be fine for other undercover agents, but this Cao Ling knew too many secrets, and this double-edged sword might cut him if he was careless.


Cao Ling put on the black gauze hat again and set off on the road. Although he had plenty of time, he still kept pace.

There have been a lot of incidents in Nanjing recently. In the past, Governor Shao burned his home to death. Today, a prospective prince concubine has settled in the inner city. Later, the prince's wedding is imminent. Martial law is imposed in Nanjing city. After checking the strength of the inspection, I saw that all the raw noodles went up to check.

She, a person with a mask and a sword, is naturally more conspicuous to the city patrolmen, and she also encountered three interrogations on the low-key journey. But she has the secret token of Shadow City, because the identity of the shadow guard is kept secret, so the low-level patrolmen of this thing do not know that it is the token of Shadow City, but they all know that seeing this thing means that the other party is a special member of the court. , always let go.

The place she was going to was actually not far from the outskirts of Nanjing. It was only after going over two hills and walking on the mountain stream.

In winter, the dark night always comes very early. After Cao Ling walked for several miles at night, it started to snow.

"The meeting time is tomorrow morning, but you can take a night off here."

Cao Ling stared at a resting inn on the side of the road. After calculating the time and distance, she pushed open the door of the store without hesitation.

Although the store sparrow is small and complete, there are three square tables in the small store hall, and there is a wooden ladder to the side. As far as the eye can see, the second floor is the hotel room. Compared with the inns in Nanjing, it is naturally not popular, but it is still clean. The store opened in this place is doing business for passers-by, and it is not bad to have a tile to cover the head.

"Ouch, guest officer, please... it's snowing, isn't it?"

A shop boy came up politely and gently patted Cao Ling's shoulders and the snowflakes on his hat with a towel.

"I'll come by myself...Is there any room? I want one."

When the shop assistant heard that the other party was a woman, he was embarrassed to let go of his hand and apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, girl, please take a seat! There's room, I'll make it up and stay here! Come, have a cup of hot tea first... Have you eaten yet? Do you want to? Taste our boss's craftsmanship?"

The shop assistant poured Cao Ling a cup of hot tea, rubbing his hands beside him and waiting for Cao Ling to answer.

"No, let me know when the room is ready."

"Okay, you can sit down."

The shop assistant smiled and ran into the kitchen to call out the shopkeeper to inform that there were guests, and then ran up to the second floor to prepare the room. The shopkeeper seemed to be dozing off inside, and when he came out, he was stunned when he saw Cao Ling wearing a hat, and then nodded slightly with a smile.

Cao Ling took off his hat, looked around carefully, and took out the dry food from the bag.

The shadow guards of the Shadow Metropolitan Government rarely eat indiscriminately when they are outside. Even if she was acting in the Tsing Yi Sect, she only moved her chopsticks after confirming that others had eaten it. Most of the dark guards do shameful things and use the dirtiest methods, and naturally they are very vigilant against encountering the dirtiest methods. Moreover, they often have secret protection work. If someone poisons the protected person, they will eat it casually, won't they be poisoned together.

If she wants to eat outside, for example, if she is going to travel far today, she will first find a dry food store such as steamed buns and naan cakes in the city. Then see if there are people who bought food on the spot, and confirm whether there is any problem with him eating. If there is no problem, I will share the two I bought with the beggars I meet, and then I will leave after confirming that there is no problem.

Cao Ling chewed the dry food slowly, his mouth was dry, and he didn't even glance at the hot tea in front of him. He took out the water bag in his bag and took a small sip while eating. The dry food was moistened and he could swallow. She likes to drink more.

This water is also the water from the ancient well that Cao Ling is sure that everyone is drinking. Because I carry only this bag when I travel lightly, I may only have this bag of clean water before I encounter a reliable water source before completing the task. Professional habit Let her get used to formulating her diet in the most economical and efficient way.

Cao Ling silently frowned after reading the store layout.

It just so happened that the second shopkeeper arranged the room and came down to say, "The room is ready! Girl, come and stay!"

Cao Ling put away one-third of the dry food, picked up the bamboo hat, and looked directly at the second shopkeeper: "Don't you need to register and pay first?"

The shop boy patted his head embarrassingly: "The girl is too beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful girl before, and she looks like a mess... Come and come, please register."

Cao Ling didn't look sideways, walked to the front desk, the shopkeeper had already taken out a thick registration book and opened it: "Little Er is stupid, if you offend, please have a lot."

"It's okay." Cao Ling took the pen, but did not touch the ink, and drew a few strokes on the table.

The strokes can be seen clearly without leaving traces. It was a secret code used by the dark guards.

"Girl what does this mean?" The shopkeeper asked in confusion.

"Is it a little out of place to buy such a large register?" Cao Ling lightly smiled, and tapped the account book behind his fist, which is only used by the big inn and restaurant in the big city. He pointed to the dried objects hanging on the wall, "Chili, corn, dried meat... Although they are neat and tidy, they are exactly the same as those on the internal textbook. Sometimes too perfect is not necessarily a good thing~www.readwn .com~ The internal textbook that Cao Ling mentioned refers to the textbook of Yingdufu. The layout of this store is almost identical to the example given in the textbook. No wonder Cao Ling found it familiar as soon as he came in.

But she is an undercover team, and this part of the knowledge is mostly used by colleagues in the assassination team. After she came in and sat down, she took a closer look before remembering. She didn't believe that it was a coincidence that it could be arranged exactly the same as the example she had learned in the Shadow Metropolis.

"It turned out to be someone from the same family..." Seeing Cao Ling see through everything, the shopkeeper stopped pretending, squinted his eyes and smiled warmly, suddenly turned the ledger on the table to the back, took out the dagger as thin as a cicada's wings hidden in it, and turned towards him. Cao Ling stabbed it fiercely, "Then you go to death obediently!"

Cao Lingfeng's eyes were wide open, and he reacted quickly. He lifted his left hand diagonally to hold the shopkeeper's arm in an instant.

But this care immediately found that the shopkeeper's internal strength was deep, and he could not restrain the shopkeeper's assassination with one hand!

At that moment, Cao Ling immediately stepped back half a step, the other hand backhanded the wrist holding the dagger, and both hands exerted force to press the shopkeeper's hand on the table!

In just such a short time, Cao Ling reacted and changed his moves continuously, and his sharp skills took the shopkeeper by surprise!

"I don't know what tasks you guys are in charge of here, but I'm Cao Ling, number 8 Lu Qi of the Qilin group. Do you have any misunderstanding?" Cao Ling frowned and shouted.

"There's no misunderstanding, we were ordered to hunt down Cao Ling, the unicorn group, Lu Qi, who betrayed the shadow capital! As expected of a Grade-A secret guard, we can easily see through our arrangement..."

"I didn't betray Yingdu Mansion! I was ordered by the deputy commander to carry out official duties here. Is there any misunderstanding..." Cao Ling said in shock.

Before Cao Ling finished speaking, the shop assistant next to him had already thrown a long towel whip!

The towel pierced through the air and was fierce. Cao Ling didn't dare to pick it up, so he tilted his head and flashed.

However, the empty towel threw a cloud of white powder, wrapping Cao Ling in it!

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