The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 50: it's a good thing

"Eh, it's all fake names. What are you talking about? Everyone is just doing their bit for the Guardian."

Dong Shengrui knew exactly what to say to someone. For someone like Jiang Hao, who had a higher sense of honor than life, it was the easiest way to get closer.

Sure enough, when Jiang Hao heard the words, tears filled his eyes, and he bowed his hands to Dong Shengrui: "It's really a blessing for Gongweisi to have such a hero as Director Dong!"

After the reception was over, several people sat down.

Dong Shengrui was sitting on the high hall, and the five Jiang Hao were sitting in a row on the left side below the high hall. Jin Yiwei, who had brought them to the guest room before, took out a file and handed it to Jiang Hao to stand beside Dong Shengrui. The servants at the sub-station ran in and added a few pots of hot tea to several people. Jiang Hao immediately opened the file, the content of the case was similar to the one that Li Mengyao gave him, and he frowned deeply.

How could Mei Qianxiao take care of these troubles? He only thought that he was traveling by himself, so he picked up a cup of tea and took a sip... Oh, this place is okay, and he could even get apocynum tea!

This apocynum tea is a special product of Loulan.

I want to talk about a story from the past. Thinking that when Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions and opened up the Silk Road, in addition to developing the trade routes between the Central Plains and the Western Regions, there was actually a secret mission.

The mission was to find the "Skill of Immortality".

After almost all emperors have obtained the supreme power, the next thing they think about is how to extend their supreme power to eternity. Among them, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was especially serious, and he spent almost his whole life studying the subject of immortality.

Zhang Qian pioneered the Silk Road and made contact with the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions. Later, he really found the "immortality" thing. That thing is the specialty of Loulan, Apocynum!

This stuff is very popular with local people. Wearing apocynum clothes, drinking apocynum tea, eating apocynum powder, and smoking apocynum cigarettes is part of life. This book also seems to be very common, a certain area uses common plants in that area as daily necessities. But Zhang Qian was always thinking about his secret mission, so he suddenly discovered an unusual thing about Loulan Kingdom—there are quite a few old people here! Moreover, most of the local people have smooth skin, and the crane's youthful appearance does not look old!

Restricted by the destiny, at that time the entire capital of the Central Plains could not find as many elderly people as Loulan, which made Zhang Qian more aware. When he was traveling around in the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions, he spent the most time in Loulan, studying the secrets of the longevity of the local people. Later, he finally discovered that the reason was precisely this apocynum.

Afterwards, he and the King of Loulan researched this discovery together. They used apocynum and other medicinal materials to make immortality, ahhh, pills, and brought them back to the emperor. At the same time, of course, there is also a very precious Apocynum tea.

Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty took the pill of immortality from the Western Regions and apocynum tea, which really allowed him to live to the age of 71. He was the first emperor in history to live past the age of 70.

Later, although the elixir pills that Zhang Qian and the King of Loulan had tinkered with were lost, the emperors of successive dynasties still valued the apocynum tribute sent by Loulan, and regarded it as a holy product for prolonging life and beautifying beauty.

"Master Dong, this tea is incredible!" Mei Qianxiao hurriedly drank a few more sips, and also greeted the others to have a few sips, "Come on, have a few more sips, this stuff is so beautiful!" They all come from Loulan.' You think this rumor is nonsense, because this apocynum tea has the effect of beauty and anti-aging."

"Oh?" Dong Shengrui was a little surprised. He didn't expect that among Jiang Hao's team, no, he didn't expect that some of the people from Gongwei Si Zongxian knew apocynum tea, "This Mei brother is a person who knows goods. Apocynum tea. Tea does have the effect of anti-aging and physical fitness, but because the output is extremely low, and it is a royal tribute in our Central Plains, most ordinary people don't know it. In fact, there are many subdivisions for the use of apocynum, such as now What everyone is drinking is only mid-level apocynum tea, which is still quite different from the special offerings offered by the Sage. But Brother Mei, don’t be fooled by the rumored effect of apocynum tea. Apocynum tea actually only has certain health benefits. Don’t treat it as a panacea, you still have to take medicine if you are sick.”

Hello! You have the disease! Although my brother is a little excited, I don't need the last sentence as a reminder! It's been a long time since I've had apocynum tea, and it's not enough to be a little excited!

Jiang Hao originally thought that this man with a thousand smiles was suddenly talking crazy, but after hearing Dong Shengrui's words, he realized that this guy was right, that there is such a powerful tea.

Tingfeng and Yixue had heard of the effects of this tea, because Apocynum tea was a tribute from Loulan to the Sage, and the Sage was famous for being a fangirl. This tea has the effect of prolonging life and is suitable for him to drink; but it also has the effect of beauty, so how can I not give it to my precious daughters. Therefore, Tingfeng and Yixue have also received some apocynum tea leaves.

Because the production of special-grade apocynum tea is extremely low, and it is not produced every year, it depends on whether the local climate is suitable for production. Sometimes it is not surprising that half a catty is produced in five years. At that time, it would only be two small boxes for the emperor. He would also score some for the queen of the main palace to share, and some for a few particularly favored concubines to please the beauties, and some for the queen mother to show filial piety. It's not bad that the princess can get so much. Don't look at how many slaps it is, the special offering-grade apocynum tea is a rare commodity monopolized by the Loulan royal family, and gold ten times larger than it can't be exchanged for such a little apocynum tea, it is a rare product with priceless market .

At that time, the two princesses had heard a lot of those who gave gifts bragging about how awesome the things they brought. When giving sweet potatoes, they said they would strengthen their health, and when they gave mung beans, they said they could cure all diseases, and they were all numb. When the royal father brought the tea to them, he told them that it could beautify the face, but they didn’t take it seriously. The tea varieties in the Central Plains are more famous, and they are also exported in large quantities to the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions and even overseas, making them famous all over the world. , so who in the Central Plains would care about the tea from the Western Regions? It still sounds like hemp for making Can this thing be drunk? I have a big question mark in my heart.

Listening to what Mei Qianxiao and Dong Shengrui said now, Tingfeng and Yixue immediately understood that this thing is really good, and now I can't wait to go back and let people turn out the tea leaves that I don't know where they were thrown, and taste it! What girl in this world doesn't love beauty!

In short, now listening to Feng Yixue and Liu Jingjing, they are both holding a cup and drinking tea there, and let's put other things aside first!

"Mid-grade apocynum tea is quite rare. How can ordinary people drink it? Even people from the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions have to have some identity to get it. It seems that Mr. Dong still has a little way!" Mei Qian Smile with emotion.

"Where are you, I have been here for a long time, and I have some friendship with some local famous families in the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions." Dong Shengrui smiled, and raised his eyebrows and smiled a little, this guy has some knowledge.

This is true. They want to maintain a good relationship with the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions. The thirty-six countries in the Western Regions are more like to curry favor with the thick thighs of the Central Plains. A person like Dong Shengrui is not the city owner of Dunhuang, but anyone who knows the goods understands that people are more important than the city owner. Some wealthy businessmen or prominent families in the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions, of course, take good care of their relationship with others.

Mei Qianxiao even suspected that this guy had made a lot of money in the frontier far away from Emperor Shangao, and considered whether he should go to his mansion in the middle of the night to find out if there was any black ledger, and use it to make a rip off. According to his master's teaching method, this set of practices does not violate the conscience of heaven and earth at all, what is it called, yes, black eats black!

Jiang Hao saw that this guy and Dong Shengrui were getting farther and farther away from business. He couldn't help coughing a few times and said, "Let's put the tea aside. Director Dong, about this case, what are the latest clues? ?"

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