The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 551: The trump card is out, terrible opportunity

Although the masters of King Liuqin had never fought against Lu Fujin, they could tell from all aspects that Lu Fujin's martial arts was quite good after getting along for the past ten days. Gong Weisi and others also knew from Lu Fujin's internal power transmission when he first met with him that Lu Fujin's martial arts are not low.

It's not bad, but Lu Jiabao has never had the habit of directing himself to do it himself!

Everyone in the martial arts knows that the capital of the surnamed Lu in Lujiabao is average in martial arts. But there are many disciples with powerful martial arts, and Lujiabao's reputation is based on these disciples!

In this round of losing one more game and ending the game, and it was Lu Jiabao's first round to send people, Lu Fujin sent himself out without hesitation, which is really puzzling. It is well known that the strongest martial artist in Lujiabao should be the old butler who serves the young master in a low-key manner.

Even Mei Qianxiao thought so.

"I heard that Master Li, the commander of the Gongwei Division, is a hero in the women's middle school. He is unparalleled in swordsmanship. I hope I can teach you." Lu Fujin named the strongest remaining member of the Gongwei Division, which surprised everyone for a while.

"Is this guy singing an empty city plan?" Li Mengyao frowned and asked in a low voice with a thousand smiles.

"It's hard to say..." Mei Qianxiao couldn't understand.

According to Meiqianxiao's original plan, as long as Lujiabao did not send the old steward who deliberately concealed his strength in the remaining two links, he would immediately let Li Mengyao go up to fight and win the final victory.

Now that Lu Fujin is in battle, Li Mengyao should have been dispatched as planned. But Lu Fujin took the initiative to send himself in this battle with no way out, which was against common sense. What's more, it is even more incomprehensible to take the initiative to provoke their last ace, Li Mengyao.

Mei Qianxiao began to think about whether, as Li Mengyao said, this person was playing an empty city plan, using abnormal signs to convince them that they did not dare to go up, so take it easy for a while. In the future, Li Mengyao can bet against the old steward, and the outcome will be in five or five.

"Let's not be fooled by it and analyze it objectively. The old steward can't tell the difference, and Master Li is hard to tell. Compared with this young master Lu, the chance of winning should be higher." Gongliang Junyi also understood that the other party's smoke bomb was coming. Insidious, give your opinion on the side.

"I think so too... Besides, the other party has already named me as the leader. If I don't, even if I win the game, I can give the other party a reason to honor me... I can do it both with love and reason." Li Mengyao said in a deep voice. Decide.

That's right, the other party used Mei Qianxiao's tactic to grab the words before. Take the advantage of fame first and force you to go in the direction he wants. This tactic is useless for rascals like him, but it is very useful for their well-known and righteous people.

Righteous people, of course, attach great importance to reputation.

But it was precisely because Lu Fujin wanted Li Mengyao to fight so much that Mei Qianxiao felt that something was wrong!

"Be careful." Mei Qianxiao thought about it and couldn't find the problem, so she could only remind Li Mengyao who was out of the queue.

"Master Lu, please enlighten me."

Li Mengyao's face is sweet, but the serious and vicious face is different from the domineering heroic spirit. She goes out to fight and stands in the circle. Her heroic appearance is majestic and majestic, and she is as beautiful as a godsend that cannot be painted by today's top painters.

Seeing Li Mengyao playing, Lu Fujin smiled contemptuously and slapped the golden pestle beside him. The golden pestle of Collapsing Heaven Hundred Treasures is really ingenious and exquisite. I don't know how to crack a big gap on the top. A heavy long-handled Pu sword flew out in response, spinning in the air, blooming with the cool silver light that only famous swords have!

Lu Fujin grabbed with one hand, lightly grasped the handle of the knife, and simply rotated his hand to hold the knife on the back of his body, showing his extraordinary arm strength!

"Oops!" Mei Qian smiled when she saw the knife coming out, her heart was not good!

He has an off-court ambush, and the other party also has a hidden trick! Lu Jiabao really can't be underestimated! They got it!

The other party, just like they sent Jiang Hao, sent a top student who came second in the test, it's better that you send the third one to die!

"What's the matter? Knife is a famous knife, and Lujiabao is rich enough to rival the country. It is not surprising to find a famous knife... If you have a good knife, you must also have the skill to take advantage of it. If you use the knife technique, I dare to say that Mr. Li will be hard to beat." Gongliang Junyi heard Mei Qianxiao make a fuss and blamed him for making a fuss.

Although he is a member of Dongji Office, it does not mean that he does not recognize Li Mengyao's power.

If the other party came out with other weapons, he would be more worried. How could Li Mengyao be invincible if they fought with knives?

"Of course I don't worry about ordinary swordsmanship, but you can clearly see what kind of sword the opponent is using! In the swordsmanship, it is called the overlord, only this sword is worthy of its name!" Mei Qianxiao worried.

Gongliang Junyi was reminded by Mei Qianxiao and suddenly realized that he was shocked!

Li Mengyao and Lu Fujin simply saluted in the circle, and they didn't say much nonsense. Li Mengyao took the knife and attacked first.

The swordsmanship handed down by their family is extremely mysterious, and the first shot is a condensed sword energy like a flying rainbow in Shushan, which is shocking!

Seeing this knife, Lu Fujin quickly put away his contempt and waited, and swung the knife to meet it head-on... The thick knife edge knocked back Li Mengyao's knife edge with an indomitable arrogance, and then used a rotating centrifugal force that was lighter than a light knife, tossing in a circle and directly transferred to defense To attack Li Mengyao's waist!

This blow change shocked the hearts of the masters present!

What shocked him was not his powerful internal strength that did not lose to Li Mengyao, but his mature and domineering swordsmanship!

"The Heavenly Dragon Saber Technique?!" Li Mengyao spun and retreated quickly, daring to dodge this sweep, and exclaimed in shock.

Li Mengyao is not a straw bag, how could he not recognize the "Tianlong Saber Method" that Tianlongshanzong is famous for!

"Tianlong Swordsmanship" is a general term. It has a total of eight sets of swordsmanship, from shallow to deep. Lu Fujin used the more difficult long-handled swordsmanship, the most exquisite one! Ordinary Tianlongshan sect disciples are not qualified to learn, why would a young master of Lujiabao make it!

"Master Commander, do you still remember visiting my Lujiabao a few times, but not seeing each other? It's because I was sent to learn martial arts from an expert since I was a child..." Lu Fujin forced out Li Mengyao, the opponent's last trump card, with a successful smile. No longer hide your strength, your body is full of saber aura, and your imposing manner is threatening!

"Which expert?" The aggressive saber aura made Li Mengyao feel unknown.

"My family sent me to Tianlong Mountain Sect to learn martial arts when I was five years old... Fortunately, Shen Ba, the old Sect Master of Tianlong Mountain Sect, accepted him as an entry-level disciple." Lu Fujin said proudly.

Shen Ba Dao's introductory disciple? ! As soon as this remark comes out, everyone who knows how to do it will take a breath of air!

Shen Ba Dao's status is similar to that of Zhang Sanji, and he is already a peerless master above the martial arts. Back then, Lu Jiabao had been begging for a lot of money, and it was only because Lu Fujin's father had to follow Zhang Sanjiao to repair it!

What a terrible chance Lu Fujin got!

First of all, how can someone who can get into Shen Ba's knife's eye have bad talent? UU reading www.uukanshu. com Besides, it has been more than ten years since Lu Fujin left. With the personal guidance of such a master, Shen Ba Dao is also a famous strict teacher. Isn't martial arts advancing thousands of miles every day, unfathomable and unfathomable!

No wonder Li Mengyao felt a different temperament from the ordinary Lu family from Lu Fujin, and he did not get infected with the tacky style of the Lu family. It turned out that he lived in seclusion in the Tianlong Mountain Sect since childhood and was personally taught by the old Sect Master!

Now she can see clearly, Lu Fujin's arrogance that comes from within is the domineering arrogance of the Tianlong Mountain Sect, not the tycoon of Lu Jiabao who is proud of his wealth!

Mei Qianxiao noticed it the moment Lu Fujin held the sword... Gongliang Junyi was right, in terms of swordsmanship, Li Mengyao is hardly an opponent... The overlord in this sword is the exception!

The opponent's internal strength is not inferior to her, and the swordsmanship is even more superb, but Li Mengyao's temperament will not admit defeat without a fight... After going all out to fight Lu Fujin for hundreds of rounds, Li Mengyao was defeated. It was not easy for Lu Fujin to win. Originally, he really underestimated Li Mengyao. Only after the first battle did he know that his martial arts was only slightly higher than that of Li Mengyao, and it was only because the famous teacher taught the sword that the sword technique was more incisive.

Li Mengyao's first-class swordsmanship was brought into full play in this battle, which attracted everyone's admiration... but it became a stepping stone for Lu Fujin's fame in the battle!

Li Mengyao's hair was soaked wet, and it stuck to her forehead, her hands trembled slightly, her eyes were red, and she walked off...

"We lost... I didn't expect this battle to be lost in my hands." The first sentence of Li Mengyao's smile when she came down was not a personal victory or defeat, but a battle for the honor of the Guardian Division.

Yes, they lost... Mei Qianxiao couldn't think of anything to comfort her.

The opponent's real strength is even stronger than what is on the books, and his skills are not as good as others, so he has nothing to say.

Today's Lu Jiabao is more terrifying than he imagined.

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