The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 585: 1 Wishful thinking, the leader calculates

"In order to make them stand out. They were born poor and humble, and they will be able to be good parents after they become officials." Hong Rakshasa said of course.

"That's what you think...but have you asked them if they'd like it?"

Would they like to?

Hong Rakshasa paused for a moment, how could he ask this question, is it unclear? Are there still orphans who are unwilling to stand out?

"Master Yang once said to me that there is no difference between teaching and learning... but the more important thing is to teach students according to their aptitude. Perhaps some of these orphans do not want to get a title, or they are willing to be craftsmen, or they like to be unrestrained as hunters, or they are interested in silk weaving. Is silk uniquely wise?" Li Pingting learns everything quickly, and at the same time observes keenly, so she understands the difficulties of ordinary people better, "Perhaps some of these people are not suitable for knowledge and fame, if you build them all from the same model, there is no difference. In the end, I am afraid that some people will end up in the cold window and study hard for a lifetime, but they will also be mediocre for a lifetime."

The Red Rakshasa was enlightened by Li Pingting. He doesn't like being an official himself, so he is reluctant to accept the emperor's summons. Who can force it? With so many orphans under his command, how could all of them have the talent to become government officials?

His initial thoughts were perhaps a little too taken for granted.

Li Pingting is clear and flawless, but she sees things more clearly than he is. After Hong Rakshasa figured out that the planning for orphans should be taught in accordance with their aptitude, he naturally understood what to do.

However, it is still the top priority to ask for a knowledgeable teacher. At that time, after a period of study, you will naturally be able to distinguish the differences of each person, and then teach students according to their aptitude.

"I will teach as appropriate. Please ask Mrs. Yang to help with the boxing. I will give you the contact person of the orphanages around the world, but you are not allowed to say that it is related to the Red Rakshasa, so as not to get into trouble."

"It's a small matter." Li Pingting smiled happily, finally being able to do something for the mountain **** to repay the life-saving grace.

Hong Rakshasa did not expect to solve the important matter in his heart so easily, and he felt relieved for a while, and the exhaustion accumulated in the past few days was also swept away.

"You helped me, and I also gave you a wish. You said, who do you want to kill."

"Uh..." Li Pingting's expression became embarrassed. She didn't seem to have anyone who had a deep hatred and had to kill them, but as soon as she turned her mind, she had a new idea, "I think you will come with my sister to see the father and the emperor. It would be great if I could solve this trouble!"

"No time." Hong Rakshasa refused without thinking.

It's not that he doesn't want to give Li Pingting this kind of affection, but that he is going to hunt down the ruined building before he leaks the news. A killer organization as large as the ruined building has members all over the place, and at least all its main members must be killed in order to disintegrate them. Such a chase, I don't know when it will end.

Before Li Pingting was disappointed, Hong Rakshasa continued: "Your father just wants to have a negotiation with us, it doesn't matter if it's me or who. We will have someone to come over then, so we should pay you back. wish."

"Also." Li Changrong had explained to her the reason for looking for the Red Rakshasa, and she understood this truth and answered happily.

Anyway, she was very happy to be able to relieve the sorrows of Li Changrong and her father.

"Okay, looking at your appearance, you want to send me back, right..." Li Pingting said a little lonely.

Although she is naughty and mischievous, she has never been annoying like her second brother, because she knows how to watch words and looks, and is considerate, so that everyone thinks that she is naughty and cute, not hateful. Hong Rakshasa has said that she will definitely not be here tomorrow morning. It can be seen that there is an urgent matter to be done, and she is very satisfied to be able to pester Lord Mountain God for a while.

It is really ignorant to delay others.

"En." Looking at Li Pingting's lonely face, Hong Rakshasa felt a little strange and uncomfortable, but she quickly dismissed it, "Leave right away."

"I want to go back to Changshi Town to get a horse, take me back to Changshi Town. I really want to go back, so late, the royal father will definitely punish me heavily." Li Pingting pretended to laugh, making Lishou a little lighter.

"Do you still know that you will be punished?" Hong Luosha snorted coldly and said coldly, there seemed to be a hint of anger in the words.

Such a little girl who has not yet entered the world dares to go everywhere, I really don't know how to write the word "dead".

"But I said that I found the Red Rakshasa, and the royal father should give a lighter punishment!" Li Pingting raised an index finger and pointed at the Red Rakshasa cautiously, her eyes turning into a crescent moon again with a smile. "The person that Sister Changrong couldn't find, but I found it!"

Saying that you went out of the palace privately and went to the Blackstone Society branch to find the Red Rakshasa, the number one killer in the Central Plains... I'm afraid you want to be punished more severely by your father!

Hong Rakshasa sighed secretly, worried that she would be spanked when she returned to the palace, so she couldn't help but put a gold medal on her to avoid death: "Go back and tell your emperor that if he punishes you, we will not I went to see him. Hong Rakshasa pointed to the sky and swore that he could try it if he didn't believe it."

"Haha, that's great!" Li Pingting can now no longer have to worry about returning to the palace so late and being punished, she said greedily through Hong Rakshasa's concern, "If you don't see him, would you like to see me again?"

"After a period of time, I will give you the contact information of the places where teachers are needed. Of course, I will meet you. I will enter the palace to find you, and there is no need for you to run around." Hong Luosha said bluntly.

"Okay, as long as we can meet again, pull the hook!"

Li Pingting stretched out her little finger, her eyes sparkling, like a chipmunk who was content with chestnuts.

Childish... He has been pulling hooks with the children in the orphanage, but this is the first time that he has been pulling with such a big person.

The **** intertwined for less than a few seconds, and then gently let go, in exchange for a shy smile from the girl.

In the next second, Li Pingting fluttered into a generous bosom, as if lying on an unsinkable large ship that went out to sea and sailed into the gray night sea.

Hong Rakshasa sent Li Pingting back to Changshi Town as promised, and watched her ride away.

When the pretty Qiying was about to disappear into the night, he drank in a low voice: "Get out."

"My subordinate Tsing Yi Sect's guardian angel Dan, see Dharma guardian!"

Cao Ling shuddered, hurriedly dodged out of the dark, and saw the Red Rakshasa on one knee. He didn't dare to raise his head and didn't dare to look away. Under the majesty of the Red Rakshasa, his hands and feet became cold, and the night wind was like winter frost. Just as cold.

In fact, Mei Qianxiao's note, from the very beginning, made her confirm that Li Pingting had entered the Blackstone Club's sub-station, and she was guarding it here, bluntly saying that Li Pingting would naturally appear here unharmed. It's just that she was really worried, so she followed up with the sub-station.

But after Li Pingting was taken upstairs, she had nothing to do. After waiting for a while, she saw that the shop assistant seemed to have ordered some dead bodies to be moved down, which made her even more upset. Later, I had no choice but to follow Mei Qianxiao's instructions and return here to ambush and wait.

Who would have thought that the sect master is really predictable, the princess really returned here, and it was actually brought back by the Red Rakshasa... This made Cao Ling even more inexplicably awed by the sect master's magic tricks.

No way, who told her not to listen to the bat's voice transmission, if she understood, she would know how badly Mei Qianxiao said to Hong Rakshasa before calling Hong Rakshasa, and she wouldn't be stupid and obedient to stay here and witness at any time. The red Rakshasa was furious.

"As an apologist, instead of persuading the sect leader to return to the right path, he accompanies the sect leader to misbehave... Do you know the guilt?"

Cao Ling's hands and feet were even colder, so he told the chief not to bring her when he was trying to harass the Red Rakshasa! ! Can the leader order her not to listen? If you want to add the guilt, there is no excuse, did Hong Rakshasa give her a reason for wanting to beat her this time? Should she feel happy? !

"Guardian, please listen to my explanation... Recently, the killer of the ruined building has been arrogant and domineering, killing two members of the demon sect who have already washed their hands in gold and do not care about the world. Those two old seniors were friends of the Taishizu, and they were cruel but never Killing innocent people... The sect master happened to see the killer of the ruined building beside him, so he made a little provocation, so that the guardian of the law could easily punish."

Cao Ling stayed at the gate of this town for a few hours. She had nothing to do and left Mei Qianxiao to her over and over about the contents of the note, and slowly he understood a lot of deep meaning.

Mei Qianxiao suddenly shouted arrogantly at the front desk. She thought about what she saw later and the information she had obtained before, and she quickly thought of something... She wanted to let Hong Luosha take revenge for the senior of the demon sect and buried the provocation.

The leader is too thief! Do you have to throw things that can be solved by drinking flower wine at Jinfenglou a few times less to the Red Rakshasa!

"You have explained the ruined building, but what about the princess?" Hong Luosha said coldly.

"As for the princess..." Although Cao Ling said that according to his oath, he did not reveal that he met the Red Rakshasa in the, but he also guessed the relationship between the Red Rakshasa and the orphanage. After a little contact, the answer was also They were all about to come out, "The princess is the proud disciple of Grand Master Yang, the old minister of the Three Dukes, and she has a good relationship, and Grand Master Yang is very willing to cultivate the master of the underprivileged children without sticking to one pattern... I think, the leader is cheating on you, ah, the leader forced you to come back and rescue you. , he wants to help you build a bridge. He can also help the princess by the way, let them meet you, and return the favor of the second princess."

"A lot of things!" Hearing the words, Hong Luosha finally realized that he was being calculated from the beginning to the end, and he was not angry, and waved his hand heavily, signaling Cao Ling to get out, "Why don't you follow and protect her back to the palace? Next time you help him make a fool of yourself, don't blame me for taking back the life I left you before!"

"Yes! Thank you for protecting the law!"

Cao Ling got the order, smeared oil on the soles of his feet, quickly and neatly climbed onto his horse, and quietly chased towards Li Pingting.

Can't laugh or cry while chasing, these two brothers really... love and kill each other?

But don't play with her because of the deep brotherhood. It's easy for her to be stuck among the great commander, the sect leader, and the sect protector.

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