The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 590: Huang Quan's piano magic, the artistic conception is superb

"A drummer from the Western Regions? No wonder he's wearing a Western dress..." Li Mengyao put one hand around his waist and the other on it, rubbing his delicate chin with his fingers, unable to ignore the slender beard of the old man in the dress. Bow-knot, ink-dyed eyebrows spring up from doubts and thinking, "Speaking of how you are so familiar with the Western Regions? The relationship between the Western Regions is very iron!"

Mei Qianxiao hurriedly shook her head and shook her head... I'm not familiar with... I'm not iron or iron... It's just that Queen Loulan always persuaded him to be a little white face in the past...

"This person is actually from the Central Plains. He just went to the Western Regions to learn the skills... As for the dress, it's just a middle-2 disease attack, and he fantasizes about being a Western gentleman all day long..." Mei Qian smiled and said nonsense.

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, the sweeping monk raised a palm and bowed slightly: "Ami..."

I am your big head!

Mei Qianxiao stepped up quickly, put his arms around the shoulders of the floor sweeper like a brother, and pressed his palm-standing hand back to his ring finger and middle finger, turning into a rock-and-roll fan. He turned his head and showed a business smile to everyone: "Yoyo! What he said. Ami is the real name of Ge La Boom Boom, definitely not to chant the Buddha's name, don't panic, don't panic!"

You are the only one in the whole world panicking... Everyone looked at Mei Qianxiao with a question mark and was inexplicably sweating.

After this explanation, the other monk with a thousand eyebrows smiled and pulled the floor sweeper to the corner, whispering to each other in a low voice to educate the floor sweeper: "Senior, your disciples and grandsons have almost recognized you, and you are making fun of Amitabha Buddha. Do you want us to be recognized together and lose the face of Shaolin Temple and the Sun Moon God... Can Amitabha be patient? When you are alone, you can make up for the number you didn't have before. Okay?"

It was rare for the sweeping monk's calm eyes to fluctuate... After all, Lian Ah made up for the number of times he didn't have before hundreds of times, so innovative that he was speechless.

"Amitabha... The mantra has become natural... But the old monk will try his best to be patient. However, the monks don't lie to the monks, and the old monk will not lie to them..." The old man said without rushing.

"You don't need to lie, I'll just do it!" Mei Qianxiao patted him on the shoulder, "In the future, you will call me Xiao Mei, and I will call you Ami, after all, the nickname, how can monks care so much, anyway, someone calls you Ami, you should do it, it's simple and clear!"

"Amitabha, although the name is only fleeting, but it is wrong if it is wrong, and it is a righteous person in vain..."

"I promised to help you make another scrap book! There are two copies in total, let's do it!" Mei Qianxiao gritted his teeth, but he didn't expect that he would also be sitting on the ground to bargain one day!

"It's easy to talk about... Since the old monk has promised you to come out, everything is of course up to the arrangement of the eyebrow donor. Right, Xiaomei..." The sweeping monk said calmly and genuinely without changing his expression.

Quietly and timidly, these old guys are as good as ghosts! How could his master borrow money from them! That's why my brother doesn't want to deal with them at all!

As soon as the deal was settled, the two walked back to their original positions, as if nothing had happened.

But in the eyes of everyone, it naturally exudes a more suspicious smell.

"Anyway, this Ami is good at all kinds of drums, so he will teach Xingzhuan to play drums in the future." Mei Qianxiao turned her head and pointed to the outside, the big drums, flowerpots, drums, drums, drums, drums, books and drums... There were all kinds of drums in different shapes. In one piece, even the Ming Injustice Drum outside the government office has prepared one, which makes people dazzled.

How much does this burst drummer, comrade Gera Boom Boom, like to play drums!

"Teach me how to play drums? But I want to learn Zeng Houyi's chime!" Xing Chuan's crisp voice objected.

Mei Qianxiao immediately exploded!

You are small, but your ambitions are lofty! As soon as I learn it, I want to learn a high-end product... The bell of Zeng Houyi is a national treasure. As a national treasure, it is kept in the treasure house of the palace. It is not a major celebration. The emperor is not willing to take it out and knock it a few times. !

"It's all percussion music, can't you knock some cheap ones? Where can I find you a set of Zeng Houyi chimes, do you think my father is the emperor?" You say this kid has never seen the world "I want to learn how to play allegro", but he yelled "I want to play Zeng Houyi's chime", with a smile on his face, he went up to Shuanglongxizhu, and his two hands held him tenderly. The thick earlobes were rounded and flattened, "Playing a drum is similar to how you beat a wooden fish. This is in line with your noble and elegant temperament. You teach Lao Tzu to study hard!"

In the end, Xingzhuan compelled and voluntarily agreed to learn to play the drums under the pressure of YIN, who was overwhelmed with laughter.

"Okay, the next one... This is the teacher Huang Quanqin Mocang who plays the piano like a life-seeking, one string is super **** and one string is super ghost!" Mei Qianxiao then introduced the curtain man who has always been eye-catching.

This name... In the past, there was an oiran from the East who was very famous, and what was his name... Why did he suddenly have a sense of picture? ?

Also, this super **** and super ghost comrade Huang Quan Qin Mo, is he playing the piano or dying!

That's right, it's a bit casual to call Teacher Cang's name. The main reason was to cover up that the sweeping monk used too much energy, and I wanted to go back to the room early to take a nap. I still have a lot of work to do at night, so I just fooled it, it was more straightforward.

This unremarkable old man with a slightly round face and white hair that looks kind... In fact, Mei Qianxiao doesn't know him very well, but I only met him recently... On the Island of Heartless Love.

It was the sword **** Cangyao who almost killed Mei Qianxiao who had a heart attack.

Among the three little ones in Jiang Hao's team, the one who made Mei Qianxiao worry the most was the obedient and obedient Han Ning.

Originally, Han Ning had a closed education on Mount Emei. But as she went down the mountain to join a department that often faced crises such as the Kung Guard Division, she later fought a life-and-death struggle with many weapon experts in the palace. Because her lack of skill was gradually discovered by herself and subconsciously dissatisfied, her mind changed a little. Jian Yi also became impatient.

The change of mood has been sublimated and transformed in the battle with Lu Jiabao... She is no longer a carefree **** Mount Emei, she has realized that she is wearing a brocade robe, and feels the expectations of Gong Weisi for him. Bearing the heavy burden and responsibility of the Kung Guard Division... The huge pressure was exerted, and she became more eager to win, and the never-before-seen sense of urgency did not give her any buffering time and process to adapt, causing her mental imbalance and sword intent to get out of control.

This kind of situation can also be regarded as a kind of The common obsession is that the practice is wrong, the body is damaged, and it even affects the mind. Hanning belongs to the second category, mentally shaken and out of control, and in turn, if it is not handled properly, it will affect the mind, and then hurt the body.

I didn't expect Shi Qingshi to be so unlucky. In my life, I might only meet two talented apprentices with extraordinary talents. One was beaten by him and ran away from home, and the other is about to follow in the footsteps...

As the saying goes, it is better to be born a genius than to be a fool, don't worry about the sky and wide-eyed, genius is not so easy to be.

The second fool is stupid, but he has a strong ability to withstand pressure! So most of the fools have a longer life than a genius player who is inexplicably easily traumatized... His master told him that when he was a child, and his eyes were staring at him, and he didn't know which unlucky person he was talking about. It's an idiot.

Anyway, brother thinks that he should be a genius, after all, he is so handsome.

Mei Qianxiao is good at dealing with physical problems, especially the beauty aspect... but this mental problem, Mei Qianxiao can't do anything about it. He didn't have his own evil spirits before, but he had a chance to settle it? At this time, he thought of the sword **** Cangyao...

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