The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 615: The momentum is huge, 3 happy days

When he entered the jurisdiction of Yingtianfu, because Jiaolong flew the pigeon to pass the book in advance, the capital had already sent soldiers to greet him.

Jiangdong's soldiers are not easy to enter the jurisdiction of the capital, even if the emperor will give Jiaolong face, but after all, it is still an outrageous behavior, and Jiaolong will naturally not overstep. The general who led the team said hello to Li Mengyao and led them back the same way.

Speaking of which, the soldiers in Jiangdong went directly to the capital near the capital across several areas, and the customs clearance procedures were very complicated. According to the normal procedures, Mei Qianxiao and Li Mengyao two fast horses traveled day and night to Jiangdong for two days, and it would take ten days and a half months to bring these five hundred soldiers back.

But fortunately, they are soldiers of the four martial arts of the town.

When they cleared the customs, the instructions they took out said Jiaolong personally opened, who would dare to stop Jiangdong Jiaolong brother?

So there was no obstruction all the way, and it didn't take that long. If it is someone else's soldier who dares to cross the line so chaotically, he should be arrested as a traitor.

Li Mengyao appeared and raised the token of Yang's commander, and hundreds of soldiers led the way and protected the carriage towards the capital.

After walking for a long time, Nanjing City is in front of you. Before entering the city, I heard gongs, drums and firecrackers blaring and red flags fluttering in a crowd of people... Mei Qianxiao curiously looked out and took a look. I went, the red carpet started to spread out from the city gate for a few hundred meters. Two clusters of palace maids, eunuchs and soldiers stood on both sides, and the crowd was densely packed. Mei Qianxiao was the first time she saw such a big welcome formation.

I have to admit, he was sour.

In order to meet this stinky foreign devil, you have to work so hard?

Another day, he will also cross the ocean to come back with the name of a lord, isn't he so stylish?

Enke followed suit, and looked out, and was immediately stunned.

"Why, you look stupid?" Mei Qianxiao has calmed down. She folded her arms and looked like the other party was making a fuss and it was too embarrassing. Wang Chai, the granddaughter's family, gave birth to a litter of puppies. Let's celebrate at least this battle. Don't think it's just for you. There's no way. ? Sometimes when there is too much money, I panic, and I burn the water for washing my feet with silver notes."

Hey... Li Mengyao squinted and despised Mei Qianxiao who was dressed in ×, you were stunned just now, do you really have the face in this dress? If you have money to burn foot wash, please pay off all the debts you owe first!

"My God! We definitely can't do this!" Enke hurriedly picked up his notebook and pen, and quickly recorded what he saw here while muttering silently, "Having a dog...Celebrate...bath water...burn Silver bills... stupid people...more money..."

Hey, don't believe it! ! Whose dog has to beat gongs, drums and firecrackers when giving birth, don't be indoctrinated with strange knowledge! And what's in your heart in your last sentence? ? ?

Li Mengyao heaved a sigh of relief. No matter what, Nanjing was considered a rainy season after a long drought. I used to have a lot of **** before, and I was depressed for a long time. I took advantage of a foreign envoy to meet him, first to appease him in his dangerous encounter, and secondly to show my country's prestige, and make everyone feel relaxed by making a grand and lively event.

But Mei Qianxiao couldn't be happy, and felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Speaking of this trip, he was taking refuge, and he came back earlier than expected. I don't know if the turmoil of the big boss Shen Ba Dao has passed. ...Anyway, he didn't expect the two older brothers not to confess him.

A group of people greeted the flower pennants and firecrackers in a mighty manner and sent them directly into the palace.

Mei Qianxiao thought that she could get off the bus halfway through. After all, the foreign guests had already brought them back to the city, and the rest of Li Damei would just go to the palace to receive the reward. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable for a little guy like him to go back and wait for the money?

But Li Mengyao didn't let him get off the bus, which probably meant that his reputation was too stinky. She took this opportunity to give him a few good words in front of the emperor, showing her face, so as to wash away the previous stains.

Li Damei's good intentions are taken by his heart, not to say that it is not good to wash white stains... but the identity of the leader of the demon sect hangs behind him! Even if you throw it into the Yellow River and wash it, you won't be able to wash it clean. The few smudges that obstruct the emperor's eyes are really no worries.

There is another important point. He has not inquired about any news when he came back. If Shen Ba Dao caught his two brothers, he would not be able to escape by entering the palace!

He was pretending to have a stomachache, a headache, a pain in his feet, and an abnormal leucorrhea. He couldn't get out of the car, but Li Damei seemed determined to rub Tide on him, and beat him to death so he wouldn't get out of the car.

Entering the palace, getting off the carriage, greeted by a double row of maids, the ground was covered with a golden field blanket, he really wanted to ask Enke in this battle... Are you worthy? ?

The chief **** personally took the lead outside the hall to greet him. Seeing a few people got off the carriage, he immediately said, "Mr. Li, Mister Mei, you've worked hard. Prince Enke of Venice, welcome your visit."

The chief eunuch, Eunuch Chen, mainly dealt with Li Mengyao and Enke, two people with high identities, but his eyes looked at Mei Qianxiao from time to time, and Mei Qianxiao's back was chilled.

Although there is only one relationship, and the appearance is very different... But Mei Qianxiao can basically be sure that this newly-appeared Eunuch Chen is the heavenly house of the four martial arts of the town.

Being scrutinized by Tiancuo, Mei Qianxiao said it was a lie if she didn't have a guilty conscience.

Prince Enke was stunned by the splendid and invisible palace, and nervously replied with a hello with a strong accent, which surprised Eunuch Chen that the prince who came this time could speak Chinese.

"Eunuch Chen, are we going to the Hall of Supreme Harmony?" Li Mengyao asked casually after saluting Eunuch Chen.

"No." Eunuch Chen smiled kindly at Li Mengyao, and Tiancuo was silently watching Li Mengyao grow up beside him, and he had some elder affection for Li Mengyao.

But the smoothness of the eyes is like a mirror, but it can be reflected in very few people.

"Don't go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony?" Li Mengyao was a little surprised.

After all, the capital is so lively and solemn to welcome foreign guests, it is a bit of an anticlimactic feeling to not go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, which is the highest courtesy.

"The emperor has other arrangements... Mr. Li doesn't know yet, can the queen mother and the queen return to the capital today?" Eunuch Chen said The queen mother and they finally came back! "Li Mengyao said happily.

After the prince's party was arrested, the prince's base camp in Kanto also carefully raided his home, where he found a map of the river basin in the Lianhua Mountain area. According to the clues collected by relevant professionals, it is basically determined that the prince's party ingeniously destroyed the terrain and caused the flood to flood the Lianhuashan area.

Fortunately, the Lianhua Mountain is very high, and the Queen Mother and others on the Lianhua Mountain are blessed with good luck. The surrounding area is barren mountains and ridges, no one lives there, and no casualties or economic losses have been caused. This is also a great fortune in misfortune.

With this drawing, water conservancy professionals can quickly find the altered terrain for restoration, so that the tide under the Lotus Mountain can be receded in advance during the spring tide period. Otherwise, they will have to wait for the spring tide to pass before they can return to the palace.

"It is precisely because the three joys are coming to the door today that the emperor ordered the city to celebrate." Eunuch Chen said.

It turns out that it is just how to give such a high treatment to a foreign devil... It turns out that it is just a matter of the way. Mei Qianxiao figured it out and felt at ease.

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