The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 701: Sensitive counterattack, subtle and extreme

"I was bitten?" Xingzhuan asked worriedly.

Jiang Hao nodded helplessly.

The snake was very enchanting, his hand slashed against the snake's body, the snake felt as excited as his hand had encountered food, and when it was forced to fly out, it twisted the snake's head and shot it towards his palm. He used enough force with this palm, but the back of his hand was still scratched by the snake's fangs.

Jiang Hao has traveled the rivers and lakes for many years, and she has experienced countless thrilling moments when she was the Jinyiwei of Gongweisi. Based on the vicious nature of the snake, Jiang Hao had already guessed that the snake was poisonous, so she immediately sealed the acupuncture point in her left hand to delay the blood flow, and then took out a standard antidote distributed by the Gongwei Division from her arms and stuffed it into her mouth.

In such a short time, the back of the hand that was scratched by the snake teeth was already black.

"Be careful, there's still more!" Jiang Hao was dealing with the injury. Out of the corner of his eye, he was vigilant about his surroundings, but he suddenly noticed something strange and quickly warned Xingzhuan.

From among the thick ivy on the wall, several colorful long snakes came out one after another. They seem to perch on the roof, smelling the human scent and slipping down from the top with the cover of the creeping tiger, they are extremely concealed!

There is no need for Jiang Hao's warning. Just now, Xingzhuan was silently approached by a poisonous snake and poisoned Jiang Hao. He was so guilty that he had already woken up twelve points. He noticed it right away as the snake snaked its way down!

He took out a pair of specially made sticks from his waist. Recently, he practiced drumming for a period of time with the blast drummer Gela Bang Bang Bang Ami, and found that he became more and more comfortable with a pair of drum sticks. Even in his sleep, the figure of Teacher Ami dancing with double sticks keeps appearing, and it seems that he has realized a set of sticks. Later, I applied to the warehouse and made a pair of half-meter-long iron rods to carry with me, which might be able to meet unexpected needs. After all, he was not used to embroidering spring knives.

That's when it really came in handy.

He wielded both sticks and swept the poisonous snake that flew down the wall. These snakes are all spiritual, as if knowing that the stick is not easy to hit hard, they softened their bodies. When the stick was buried, the body as soft as water immediately rolled up and rushed towards him fiercely.

If the previous Acts had encountered such a situation where there was nowhere to use the force, I would have to abandon the stick and run away.

But today is different from the past. Xingzhuan already has his own understanding of the use of sticks. In addition, the weight and changes of the force of gravity, which he is good at, are combined into one.

Xingzhuan lightly tapped his wrist, and a pair of sticks suddenly softened his body, as if it were softer than the poisonous snakes twisting their waists and tails. A pair of smart eyes accurately judged where the snake was going, and subtly exerted its force. The four or five poisonous snakes wrapped around the stick could not pull the stick in an instant, and were violently thrown dozens of meters away.

Jiang Hao was amazed when she saw it. With such tiny and delicate skills, I'm afraid the whole of Nanjing would not be able to pick one out. He has been too busy during this time. He has not tried Xingzhuan and others' martial arts for a long time. It is very gratifying to see that Xingzhuan's skills are becoming more and more delicate, which must be the result of hard work.

"Brother Jiang, how is your injury?" Xing Chuan Hu was in front of Jiang Hao, not knowing that there were some poisonous snakes hidden in the creeper on the wall, but he was not afraid at all.

"It was handled in time, and the poison didn't spread. I spent some time trying to fight the poison. I should be able to keep this arm." Jiang Hao tore off a piece of rag from the hem of her clothes and tied it tightly around her wrist. a lot.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we leave here, the little monk, and we will protect the Dharma for you!" In the past few days, Jinyiwei has grown up a lot, and he has calmly made judgments in response to crises, and has a faintly independent demeanor.

"What do you think this place is, you can come when you want, and leave when you want?" A familiar voice came from above.

The two looked up and saw that it was the man in the house who arrived at some unknown time. He was probably alerted by the poisonous snake outside the house and found them.

"Who are you? You dare to buy a murderer to assassinate Jin Yiwei, you know the death penalty! Immediately capture it!" Jiang Hao, according to her usual habit, would yell some nonsense when she saw the gangster.

Not to mention the wicked, even a thief on the side of the road wouldn't obediently surrender himself after being drunk like this!

"It turned out to be Jin Yiwei. It seems that Black Stone will wait for the wind to fade before delivering the goods, but you are still eyeing him. This Black Stone will be really unreliable." The man was unpretentious. , his eyes are white with purple, and his body is full of energy and the aftertaste is unknown, "Since you are here, you are here to become my pet's fresh nutrients! Hundreds of poisons trapped in the dragon formation, get up!"

As soon as the man's voice fell, a faint purple mist suddenly spewed from the soil under Jiang Hao and Xingzhuan's feet.

"Be careful what's under your feet! It's poisonous gas!" Jiang Hao quickly reminded Xing Chuan to hold her breath.

When Jiang Hao first came in, she felt that the yard was weird, but she couldn't tell what was weird. It is only now that I realize that a large area of ​​land in the yard has been reclaimed into fluffy soil, but no crops have been planted. Whose yard likes to reclaim the ground in the east and the west, like a mass grave!

The purple mist that spewed out of the soil thickened in a few breaths, wrapping the entire yard.

Jiang Hao and Xingzhuan already had a good understanding of each other. They looked at each other and didn't need to say anything. They immediately urged Qinggong to turn out of the earth wall.

The man on the roof was about to kill someone, so he jumped down and chased after him.

Whoever wanted to jump over the wall to chase just after falling to the ground, suddenly the earth wall slammed towards him with a bang!

It turned out that Jiang Hao and the others pretended to escape, but in fact, they slammed a tiger palm at the earth wall behind the wall with the help of their sight difference, and this palm is very particular, so that the force spreads to ensure that this piece of earth wall falls neatly and does not shatter. !

Judging by the momentum alone, the man did not dare to take it rashly, and immediately retreated a few steps to dodge the collapsed earth wall.

The earth wall fell down in one piece, and fell heavily to the ground with a loud noise, smashing the mud into a few points. Immediately, this piece of soil no longer emits poisonous mist, and a cloud of turbidity dissipates.

Seeing this, the man's face became even more gloomy.

However, the opponent not only stopped him from chasing, but counterattacked!

The Acts was hidden behind the earth wall, and with the force of the falling, it rolled forward sensitively, and immediately came to the man.

The man smiled coldly, and the palm strength that was ready to go early in the morning just happened to be sent to the door by the other party, and without a word, he slammed into Xing Chuan's head.

Xing Chuan's movement is agile, like a loach. The man's palm is good, but not as strong as Jiang Xiaohu's palm. Xingzhuan can dodge even Tiger Palm, how could it frighten him.

"Break apart!"

Xing Chuan lay flat on his back, unexpectedly arched his back, his feet stood upside down, and the man jumped out like a spring, his legs subtly clipping the man's arms. After making elbows with both feet to delay the momentum of the opponent's palm, he grabbed with both hands, clasped the man's wrist acupuncture points, and twisted hard at the opposite angle.

The man only felt a twitch in a hand tendon from the wrist to the shoulder, which made people sweat. The palm strength immediately dissipated due to the pain, and the body rolled to the ground in the direction of the opponent's flip without his own control at all. When he reacted, he was already lying on the ground, and his arm was restrained by the opponent. As long as he moved a little, he was in excruciating pain.

Jiang Hao saw that this man's martial arts was actually good, but Xing Chuan was small and had a tender baby face, which made it easy for people to underestimate him. When the opponent makes a careless move, it is really not easy to use the martial arts of capturing and grasping.

Although the man was caught, he still couldn't stay here for long. The sound of snakes spitting letters and rustling could still be heard in the quiet courtyard from time to time. Under the poisonous fog, even if they hold their breath and can hold the poisonous, when their vision is blocked, a few poisonous snakes will come out. Hard to guard against.

Xing Chuan was about to grab the man and take him away, when there was a sudden burst of noise from the left and right sides, apparently the man's accomplice was coming to save people.

The rapid air flow was thickened by the purple mist, and it fell more clearly and flawlessly in Xingzhuan's eyes. At the moment, his judgments were all directed at him. That tumbling air wave, the implied strength is definitely not something that can be picked up by the flesh.

Acting could only let go of the man and dodge the surprise attack.

When they got closer, they could see that it was two sharp whips that had attacked. What was even more terrifying was that after the whips sensed Xing Chuan dodged, they were controlled in the air and changed their direction precisely, chasing after Xing Chuan.

Xingzhuan Wuxia sighed that the opponent's whip was as agile as a snake. In a crisis, he pulled out his double sticks, and steadfastly hit the whip on one side.

When the whip touched the stick, it seemed to suddenly come to life, wrapping around the stick with skill.

Xingzhuan had foreseen it for a long time. After all, he was a Shaolin disciple. The word that Shaolin came out of the world's martial arts is not just a talk. Many of their Shaolin Temple disciples practiced the whip technique. Wrapping the body is the basic skill of the whip.

I saw that he shook off the stick without hesitation, and the two long whips actually strayed from the target and threw it away!

Jiang Hao got close enough to see clearly that the rhythm and power point changed at least six times at the moment of the stick shaker! The whip of a whip master is not simply thrown out, but is slapped back by Xingzhuan with an exquisite stick!

"Huh?" There was also a suspicious voice from the other end of the whip. It was the first time in my life that I encountered such a stick that couldn't be rolled up.

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