The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 719: The clues are interrupted, and the grievances are difficult to clear

Yue quickly pried Qin Hongyi's mouth open, not too dirty, and leaned in to smell it.

It's another way to hide poison in the teeth... But Qin Hongyi's mouth has a faint scent of mud grass, which is different from the previous poisons of the Nether Dust Party and the Remnants of the Five Poison Sect.

Regardless of whether they are in the arena or the court and the opposition, do princes and generals agree with each other? It is normal for various forces to secretly train a dead man to be responsible for doing some shameful things. There is no difference in names between these people, only winners and losers... No matter what method they use to gain allegiance, they would rather commit suicide than fall into the hands of others when things are exposed. This is their destiny.

Hidden poison for suicide in the back teeth is the most common and practical way.

The poisons used by different forces are naturally different, and even the poison for suicide of people with deep internal strength has to be specially prepared, not all kinds of poisons are suitable. This can be considered to be able to find a clue.

The poison ingested by the Mingchen party is colorless and tasteless... The poison of the Five Poison Religion is unpleasant and smelly... The poison ingested by Qin Hongyi has a faint grassy fragrance.

Yue is not an expert in pharmacology. Based on his judgment, he can only guess that the poison used by the Mingchen Party may be made of Jinshidan powder, so it is colorless and tasteless. The poison that is taken is prepared with a strange herbal poisonous flower, so it contains a faint grassy fragrance…

Based on this inference, Qin Hongyi should not be a party of Mingchen.

It is also not ruled out that the Mingchen party deliberately changed a poison to hide people's eyes and ears, but this possibility is very small... They are already a vicious party that is publicly wanted by the imperial court and famous people in all corners of the world, so there is no need to spend any time on it.

If Qin Hongyi is Mingchen's party, it's easy to handle, and Mingchen's party wants to **** the only two princes and want to **** the jade seal of the country, obviously intending to rebel... and so on, if Qin Hongyi is Mingchen's person, then the design will be messed up. Qingguan and the Beggar Gang's conspiracy should be related to conspiracy.

The problem is that this guy doesn't seem to be a party of the ghosts, and he is dead without any evidence. Then why this messing with the Shangqing Guan and the Beggar Gang is like falling into a cloud, and it is impossible to know.

"Since the thief who committed the poison has been found, there is no need for the two of you to fight. Qin Hongyi will take it back for you as an account. I have always admired Daoist Ganyang for his righteousness, and give Daoist Ganyang more money for me. Toast a few cups to comfort the spirit of the sky, so that you can leave!"

Yue threw it with one hand, and Qin Hongyi's corpse was thrown at the Taoist priest Qingkun. But Daoist Qingkun ignored it, and Daoist Qiang stepped over to take it, so as not to get Daoist Qingkun's hands dirty.

After Yue explained in detail, everyone basically knew the inside story. Daoist Qingkun stared deeply for a week, and there was a faint murderous aura in his quiet eyes.

"No matter what you say, this troublemaker belongs to the beggar gang, and the person who killed the old Taoist disciple is also a beggar gang! If you throw it to a dead person, let us go away or not? It's true that we are as good as beggars. ..." Daoist Qingkun snorted coldly, his anger sinking from his dantian, and it reverberated in the main altar, making everyone feel more comfortable if they had to put up their efforts to resist.

"I killed Daoist Master Qianyang. One person does things and one person is responsible. I'll go back with you, please don't embarrass the beggar gang."

Bi Youwei stood up. Hao Yuan, who twisted his hand and forgot to let go, was gently pushed away by him and jumped off the high platform.

"Wait a minute!" Hong Yigong motioned for him to put him down, Hong Qi hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and he walked weakly to the middle, "Bi Youwei also killed Daoist Qianyang because of Qin Hongyi's design, and it was Qin Hongyi's fault. Please be open to Shangqing Guanwang, our enemies should be resolved rather than knotted, let Bi Youwei and other disciples who have been captured by you be spared, and Hong will definitely remember this kindness!"

Hong Yigong misunderstood Bi Youwei just now and felt that he was indebted to his brother, and it was impossible to watch Bi Youwei take the blame for the beggars!

"Killing to pay for life is just right! You beggars say that the villain is doing evil, should our people die in vain!" Daoist Qingkun didn't mean to give Hong Yigong face.

In his capacity, he really doesn't have to take Hong Yigong in his eyes.

"You have also killed many brothers of the Beggar Gang along the way, and our people didn't die in vain. Are we really going to care about it?" Hong Yigong was also angry, and his breath was uneven.

"Everything is the fault of your beggar gang. You have to care about the old man and don't mind to accompany him to the end." Daoist Qingkun has his own confidence and looks down on the world.

"How do you want to resolve this matter?" Hong Yigong knew that he was wrong, and could only hold back his breath and asked.

"Hand over the murderer first, and we will settle the account after we investigate the other matters!"

"People are determined not to pay, there is no room for negotiation on this matter!"

"I can't help you not to make friends!" Daoist Qingkun said angrily.

After hearing the words, Daoist Ganmao immediately stepped up, flying the cloud ladder like a feather, intending to leap over Hong Yigong and take Bi Youwei.

Who would have thought that just after he set off, a large group of beggars rushed over behind Hong Yigong, dragging Bi Youwei to the rear, making it difficult to distinguish the figure.

"Don't deceive people too much!" "Elder Bi was born and died for the beggar gang, how can you take his life!" "If you have the seeds, let the horses come over, and if you want to rob people, step over Lao Tzu's body!"

A kind of beggar roared, holding up a bamboo stick and grinning. Daoist Ganmao already understands that everything is done by people with intentions, and he needs to think twice before starting a conflict with the beggar gang.

The top-ranked Qinggong "Ladder to the Clouds" in the Jianghu Pai is like a duck to water in the air, and it really lives up to its reputation.

"Don't eat a toast, eat a fine drink!"

Daoist Qingkun has been cultivating in Shangqing Guan for many years, and he is quite disgusted by this chaotic scene. In addition, Daoist Qianyang's death made him not only hated Qin Hongyi, but also the beggar gang, and his heart suddenly exploded!

"Look at you, it is the so-called 'kindness does not lead the army, righteousness does not do business, benevolence does not govern'... not cruel enough, unable to have no conscience, can not abandon benevolence and righteousness, in the end they are mediocre people... These beggars are Among them, the example is to live their lives diligently and diligently. Now, whether they gather sand to build a tower or sacrifice their lives to save people, they are just the word 'righteousness'. Of course, they have to be defensive, but they have never had the heart to harm others. Old senior, you have been refined and spiritual, can you still see it clearly?"

I don't know when Yue came to the front of the Taoist priest Qingkun, and he entered the voice with internal force, forcing it into the ears of the Taoist leader Qingkun.

Daoist Qingkun had a murderous intention just now, and was awakened by Yue Yiyan... Looking at the group of noisy and dirty people in front of him, although they scolded the most vulgar words, they were adhering to the most righteous heart... The state of mind returned to tranquility, Ruyue said that he had been freed from the mundane long ago, and should not be easily affected by ordinary sounds, and he no longer felt disgusted when he looked at these stinky beggars.

"But it is also this kind of single-minded person. UUkanshu is the most likely to be provoked by others. Taoist Master Qingkun should not be the same as them, and should be able to distinguish right from wrong."

Although everything they do is a "righteousness", the losses suffered by Shangqingguan are not equal to zero.

"Of course the old Taoist can tell the difference... They are provoked by others, and we are innocently affected by Shangqingguan, of course it is their fault." Taoist Qingkun calmed down. Now they only need the beggar gang to hand over Bi Youwei, and it is not too much to ask for it. , he wanted to see what else to say this month.

"The appearance is so, but what is the essence?" Yue asked rhetorically.

"What's the substance?"

"Although Qin Hongyi is a member of the Beggar Gang, he made troubles in order to seize the position of the Beggar Gang leader?" Yue chuckled, "He started from the Beggar Gang to sow discord, clearly targeting the Shangqingguan... In order to deal with the Shangqingguan It caused the head of the beggar gang to fall into a coma and cause heavy casualties, this is the essence!"

"You mean it's Shangqingguan's fault?!" Chief Qingkun said coldly.

"It's not complete. But your responsibilities should be divided in half anyway, right?" Yue said in a negotiating tone, but with her arms around her chest and her head tilted up, she had no intention of negotiating at all.

It is difficult for Taoist Master Qingkun to understand. Everyone is a person from the realm of spiritual knowledge. Why does this person seem so down-to-earth? It is rumored in the rivers and lakes that this demon sect leader is not evil, mad and domineering president?

Not to mention, there is quite a brazen tone of his senior brother, no wonder his senior brother always misses this young man. He really smells feces like flies—the smell is similar...

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